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We compared post Exxon Valdez oil-spill densities of marine birds in Prince William Sound from 1989–1991, 1993, 1996, and 1998 to pre-spill densities from 1984–1985. Post-spill densities of several species of marine birds were lower than expected in the oiled area of Prince William Sound when compared to densities in the unoiled area. These negative effects continued through 1998 for five taxa: cormorants, goldeneyes, mergansers, Pigeon Guillemot (Cepphus columba), and murres. Black Oystercatchers (Haematopus bachmani) and Harlequin Ducks (Histrionicus histrionicus) exhibited negative effects in 1990 and 1991. Loons showed a weak negative effect in 1993. Black-legged Kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) showed relative decreases in 1989, 1996, and 1998 which may have been caused by shifts in foraging distribution rather than declines in populations. Glaucous-winged Gulls (Larus glaucescens) showed positive effects in most post-spill years. Murrelets and terns showed relative increases in 1993, 1996, and 1998. Generally, taxa that dive for their food were negatively affected, whereas taxa that feed at the surface were not. Effects for some taxa were dependent upon the spatial scale at which they were analyzed. Movements of birds and the mosaic pattern of oiling reduced our ability to detect oil-spill effects, therefore our results may be conservative. Several marine bird species were negatively affected at the population level and have not recovered to pre-spill levels nine years after the oil spill. The reason for lack of recovery may be related to persistent oil remaining in the environment and reduced forage fish abundance.
We compared habitat use by forest migrant songbirds during the breeding and post-breeding periods in four Missouri Ozark habitats: mature upland forest, mature riparian forest, 9- to 10-year-old upland forest, and 3- to 4-year-old upland forest created by clearcutting. Adult forest-ground species showed a decrease in abundance in all habitats during the post-breeding period, but hatching-year birds of one of the two forest-ground species were most abundant in early-successional forest during this time. Adults of the two forest-canopy species tended to increase in abundance in 3- to 4-year-old forest from breeding season to post-breeding season. During the breeding season, some forest species were detected with mist-nets in the two early-successional habitats, but infrequently or not at all with point counts in those habitats. Forest birds captured in early-successional habitats during the breeding season may have been nonbreeding floaters, or may have been foraging there from nearby territories in mature forest. Dense shrubs or young trees in early-successional forest may provide habitat for nonbreeding and post-breeding forest migrant songbirds in the Missouri Ozarks.
We studied breeding bird communities in extensive bottomland hardwood forests along the lower Roanoke River in North Carolina during 1992 and 1993. We documented a rich avian community and recorded exceptionally high densities of two species (Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea, Acadian Flycatcher Empidonax virescens), as well as modest densities of three species rarely encountered elsewhere in the region (Cerulean Warbler Dendroica cerulea, Swainson's Warbler Limnothlypis swainsonii, American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla). The effects of patch size and edge on bird abundance were small in this forested landscape, but forest type had a large effect. We found half of the species analyzed to differ in abundance between the two primary habitat types, swamp forest and levee forest. In contrast, no species was consistently more abundant at patch interiors than near edges, and only two forest birds were more common in large compared with small patches. Species analyzed included permanent residents, short-distance migrants, Neotropical migrants, and those identified as forest-interior and area-sensitive species in other studies. Our results suggest that the Roanoke River bottomland forests may be functioning effectively as a reserve for a number of bird species.
Silvicultural practices following clearcutting in boreal forest may encourage the creation of monospecific, single-aged stands having less vegetation heterogeneity and diversity than original stands. We conducted point counts in central Saskatchewan, Canada, 1993–1995, in pure and mixedwood stands dominated by black spruce (Picea mariana), jackpine (Pinus banksiana), trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides), or white spruce (Picea glauca). Mixedwood stands supported more individuals and more species than pure stands. Higher abundance in mixedwood stands relative to pure stands was consistent among nesting guilds and migration strategies. Rarefaction revealed similar patterns, although pure trembling aspen stands were predicted to support more species than aspen-dominated mixedwood stands. Increased avian diversity in mixedwood stands was not solely the result of the mixing of bird species associated with coniferous or deciduous forest types. Chipping Sparrow (Spizella passerina), Pine Siskin (Carduelis pinus), White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera), Red-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta canadensis), Swainson's Thrush (Catharus ustulatus), and Tennessee Warbler (Vermivora peregrina) were more abundant in mixedwood stands than pure stands. Black-throated Green Warbler (Dendroica virens), Magnolia Warbler (D. magnolia), and Blackburnian Warbler (D. fusca) were abundant in stands dominated by white spruce but were absent from jackpine or black spruce. Other species such as American Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla) and Chestnut-sided Warbler (D. pensylvanica) relied exclusively on pure trembling aspen, particularly stands with dense shrub cover. Several bird species in the boreal forest will be adversely affected by forestry practices that target mature to old aspen and white spruce mixedwoods and promote reduction in mixedwood compositions of regenerating stands.
I studied allozymic variation in five species of Amazonian birds at two geographic scales. At a local scale (all sites within 200 km of one another), I included samples from six sites, three within continuous forest and three in natural forest fragments thought to be several thousand years old. I examined both genetic variation and differentiation to determine whether there were genetic effects related to forest fragmentation. At this local scale, I found little evidence in the allozymic data that clearly suggested genetic structure had been affected in any uniform pattern among species. However, there was genetic differentiation at this level and estimated gene flow (Nmest from private alleles) was low relative to what is reported in other avian studies. At the regional level, I compared samples from sites that were 500–1,500 km from one another from two Amazonian areas of endemism (Inambari and Rondônia). Four of the five species exhibited substantial differentiation between samples from the two areas of endemism, consistent with other studies of genetic differentiation in Neotropical forest understory birds.
Some 20 species of antbirds occur in lowland Caribbean rainforest in southeast Nicaragua where they form five distinct guilds on the basis of habitat preferences, foraging ecology, and foraging behavior. Three guilds are habitat-based, in Edge, Forest, and Gaps within forest; two are behaviorally distinct, with species of army ant followers and those foraging within mixed-species flocks. The guilds each contain 3–6 antbird species. Within guilds, species are segregated by body size differences between member species, and in several guilds are evenly spaced on a logarithmic scale of body mass. Among guilds, the factors by which adjacent body sizes differ vary between 1.25 and 1.75. Body size differences may be related to differences in preferred prey sizes, but are influenced also by the density of the vegetation in which each species customarily forages.
Resumen. Unas 20 especies de aves hormigueras viven en el bosque tropical perennifolio, sureste de Nicaragua, donde se forman cinquo gremios distinctos estribando en preferencias de habitat, ecologia y comportamiento de las costumbres de alimentacion. Las diferencias entre las varias especies son cuantificadas por caractaristicas del ambiente vegetal y por la ecologia y comportamiento de la alimentación, y usados para definir cinco grupos o gremios (“guilds”). Tres gremios se designan por las relaciones de habitat: edge (margen), forest (selva), y gaps (aberturas adentro la selva); dos mas por comportamiento, partidarios de army ants (hormigas armadas) y mixed-species flocks (forrejando en bandadas de especies mexcladas). Estos gremios contenien 3–6 especies hormiguera. Dentro de grupos hay diferencias regulares en peso de cuerpo entre las especies; diferencias que igualmente existen entre los gremios diferentes, con razónes medios de 1.25 a 1.75 en peso de cuerpo. Las diferencias en el tamaño de especies individuales probablemente estan relaciónadas con las diferencias entre los tamaños de las presas preferidas, pero quizas son influenciadas por la densidad de la vegetacion en donde se alimentan.
I studied tropical Roseate Terns (Sterna dougallii) on Aride Island, Seychelles, between 1997–1999. Productivity in 1998 was 0.58 fledglings/breeding pair, and in 1999 no young fledged. Roseate Terns on Aride concentrated their foraging along the coastline exposed to prevailing winds, with flock size over this area being significantly correlated with amount of food offered to chicks. In 1998, Lesser Noddies (Anous tenuirostris) were present in 91% of the Roseate Tern flocks, but in 1999 occurred in only 32%. During the 1998 successful breeding season, Roseate Terns were associated with dense flocks of Lesser Noddies over predatory fish, whereas during the 1999 failure season most Roseate Tern flocks were either monospecific or mixed with Fairy Terns (Gygis alba), and without predatory fish. The mean flock size of Roseate Terns (82 vs. 6 birds) and the rate of foraging attempts (8.3 vs. 2.8 attempts min−1) were significantly greater in association with predatory fish. Mullidae (Parupeneus or Mulloidichthys) were the primary prey taken by Roseate Terns, and alternative sources of food were apparently scarce. The high daily variations in the amount of food brought to chicks, intermediate periods of low food delivery, and an apparent seasonal decline in the amount of food brought to the colony suggest that food is unpredictable on a daily and seasonal basis. Absence of predatory fish may explain complete breeding failures and periods of low food delivery, but the importance of other factors is unknown. Information on the ecology and movement patterns of predatory fish around Aride Island is needed to assist the conservation of the Roseate Terns.
The provisioning strategies of two closely related species of albatross breeding sympatrically were studied at Campbell Island, New Zealand. Black-browed Albatrosses (Diomedea melanophrys) had a higher provisioning rate of chicks than Grey-headed Albatrosses (D. chrysostoma) as a result of a higher feeding frequency. Provisioning and satellite-tracking data suggest that Black-browed Albatrosses forage over neritic waters in trips of up to 5 days, in combination with longer trips over oceanic waters. In contrast, it was not possible to separate clearly short and long trips in Grey-headed Albatrosses, but they probably forage mostly over oceanic waters, combined with rafting or feeding near the colony during stays of short duration at sea. No inter-annual differences in foraging trip duration were apparent between years for either species. Chicks were fed larger meals at older ages and when in poorer condition, probably due to a limitation on the rate of assimilation of food. For both species, chick condition after feeding did not influence the duration of foraging trips. Black-browed Albatrosses from Campbell Island feed locally in neritic waters and up to 2,000 km from the colony, in contrast to conspecifics from other sites which feed principally over neritic waters. Grey-headed Albatrosses were largely dependent on oceanic resources as for conspecifics studied elsewhere. This study shows that foraging and provisioning strategies are flexible within species, allowing them to exploit more or less distant resources.
We investigated how natural variation in abundance and availability of the main prey of American Kestrels (Falco sparverius), small mammals, influenced provisioning rates by parents, and offspring size and survival. Provisioning behavior of kestrels was not constrained by the abundance of food in the environment; however, the availability of food, mediated through variation in weather, appeared to significantly influence parental provisioning behavior. Moreover, variation in weather had clear effects on reproductive success because nestlings exposed to inclement weather were smaller and lighter at fledging, and less likely to survive to fledging, compared to nestlings raised during good weather conditions. Prey abundance was not related to offspring size or survival. Our results suggest American Kestrels are limited by the availability, as opposed to abundance, of food on territories. It is likely that during our study, prey abundance was above some minimum threshold necessary to support successful reproduction, and so variation in weather affected reproduction more than variation in prey abundance.
Vegetation structure and floristic composition strongly influence the structure of bird communities. To assess the influence of vegetation and other environmental characteristics on songbirds, we quantified nest-site characteristics and reproductive success of a riparian songbird community in Arizona. Although we found interspecific variation in characteristics associated with nest sites, we identified two suites of species that chose sites with similar characteristics. These “nest groups” were explained largely by nest height and characteristics of nest trees. Overall, nest success was low for songbirds in this community, and averaged 23%. The most common cause of nest failure was predation (81%), although brood parasitism by Brown-headed Cowbirds (Molothrus ater) was highest at nests of Bell's Vireos (Vireo bellii) (29%). No vegetation or environmental features were associated with the likelihood of cowbird parasitism for any species; nest success for Bell's Vireos was negatively associated with the amount of netleaf hackberry (Celtis reticulata) in the understory. Arizona sycamore (Platanus wrightii) and netleaf hackberry trees contained 41% and 17% of all nests, respectively, and therefore provide critically important nesting substrates for birds in this rare yet diverse vegetation community.
Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus pairs form dense clusters of territories on the breeding grounds. We describe pair formation and copulation behavior (both within- and extra-pair) in Least Flycatcher clusters. Pair formation involved a complex behavioral sequence of trill vocalizations and visual display. Within-pair copulations were five times more likely to achieve cloacal contact than were extra-pair copulations. Least Flycatchers exhibited an overall within-pair mating effort of 2.0 ± 0.5 events pair−1 hr−1 compared to an extra-pair mating effort of 1.8 ± 0.3 events pair−1 hr−1. Within- and extra-pair mating behavior by focal birds were distinctly different with respect to rate, conspicuousness, duration, aggression intensity, and pre-copulatory display. The rate of territory incursions for extra-pair copulations was high. We discuss copulation behavior in the context of male and female mating tactics, and highlight the disparity in our knowledge of mating behavior in other members of this genus.
We studied nest predation pressure on birds along an urban gradient in urban parks in three Finnish towns. Artificial ground nests with Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonicus) eggs were depredated more in the urban area than in the adjacent forest area. Within each town, the nest predation rate was higher in the town center than in the less urbanized area of detached houses. Predation rates did not vary from year to year or between study towns. Abundances of generalist avian predators were higher in the town center than in the area of detached houses and in the surrounding forest area. Most of the nests in the town center were destroyed by avian predators. Predation rate of artificial nests in each of the town areas was higher in managed parks than in unmanaged parks, presumably due to the less dense vegetation in the managed than the unmanaged parks. A test involving covering nests revealed that artificial nests covered by adjacent vegetation survived better than nests with less cover. In our study, artificial nest loss reflected the distribution of avian nest predators. Ground nesters were present at lower abundances in areas where concealing vegetation was missing and avian nest predation was high. Apparently, nest predation is one of the several possible mechanism affecting urban bird assemblages.
We examined patterns of diet, foraging group size, and vigilance effort of naturalized Monk Parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus) in Hyde Park, a neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois. Parakeets exhibited a highly seasonal and varied diet consisting of fruits, seeds, and buds, and they fed almost exclusively on birdseed provided at backyard feeding stations during the winter months. Birds foraged in groups of 1 to 31 birds, but most flocks were of 10 birds or less. Foraging group size was greatest in the fall and early winter, and smallest at the beginning of the spring when breeding began. Monk Parakeets adjusted their vigilance effort with changes in flock size. Individual vigilance effort declined with increasing flock size through a decrease in time spent scanning as well as the number of times scans were initiated. The number of parakeets exhibiting vigilance in a flock at any given time also decreased with flock size. It is likely that the highly adaptable and varied diet of Monk Parakeets contributes greatly to the persistence and growth of populations in a variety of North American habitats.
We tested the hypotheses that mineral sites in western Oregon are used by Band-tailed Pigeons (Columba fasciata) to supplement dietary calcium and sodium. We compared mineral composition of sites used by Band-tailed Pigeons, adjacent unused sites, and three major food items during the nesting season. Sixty-five percent of used mineral sites were low in calcium (<200 ppm), whereas mean concentrations in food items were high (1,960–2,290 ppm). All but one used mineral site were high in sodium (≥678 ppm), whereas mean concentrations in food items were low (20–254 ppm). Food items were high in mean concentrations of potassium (12,470–26,980 ppm) and potassium:sodium ratios (138–656). Used and adjacent, unused, estuary mineral sites were similar in calcium and sodium concentrations. We hypothesize that because of insufficient sodium intake and inefficient sodium retention, Band-tailed Pigeons seek a sodium source to supplement their diet during the nesting season. Use of mineral sites probably depends upon sodium concentration, but also vegetation structure, development, human activity, and congregation use by Band-tailed Pigeons. Used mineral sites appear to be scarce in western Oregon, and are seemingly essential resources for this species. Eighty-six percent of known currently-used mineral sites are privately owned and subject to possible alteration from land-use practices. Mineral sites used by Band-tailed Pigeons should be included in the overall management scheme for maintaining stable breeding populations of this species.
We reconstructed a phylogeny for the seven species of doves in the genus Zenaida on the basis of a combined analysis of mitochondrial (ND2 and cytochrome b) and nuclear (fibrinogen intron 7) DNA sequences. This phylogeny, which is completely resolved, is well supported with all nodes showing greater than 50% bootstrap support. There was no significant conflict between trees based on each gene independently, although trees produced from fibrinogen intron 7 did not resolve relationships among five of the Zenaida species. The species status of Z. graysoni, as well as that of Z. meloda, is suggested based on their divergence from sister taxa (about 1% and 4%, respectively) and other differences. Zenaida can be divided into two major groups: Zenaida asiatica and Z. meloda versus Z. aurita, Z. galapagoensis, Z. auriculata, Z. graysoni, and Z. macroura.
White-winged Doves (Zenaida asiatica) in Texas are separated into four subspecies primarily based on morphological variation. However, problems differentiating the subspecies by morphological measurements alone and a recent range expansion have led to questions about their systematic status and population structure. We evaluated both morphological characters and a 289 base-pair segment of the mitochondrial control region from 183 White-winged Doves taken from 31 locations in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. Twenty-seven variable base changes were observed, which resulted in 44 haplotypes. An analysis of haplotypes yielded little phylogenetic signal; however, analyses of haplotype frequencies indicated geographic heterogeneity between doves collected in the four historic subspecies ranges. Doves from the range expansion areas were intermediate in size and genetically homogenous. Morphological analyses suggested congruency between control region variation and body size. Our data support the recognition of two subspecies of White-winged Doves with a zone of intergradation in the range expansion areas. The dispersal of White-winged Doves into the expansion areas appears to be a congruent process by both subspecies.
We surveyed 1,115 base pairs of mitochondrial DNA sequence from three gene regions in 66 Curve-billed Thrashers (Toxostoma curvirostre) taken from throughout their range. We found that populations sorted unambiguously into three groups. Two of these groups, the Curvirostre and Palmeri groups, have been known for many years because of their distinctive phenotypic characteristics, and their status was recently confirmed with an intensive morphometric analysis. The third (southern) group consists of populations in Puebla and Oaxaca, Mexico. The strong morphological and mtDNA distinctiveness of the Curvirostre and Palmeri groups suggests that they warrant species status. We recommend that more specimens of the southern group be obtained prior to formal taxonomic recognition of this form. Coalescence analyses suggest that the Curvirostre group has undergone a recent population increase, whereas the Palmeri group seems to have been more stable in its Sonoran Desert range.
We tested the ability of sound recordings relative to that of point counts to estimate species richness in the Tambopata Reserve in southeast Peru. We tested the effect of two environmental factors (estimated richness and presence of noisy species) and two attributes of species (abundance and foraging height) on estimates of species richness made by point counts and sound recordings. Sound recordings are preferred to point counts when richness is high, as during the dawn chorus, because they allow for repeated listenings. Point counts are more effective than sound recordings at detecting rarely heard species. The presence of noisy species at a station had no effect on the relative ability of the two methods to measure species richness. The foraging height of a species had no effect on its relative detectability by either method. Sound recording was found to be a suitable alternative to point counts for estimating species richness and a preferable alternative under some circumstances.
We studied the pattern and timing of prebasic molt in adult Gray Catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis) at two New England sites: Block Island, Rhode Island (BIRI), and the Vermont Institute of Natural Science (VINS) in Woodstock, Vermont. Catbirds at VINS initiated molt earlier and molted at a significantly slower rate than catbirds at BIRI. Mean individual molt durations spanned approximately 54 days at VINS and 44 days at BIRI. The two groups ended molt at about the same time. Catbirds at VINS were more variable in the timing of their molt. At both sites, second-year catbirds began and ended molt significantly earlier than after second-year catbirds. Males and females did not differ significantly in their rate or timing of molt at either site. Behavioral observations at BIRI indicated that catbirds spent less time foraging during the heaviest period of molt, but that increased foraging during late molt stages coincided with increases in fat stores, indicating overlap of molt and hyperphagy. We found no evidence that Gray Catbirds at either site departed for migration prior to completing remigial molt. The later molt schedule of BIRI birds likely resulted from the extended breeding season of some individuals. We believe that molt schedules at the two sites were influenced less by latitude per se than by site-specific differences in vegetation, food abundance, and temperature, resulting from differing elevations and conditions of coastal and inland environments.
I investigated geographic variation in a parrot vocalization to obtain an understanding of cultural population differentiation and exchange between hybridizing taxa. The flight calls of Ringneck Parrots (Barnardius zonarius) were tape recorded in Western Australia within and outside the zone of overlap and hybridization between the Port Lincoln (B. z. zonarius) and Twenty-eight (B. z. semitorquatus) subspecies. Measured variables distinguished the Twenty-eight call from those in the overlap populations. Although birds in typical Twenty-eight plumage were present in the overlap zone, no Twenty-eight flight calls were found, suggesting convergence by immigrants. Populations within the hybrid zone also were acoustically differentiated as dialects associated with roosting areas. Observations on the social behavior of the birds indicated that this call functions in coordination of movements of the mated pair. Roost-specific dialects might aid pairs in finding each other in the event of separation during the day's foraging activity.
Comparisons of song parameters, including syllable length and maximum and minimum frequency, from six populations of the Hutton's Vireo (Vireo huttoni) show differences in syllable length and minimum frequency measurements. Specifically, syllables produced by Pacific coastal birds tend to be shorter than those from southwest interior populations, although these differences are not statistically significant at the pairwise-comparison level. Syllables produced by most coastal populations have significantly higher mean minimum frequencies when compared with those from interior populations. Differences between songs of coastal and interior populations are consistent with genetic differences that separate the two groups. Differences in song may be attributed to the acoustical properties of coastal versus interior habitats.
Much of the protected habitat available to the threatened Marbled Murrelet Brachyramphus marmoratus and other old-growth associated species in the Pacific Northwest is in narrow strips along the coast (e.g., parks and scenic fringes). Using data over two years from three watersheds on southwest Vancouver Island, we show that such shoreline strip forests represent suboptimal habitat for murrelets. Murrelet detections, including circling and subcanopy behaviors, were significantly lower at 30 coastal stations (20–250 m from the shoreline edge) than at 30 interior stations (1.5–21.0 km inland). Densities of predators were significantly higher at the coastal stations. The coastal trees were of similar mean height and diameter, but they had lower structural diversity and provided fewer and less suitable (thinner epiphyte cover on large boughs) nesting platforms than trees in the interior. When possible, reserves for Marbled Murrelets should be placed in interior and not shoreline forests.
We evaluated relationships of Harlequin Duck (Histrionicus histrionicus) densities to habitat attributes, history of habitat contamination by the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill, and prey biomass density and abundance during winters 1995–1997 in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Habitat features that explained variation in duck densities included distance to streams and reefs, degree of exposure to wind and wave action, and dominant substrate type. After accounting for these effects, densities were lower in oiled than unoiled areas, suggesting that population recovery from the oil spill was not complete, due either to lack of recovery from initial oil spill effects or continuing deleterious effects. Prey biomass density and abundance were not strongly related to duck densities after accounting for habitat and area effects. Traits of Harlequin Ducks that reflect their affiliation with naturally predictable winter habitats, such as strong site fidelity and intolerance of increased energy costs, may make their populations particularly vulnerable to chronic oil spill effects and slow to recover from population reductions, which may explain lower densities than expected on oiled areas nearly a decade following the oil spill.
I documented brood and duckling survival, the number of surviving ducklings, and brood movements of Redheads, and examined the association between these variables and female age and body mass. Redhead brood success was 55% and duckling daily survival rates averaged 0.868. Female body mass, but not age, was related to brood and duckling survival and the number of surviving ducklings. Successful females were heavier and produced more ducklings. All brood-movement measures differed between successful and unsuccessful females, however, the distance of the first move between wetlands accounted for the most variability in brood success. Increased body mass, but not age, was associated with longer first brood movements.
Evidence suggests that birds breeding early in the season or laying larger eggs are at a selective advantage because quality and survival of their offspring are higher. We tested whether wild Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis) hatching early in the season or from larger eggs had enhanced growth as ducklings and larger size or higher probability of recruiting to the local breeding population in years after hatching. After correcting for age at capture, body mass, head length, and culmen of ducklings were inversely related to hatching date, but were unrelated to egg volume. As adults, late-hatched birds had shorter wing lengths (second-year birds only) and tended to have smaller head lengths (all after-hatch year birds) than early hatching birds. We suggest that later-hatching birds are smaller due to increased competition for food during brood rearing. Recruitment probability increased as natal egg volume increased and decreased among birds with later natal hatching dates. We speculate these results are due to higher mortality of ducklings hatched from small eggs, and because early-hatched birds have more time to acquire nutrient reserves that would reduce vulnerability to costs of migration.
We examined the relationship between local water conditions (measured as the percent of total area of basins covered by water) and clutch size, egg volume, and hatchling mass of Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and Gadwalls (A. strepera) on four study sites in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota and Minnesota, 1988–1994. We also examined the relationship between pond density and clutch size of Mallards and Gadwalls, using data collected at another North Dakota site, 1966–1981. For Mallards, we found no relationships to be significant. For Gadwalls, clutch size increased with percent basin area wet and pond density; hatchling mass marginally increased with percent basin area wet. These species differences may reflect, in part, that Mallards acquire lipid reserves used to produce early clutches before they reach the breeding grounds, whereas Gadwalls acquire lipid reserves locally; thus Gadwall clutches are more likely to be influenced by local food resources.
We studied the relationship between family associations of immature Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) and their reproductive success as 2-year-olds and survival to three years. A higher proportion of immature Canada Geese associated with family members survived to breeding age and were more successful in reproducing in their first potential year of sexual maturity (age 2) than were geese that were not in family associations. These results illustrate the benefits of prolonged parental care outweighing costs to parents and the probable influence of family association on future successful breeding. Many reproductive failures of vertebrates with complex social organization may be related to experience during maturation.
We monitored 259 nests of six Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) hosts within old-field habitat on James Island, South Carolina during the 1997 and 1998 breeding seasons to determine the effect of parasitism on three nest-survival parameters (clutch size, hatching rate, and number of fledglings). We determined daily predation and parasitism rates, and probability of nest abandonment after parasitism to derive an estimate of seasonal fecundity. Clutch size of parasitized nests was reduced in four host species. Brood parasitism did not affect hatching rate in any species, and reduced the number of fledglings from only Blue Grosbeak (Guiraca caerulea) nests. Despite brood reduction during the nesting cycle, cowbird parasitism had little impact on seasonal fecundity of these host species because of low parasitism intensity, double-brooding behavior, and hosts' ability to raise their own young with cowbird young.
We document a shift in roosting behavior of Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus) from winter and late spring to summer. During summer, Great Horned Owls roosted near the ground or exposed on open ground, whereas they chose concealed perches at mid-canopy level for the rest of the year as typical for forest owls. This shift of roosting behavior coincided with the emergence of ornithophilic black flies, which transmit avian malaria (Leucocytozoon spp.). The shift in roosting behavior was consistent with measurements of parasite exposure at different habitat positions. Black fly activity was highest at mid-canopy level, and almost no black flies were active on open ground. Ground-roosting was not caused by poorly developed flying capability of juveniles, because solitarily-roosting adult owls showed the same behavioral shift in a second year of study. Black flies and avian malaria are widely distributed, and the effect of the vertical distribution of these parasites in forests on roosting, nesting, and foraging of sylvatic birds deserves further study.
We report the first known nest of the Pale-eyed Blackbird (Agelaius xanthophthalmus) and describe the behavior of breeding and nonbreeding pairs at Cocha Cashu, Manu National Park, Peru. Birds traveled as pairs within limited areas, whether or not they were breeding. During incubation, which is performed only by the female, the male typically remains near the nest and the birds are in regular vocal contact by means of frequent duets. Its monogamous social system is similar to that of other marsh-nesting species in its clade.
We examined the use of Venezuelan shade-coffee plantations by the Cerulean Warbler (Dendroica cerulea) and other Neotropical migrants. Cerulean Warblers were commonly observed as pairs in mixed-species flocks. Average (± SE) flock size was 13 ± 2 species with 22 ± 3 individuals. Average flock territory size was 2.5 ± 0.2 ha. No differences were detected in foraging behavior (maneuvers, location, or success) among adult males, adult females, and immature birds. Adult males were often observed visiting flowers of canopy trees. The results of this study indicate that shade coffee plantations may provide suitable wintering habitat for Cerulean Warblers although comparisons with other habitats are needed.
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