VOL. 122 · NO. 4 | December 2020
Susan M. Haig, Keith A. Hobson, Brett K. Sandercock, Reed Bowman, Linda A. Whittingham
The Condor 122 (4), 1, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa033
Michael T. Murphy, Sharon A. Gill, Kevin C. Fraser, Jeremy J. Kirchman, Elizabeth A. MacDougall-Shackleton, Sara Oyler-McCance, Henry M. Streby
The Condor 122 (4), 1, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa034
Walter H. Piper, Jason Grear, Brian Hoover, Elaina Lomery, Linda M. Grenzer
The Condor 122 (4), 1-10, (26 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa044
KEYWORDS: common loon, floater, mark–recapture, piscivorous, population decline
Danielle M. Ferraro, My-Lan T. Le, Clinton D. Francis
The Condor 122 (4), 1-12, (27 July 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa037
KEYWORDS: ALAN, anthropogenic noise, artificial night lighting, field-based manipulation, Light pollution, multiple stressors, nest success, noise pollution, sensory pollutants
Andrew S. Elgin, Robert G. Clark, Christy A. Morrissey
The Condor 122 (4), 1-12, (29 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa039
KEYWORDS: aerial insectivore, agriculture, central-place foraging, habitat selection, PinPoint GPS, prairie pothole, resource selection function
Paul C. Burr, Jimmy L. Avery, Garrett M. Street, Bronson K. Strickland, Brian S. Dorr
The Condor 122 (4), 1-13, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa036
KEYWORDS: aquaculture, catfish, cormorant, egret, forage use, heron, Mississippi, wildlife damage
Thomas G. Hadjikyriakou, Nikolaos Kassinis, Dimitrios Skarlatos, Pantelis Charilaou, Alexander N. G. Kirschel
The Condor 122 (4), 1-13, (20 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa045
KEYWORDS: digital surface model, drone, Falco eleonorae, photogrammetry, photography, sea cliff, raptor
Abigail J. Darrah
The Condor 122 (4), 1-13, (25 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa050
KEYWORDS: colonial nesters, nest survival, Sternula antillarum, symbolic fencing, urban landscape, avian predators
Cameron J. Fiss, Darin J. McNeil, Amanda D. Rodewald, Joseph E. Duchamp, Jeffery L. Larkin
The Condor 122 (4), 1-13, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa052
KEYWORDS: discrete-choice, forest management, Golden-wingedWarbler, habitat selection, movement, post-fledging
Heather M. Williams, Katharina Dittmar, Susan Smith Pagano
The Condor 122 (4), 1-14, (12 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa051
KEYWORDS: body condition, cavity nesting, conservation, ectoparasites, Purple Martin
Anna Reuleaux, Benny A. Siregar, Nigel J. Collar, Maria R. Panggur, Ani Mardiastuti, Martin J. Jones, Stuart J. Marsden
The Condor 122 (4), 1-15, (15 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa042
KEYWORDS: Cacatua sulphurea, conservation, density surface model, distance sampling, habitat model, parrots, Psittaciformes, threatened species
Ming-Tang Shiao, Mei-Chen Chuang, Hsiao-Wei Yuan, Ying Wang
The Condor 122 (4), 1-15, (4 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa043
KEYWORDS: adult survival, monsoon precipitation, Parus monticolus, productivity, typhoon
Benjamin J. Lagassé, Richard B. Lanctot, Mark Barter, Stephen Brown, Chung-Yu Chiang, Chi-Yeung Choi, Yuri N. Gerasimov, Steve Kendall, Joseph R. Liebezeit, Konstantin S. Maslovsky, Alexander I. Matsyna, Ekaterina L. Matsyna, David C. Payer, Sarah T. Saalfeld, Yoshimitsu Shigeta, Ivan M. Tiunov, Pavel S. Tomkovich, Olga P. Valchuk, Michael B. Wunder
The Condor 122 (4), 1-15, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa054
KEYWORDS: Calidris alpina, migration ecology, migratory connectivity, flyway conservation
Timothy R. Forrester, David J. Green, René McKibbin, A. Michael Bezener, Christine A. Bishop
The Condor 122 (4), 1-16, (21 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa038
KEYWORDS: brown-headed cowbird, daily nest survival, fledglings, habitat quality, habitat selection, population response, riparian songbird, shrub cover
Brian B. Allen, Daniel G. McAuley, Erik J. Blomberg
The Condor 122 (4), 1-16, (23 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa046
KEYWORDS: fall migration, multi-scale, resource selection, stopover, telemetry, Scolopax minor, American woodcock
Jesse M. Wood, Amy K. Tegeler, Beth E. Ross
The Condor 122 (4), 1-16, (28 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa048
KEYWORDS: avian communities, loblolly pine, private land management, species abundance, USDA farm bill
James R. Wright, Luke L. Powell, Stephen N. Matthews, Christopher M. Tonra
The Condor 122 (4), 1-18, (21 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa040
KEYWORDS: Euphagus carolinus, habitat selection, Icteridae, migration, multi-scale, Rusty Blackbird, stopover ecology
Steven Albert, Jared D. Wolfe, Jherime Kellerman, Thomas Sherry, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury, Nicholas J. Bayly, Angelina Ruiz-Sánchez
The Condor 122 (4), 1-18, (14 October 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa055
KEYWORDS: carry-over effects, landbirds, migration, Nearctic–Neotropical migrants, phenological mismatch, wintering habitat
Barbara E. Kus, Rebecca T. Kimball, Robert D. Montgomerie, Nathaniel T. Wheelwright, Terrell D. Rich
The Condor 122 (4), 1-2, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa032
Thijs van Overveld, Guillermo Blanco, Marcos Moleón, Antoni Margalida, José Antonio Sánchez-Zapata, Manuel de la Riva, José Antonio Donázar
The Condor 122 (4), 1-20, (26 August 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa035
KEYWORDS: anthropogenic impacts, breeding systems, conservation, social behavior, socio-ecology, vultures
Samantha G. Robinson, Daniel Gibson, Thomas V. Riecke, James D. Fraser, Henrietta A. Bellman, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Sarah M. Karpanty, Katie M. Walker, Daniel H. Catlin
The Condor 122 (4), 1-20, (17 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa041
KEYWORDS: barrier islands, Charadrius melodus, endangered species, habitat creation, habitat restoration, Hurricane Sandy, integrated population model
Christopher C. Witt, Elizabeth A. Gow, Pete A. Hosner, Daniel T. Baldassarre, Kristen M. Covino, Mary Caswell Stoddard
The Condor 122 (4), 1-3, (22 September 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa031
Ashley A. Dayer, Jessica C. Barnes, Alia M. Dietsch, Jacqueline M. Keating, Liliana C. Naves
The Condor 122 (4), 1-6, (5 October 2020) https://doi.org/10.1093/condor/duaa047
KEYWORDS: bird conservation, conservation social science, human dimensions, inclusion, interdisciplinary, ornithological society
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