VOL. 113 · NO. 2 | Summer 2010
Kerry Knudsen, Jana Kocourková
The Bryologist 113 (2), 229-234, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.229
KEYWORDS: lichenicolous fungi, Lichenothelia, saxicolous microfungi
Amanda Hardman, Bruce McCune
The Bryologist 113 (2), 235-245, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.235
KEYWORDS: Biotic crusts, Brachythecium, Bryum caespiticium, Ceratodon purpureus, ecosystem services, Funaria hygrometrica, lichen, logging, Pacific Northwest, Rhytidiadelphus, rodents
Yu Jia, Si He
The Bryologist 113 (2), 246-251, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.246
KEYWORDS: Brotherella, Bryopsida, Ectropothecium, Pylaisiadelpha, Sematophyllaceae, Wijkia
James P. Bennett, Clifford M. Wetmore
The Bryologist 113 (2), 252-259, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.252
KEYWORDS: lichen diversity, riparian habitat, Mississippi River
Mikhail Zhurbenko, Karen Dillman
The Bryologist 113 (2), 260-266, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.260
KEYWORDS: Abrothallus, Paranectria, temperate rainforest, Tongass National Forest
Carlos Pérez Valcárcel, M. Eugenia López de Silanes, Graciela Paz-Bermúdez
The Bryologist 113 (2), 267-271, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.267
KEYWORDS: Freshwater lichens, saxicolous, Iberian Peninsula
Steven B. Selva
The Bryologist 113 (2), 272-276, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.272
KEYWORDS: Calicium, Chaenothecopsis, Mycocalicium, Phaeocalicium, floristics
Encarnación Núñez-Olivera, Saúl Otero, Rafael Tomás, Gabriel Fabón, Javier Martínez-Abaigar
The Bryologist 113 (2), 277-291, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.277
KEYWORDS: aquatic bryophytes, kaempferol derivatives, mountain streams, seasonal changes, ultraviolet radiation
Heather T. Root, Bruce McCune, Peter Neitlich
The Bryologist 113 (2), 292-307, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.292
KEYWORDS: thinning, forest management, epiphytes, lichen, Pacific Northwest
Israel Pérez–Vargas, Consuelo Hernández Padrón, Rosario Arroyo, Estela Seriñá
The Bryologist 113 (2), 308-312, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.308
KEYWORDS: Usnea, Canary Islands, American continent, taxonomy, Distribution data
Dania Rosabal, Ana Rosa Burgaz, Rudy De la Masa
The Bryologist 113 (2), 313-321, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.313
KEYWORDS: Corticolous macrolichens, Neotropic, Caribbean lichens
Rémy Pouliot, Mylène Marchand-Roy, Line Rochefort, Gilles Gauthier
The Bryologist 113 (2), 322-332, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.322
KEYWORDS: Brown mosses, Amblystegiaceae, Meesiaceae, cranked wires, moss elongation, moss primary production, Natural markers, Polytrichum, White mark method
Emmanuël Sérusiaux, A. Maarten Brand, Jurga Motiejunaite, Alan Orange, Brian J. Coppins
The Bryologist 113 (2), 333-344, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.333
KEYWORDS: Bacidiaceae, Micareaceae, Pilocarpaceae, Ramalinaceae, mtSSU, phylogeny
Xin Yu Wang, Yogesh Joshi, Jae Seoun Hur, Soon Ok Oh, Li Song Wang
The Bryologist 113 (2), 345-349, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.345
KEYWORDS: East Asia, new species, lichenized fungi, Pilophorus, taxonomy
James C. Lendemer, Kerry Knudsen
The Bryologist 113 (2), 350-355, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.350
KEYWORDS: Lecanographa, taxonomy, Roccellaceae
Robert Lücking, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Matt von Konrat, Alifereti Naikatini
The Bryologist 113 (2), 356-359, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.356
KEYWORDS: taxonomy, biodiversity, Ostropales, Ostropomycetidae, Pacific flora
Henk Greven
The Bryologist 113 (2), 360-364, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.360
KEYWORDS: Bryophyta, taxonomy
Esteve Llop
The Bryologist 113 (2), 365-370, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.365
KEYWORDS: Bacidina, lichenized Ascomycota, systematics, taxonomy
Katia Cezón, Jesús Muñoz, Helena Hespanhol
The Bryologist 113 (2), 371-375, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.371
KEYWORDS: Bryophyta, Bryaceae, Bryum ventricosum var. brevifolium, B. minii var. latifrons, Imbribryum, Rosulabryum, Plagiobryum
Guillermo Amo de Paz, H. Thorsten Lumbsch, Paloma Cubas, John A. Elix, Ana Crespo
The Bryologist 113 (2), 376-386, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.376
KEYWORDS: molecular phylogeny, Parmelioid genera, taxonomy, lichenan
Carl E. Darigo
The Bryologist 113 (2), 387-388, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.387
KEYWORDS: Elizabeth Fisher, Maryland bryology
The Bryologist 113 (2), 389, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.389
No abstract available
Robert S. Egan
The Bryologist 113 (2), 390-402, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.390
No abstract available
William R. Buck, Bruce Allen, Ronald A. Pursell
The Bryologist 113 (2), 403-420, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.403
No abstract available
Noris Salazar-Allen, Noris Salazar-Allen, A. Jonathan Shaw, G. Karen Golinski, Lena Ayala Coleman, Norton G. Miller, Villarreal A. Juan Carlos, Robert Lücking, André Aptroot
The Bryologist 113 (2), 421-438, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1639/0007-2745-113.2.421
No abstract available
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