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Light pollution is increasing and artificial light sources have great impacts on animals. For migrating birds, collisions caused by artificial light pollution are a significant source of mortality. Laboratory studies have demonstrated that birds have different visual sensitivities to different colors of light, but few field experiments have compared birds′ responses to light of different wavelengths. We used 3 monochromatic lights (red, green, and blue) and polychromatic yellow light to study the impact of wavelength on phototaxis at 2 gathering sites of nocturnally migrating birds in Southwest China. For both sites, short-wavelength blue light caused the strongest phototactic response. In contrast, birds were rarely attracted to long-wavelength red light. The attractive effect of blue light was greatest during nights with fog and headwinds. As rapid urbanization and industrialization cause an increase in artificial light, we suggest that switching to longer wavelength lights is a convenient and economically effective way to reduce bird collisions.
Studies examining impacts of land cover typically focus on abundance, distribution, and/or community richness, overlooking underlying demographic processes such as survival or reproduction. Here, we present findings from a unique dataset that allowed us to measure the relationship between land cover and reproductive output across the distribution of the Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura). We used hunter-derived, Mourning Dove wing data across 1,271 counties in the United States from 2008 to 2014 to estimate spatially explicit age ratios (juveniles: adults), an index of local reproductive output. We also used raster imagery data to estimate relationships between reproductive output and land cover and crop cover. We found that low reproductive output occurs in regions where Mourning Dove declines have been steepest. Our findings reveal that impacts of land cover vary geographically, but even at a coarse resolution, small changes in the relative proportion of human-dominated landscapes can have a significant impact on the reproductive output of this generalist species. Maize and soybean systems correlate with up to a 57% reduction in Mourning Dove reproductive output in the eastern United States. In the western United States, developed areas correlate with a 41% increase in reproductive output. Across the United States, native habitats had neutral or negative relationships with age ratios. Our study contributes continental-scale evidence that Mourning Dove reproductive output is largely driven by human-dominated land cover including agricultural and residential areas. With Mourning Doves declining across the range, discerning more fine-scale land cover factors is critical for ensuring Mourning Dove populations persist into the future.
Migratory bottlenecks concentrate individuals and populations of Nearctic–Neotropical migrants from across vast breeding areas. The extent to which such concentrations occur has important ramifications for interpreting migratory connectivity and for the vulnerability of populations throughout the annual cycle but investigations of such phenomena are rare. We inferred breeding origins of 11 species of Nearctic–Neotropical migrants captured during fall migration in the Darién region, northwestern Colombia, using feather stable-hydrogen isotope values (δ2Hf). Our objectives were to determine (1) the extent to which this region acts as a catchment for individuals from across a species′ breeding range, (2) if temporal patterns of arrival arise as a function of migration distance inferred from δ2Hf, and (3) if phenological differences among species segregate populations. The Darién concentrated populations of 6 species, with individuals potentially derived from 78% to 94% of their respective North American breeding ranges. The catchment area for the remaining 5 species covered 40–72% of breeding ranges, with a bias in origin from the west (e.g., Northern Waterthrush [Parkesia noveboracensis], Swainson′s Thrush [Catharus ustulatus]), north or center (Yellow Warbler [Setophaga petechia]) of their range. Differential timing in the migration of populations occurred in 6 species, generating a degree of temporal segregation. In contrast, peak migration for all species occurred in October, resulting in high overlap among species in their use of the Darién. Overall, our results describe high mixing of populations in the Darién for several species, which, given the region′s highly restricted geographic extent, suggests that a bottleneck effect occurs; however, comparisons with other regions in Central America and northern South America are required. The combination of extensive population mixing and limited temporal segregation over a narrow geographical area suggests that long-distance migrants may be especially vulnerable to events occurring in such regions, including adverse weather conditions and anthropogenic land cover change.
Forest fragmentation is a leading driver of biodiversity loss, yet its effects on positive species interactions remain poorly known. We examined the effects of fragmentation on mixed-species bird flocks in the Western Andes of Colombia. Using 500-m transect surveys (n = 14 transects), we sampled flocks in 8 fragments (range: 10–173 ha) and an unfragmented reference site within the same altitudinal band (1,900–2,200 m.a.s.l.) and matrix type (cattle pasture). We evaluated the relative contributions of 9 predictor variables, including patch size, distance from edge, and selective aspects of vegetation structure on the composition, size, species richness, functional diversity, and phylogenetic diversity of flocks. We found effects of both patch size and vegetation structure on flock species richness, size, and functional diversity, but no support for edge effects. Generally, flock richness and size responded differently to fragmentation than did functional and phylogenetic diversity metrics. Both flock size and richness increased with patch size, but this variable had no effect on functional and phylogenetic diversity. Flock richness and size increased in high-canopy forests with greater foliage height diversity, whereas unlogged, old-growth primary forests with large-diameter trees had lower flock richness and size, but significantly greater functional diversity. Phylogenetic diversity was not affected by patch size, edge effects, or vegetation structure. We found differences in flock composition in response to fragmentation. Richness of Furnariidae in flocks increased with increasing distance from edge and foliage height diversity, whereas that of Thraupidae and boreal migrant species increased in early successional and forest edge flocks, respectively. All flock diversity metrics differed significantly seasonally, with smaller, less diverse flocks observed in January–March than in June–August. Flocking behavior persisted in 10-ha fragments, likely because Andean flocks are ″open membership” in nature, but there was extensive species turnover as forest edge and generalist species replaced forest-interior species in smaller fragments.
Péter Sólymos, Judith D. Toms, Steven M. Matsuoka, Steven G. Cumming, Nicole K. S. Barker, Wayne E. Thogmartin, Diana Stralberg, Andrew D. Crosby, Francisco V. Dénes, Samuel Haché, C. Lisa Mahon, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, Erin M. Bayne
Estimating the population abundance of landbirds is a challenging task complicated by the amount, type, and quality of available data. Avian conservationists have relied on population estimates from Partners in Flight (PIF), which primarily uses roadside data from the North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS). However, the BBS was not designed to estimate population sizes. Therefore, we set out to compare the PIF approach with spatially explicit models incorporating roadside and off-road point-count surveys. We calculated population estimates for 81 landbird species in Bird Conservation Region 6 in Alberta, Canada, using land cover and climate as predictors. We also developed a framework to evaluate how the differences between the detection distance, time-of-day, roadside count, and habitat representation adjustments explain discrepancies between the 2 estimators. We showed that the key assumptions of the PIF population estimator were commonly violated in this region, and that the 2 approaches provided different population estimates for most species. The average differences between estimators were explained by differences in the detection-distance and time-of-day components, but these adjustments left much unexplained variation among species. Differences in the roadside count and habitat representation components explained most of the among-species variation. The variation caused by these factors was large enough to change the population ranking of the species. The roadside count bias needs serious attention when roadside surveys are used to extrapolate over off-road areas. Habitat representation bias is likely prevalent in regions sparsely and non-representatively sampled by roadside surveys, such as the boreal region of North America, and thus population estimates for these regions need to be treated with caution for certain species. Additional sampling and integrated modeling of available data sources can contribute towards more accurate population estimates for conservation in remote areas of North America.
First-year survival probability of migratory passerines during the period between fledging and first reproduction is a highly variable parameter that has a major effect on population dynamics. We used a long-term mark–recapture dataset (2002–2018) to examine first-year survival of 3 passerine species breeding in abandoned agricultural fields of northwestern Russia: Booted Warbler (Iduna caligata), Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra), and Western Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava). We banded 3,457 nestlings, including 1,363 Booted Warblers, 1,699 Whinchats, and 395 Western Yellow Wagtails, and resighted 12 Booted Warblers, 29 Whinchats, and 13 Western Yellow Wagtails in the year after fledging. We evaluated first-year apparent survival rates using Cormack-Jolly-Seber models in MARK program within the multispecies approach. We tested effect of fledge date on the first-year apparent survival. In all focal species, first-year apparent survival rates were low and reached the lower limits known for migratory passerines. We found no differences in first-year survival rates among the 3 species: the estimated average first-year apparent survival rate of all species was 0.05 ± 0.01. The fledge date had a considerable impact on first-year survival rate: later fledge dates negatively affected first-year survival. We suggest that first-year apparent survival rates in our study were low due to low natal philopatry and high mortality in the post-fledging period. Low apparent first-year survival may be a specific feature of open-nesting birds breeding in abandoned fields that are low-quality habitats because of high predation pressure.
Birds provide ecosystem services (pest control) in many agroecosystems and have neutral or negative ecological effects (disservices) in others. Large-scale, conventional row crop agriculture is extremely widespread globally, yet few studies of bird effects take place in these agroecosystems. We studied indirect effects of insectivorous birds on corn and soybean crops in fields adjacent to a prairie in Illinois (USA). We hypothesized that prairie birds would forage for arthropods in adjacent crop fields and that the magnitude of services or disservices would decrease with distance from the prairie. We used bird-excluding cages over crops to examine the net effect of birds on corn and soybean grain yield. We also conducted DNA metabarcoding to identify arthropod prey in fecal samples from captured birds. Our exclosure experiments revealed that birds provided net services in corn and net disservices in soybeans. Distance from prairie was not a significant predictor of exclosure treatment effect in either crop. Many bird fecal samples contained DNA from both beneficial arthropods and known economically significant pests of corn, but few economically significant pests of soybeans. Song Sparrows (Melospiza melodia), one of our most captured species, most commonly consumed corn rootworms, an economically significant pest of corn crops. We estimated that birds in this system provided a service worth approximately US $275 ha–1 in corn yield gain, and a disservice valued at approximately $348 ha–1 in soybean yield loss. Our study is the first to demonstrate that birds can provide substantial and economically valuable services in field corn, and disservices in soybean crops. The contrasting findings in the 2 crop systems suggest a range of bird impacts within widespread agroecosystems and demonstrate the importance of quantifying net trophic effects.
In the Neotropics, coffee production occurs on a large scale in some of the planet′s most biodiverse regions: tropical mountains. Coffee production systems involving shade trees are considered to have a lower impact on biodiversity than alternative sun coffee. To date, the majority of evidence for the value of shade coffee plantations has not taken into account the relative quality of this habitat compared to the native forests they replaced. We determined the suitability of shade coffee and forest as winter habitat for Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) by comparing variation in the likelihood of capturing individuals, seasonal changes in body condition, and estimates of annual survival between the 2 habitats. We also determined the effect of the strong 2015–2016 El Niño event on survival. Males were relatively more likely to be captured in forest than females and this likelihood increased during drier years. Body condition change over the winter and apparent annual survival were similar for individuals that used forest and coffee. However, condition and survival decreased in both habitats during the El Niño year. Apparent survival was also lower for individuals carrying a radiotag or geolocator. Our findings suggest that shade coffee with high canopy cover and height offers similar benefits to forest in terms of body condition and survival. Landscape conservation approaches, promoting diverse matrices of structurally complex shade coffee and forest might best ensure long-term survival in Neotropical migrants like Canada Warbler.
Over the past decade, the United States has seen a rapid increase in oil and gas extraction from areas where resources were previously thought to be unrecoverable, particularly the Bakken shale formation in North Dakota. The Bakken overlaps with the Prairie Pothole Region, the most critical habitat in North America for breeding ducks, where oil and gas extraction through hydraulic fracturing has the potential to impact more than a million duck pairs in the United States alone. Here, we evaluated the effect of oil and gas development on nesting ducks in 2015–2017 across 5 counties in North Dakota. Using data from ∼4,000 nests we found that nest survival was higher at sites composed of a higher percentage of grassland, and for nests found closer to major roads. We found no effect of any metric of oil and gas extraction activity on duck nest survival. Using survival-corrected estimates of nest density, we found higher densities of nests closer to roads, but lower nest densities at sites surrounded by more wells. Our top-ranked model indicated that nest density was predicted to decline by 14% relative to sites with no development, given the average number of wells (3.15 wells) within 1,500 m of a site. However, within a nesting field, we found no evidence that ducks were avoiding petroleum-related infrastructure at smaller spatial scales. Our results indicate mixed effects of oil and gas development on nesting waterfowl, and highlight both the resiliency of dabbing ducks to environmental change and the need for additional research on other aspects of duck breeding biology.
Upon reproductive failure, many bird species make a secondary attempt at nesting (hereafter, ″renesting”). Renesting may be an effective strategy to maximize current and lifetime reproductive success, but individuals face uncertainty in the probability of success because reproductive attempts initiated later in the breeding season often have reduced nest, pre-fledging, and post-fledging brood survival. We evaluated renesting propensity, renesting intervals, and renest reproductive success of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) by following 1,922 nests and 1,785 unique breeding adults from 2014 to 2016 in the Northern Great Plains of the United States. The apparent renesting rate for individuals was 25% for reproductive attempts that failed in the nest stage (egg laying and incubation) and only 1.2% for reproductive attempts when broods were lost. Renesting propensity declined if reproductive attempts failed during the brood-rearing stage, nests were depredated, reproductive failure occurred later in the breeding season, or individuals had previously renested that year. Additionally, plovers that nested on reservoirs were less likely to renest compared to other habitats. Renesting intervals declined when individuals had not already renested, were after-second-year adults without known prior breeding experience, and moved short distances between nest attempts. Renesting intervals also decreased if the attempt failed later in the season. Overall, reproductive success and daily nest survival were lower for renests than first nests throughout the breeding season. Furthermore, renests on reservoirs had reduced apparent reproductive success and daily nest survival unless the predicted amount of habitat on reservoirs increased within the breeding season. Our results provide important demographic measures for this threatened species and suggest that predation- and water-management strategies that maximize success of early nests would be more likely to increase productivity. Altogether, renesting appears to be an unproductive reproductive strategy to replace lost reproductive attempts for Piping Plovers breeding in the Northern Great Plains.
Populations of birds that forage on aerial insects have been declining across North America for several decades, but the main causes of and reasons for geographical variation in these declines remains unclear. We examined the habitat use and survival of post-fledging Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) near Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, using VHF radio telemetry. We predicted that fledgling Barn Swallows hatched in higher-quality natal habitat (pasture) would fledge at higher quality, stay closest to the nest, disproportionately use higher-quality habitat during the post-fledge stage, and have higher survival rates in the region. Contrary to our predictions, we found that natal habitat (crop, pasture, or non-agriculture) had no effect on fledgling quality or movement distance. Barn Swallow fledglings used crop habitat more frequently in relation to its availability than other habitat types, including pasture. Barn Swallows had low post-fledging survival rates (0.44; 95% CI: 0.35–0.57), which could negatively influence the population trend of the species in this region. While natal habitat had only minor effects, crop habitat appears to be important for fledgling Barn Swallows and, therefore, a decline in this habitat type could have further negative implications for an already declining species.
Recovering predators can create challenges for conservation objectives when they prey on vulnerable species. Although largely uncommon, pinniped predation of birds presents one such challenge. Here, we describe the novel characteristics of this predator–prey interaction, its impact on bird populations, and possible mitigation responses. We do so both broadly, synthesizing the wider literature, and specifically, in reference to ongoing South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens) predation of Black-necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) we are currently observing in southern Chile. Our review of the literature suggests that in most cases bird predation by pinnipeds is only exhibited by a small proportion of the population, spreads socially between individuals, can be temporally severe, and may rapidly threaten the viability of bird populations. We discuss feasibility and efficacy of potential mitigation measures highlighting that, as foraging specializations can be socially transmitted, any such actions need to be time conscious as bird-killing behaviors may be increasingly difficult to remove. The contrasting population trends of pinnipeds and seabirds suggests that pinniped predation of vulnerable waterbirds is going to be an increasingly common conservation challenge in the future.
Edward R. Keyel, Matthew A. Etterson, Gerald J. Niemi, David C. Evers, Christopher R. DeSorbo, Joel C. Hoffman, John W. Nichols, Yang Li, Frank Nicoletti
Mercury (Hg) is a toxic heavy metal that, when methylated to form methylmercury (MeHg), bioaccumulates in exposed animals and biomagnifies through food webs. The purpose of this study was to assess Hg concentrations in raptors migrating through the upper midwestern USA. From 2009 to 2012, 966 raptors of 11 species were captured at Hawk Ridge, Duluth, Minnesota, USA. Breast feathers were sampled to determine the concentration of total Hg. Mean Hg concentrations ranged from 0.11 to 3.46 µg g–1 fresh weight across species and were generally higher in raptors that feed on birds in comparison with those that feed on mammals. To evaluate the effect of dietary sources on Hg biomagnification, carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios were measured in feathers of the 2 species with the highest Hg concentrations, Merlin (Falco columbarius) and Sharp-shinned Hawk (Accipiter striatus). Measured δ13C values were similar in both species and indicated a primarily terrestrial-derived diet, whereas δ15N values suggested that individual Merlin and Sharp-shinned Hawk feeding at higher trophic levels accumulated higher concentrations of Hg. The risk to birds associated with measured levels of feather Hg was evaluated by calculating blood-equivalent values using an established algorithm. Predicted blood values were then compared to heuristic risk categories synthesized across avian orders. This analysis suggested that while some Merlin and Sharp-shinned Hawk were at moderate risk to adverse effects of MeHg, most of the sampled birds were at negligible or low risk.
Birds provide multiple ecological services that benefit humans including pollination. In Africa, sunbirds are the dominant vertebrate pollinator. Here we present a species-level assessment for African sunbirds of the number and relative frequency of their food plants that have useful properties to humans. We conducted this analysis by compiling and integrating known sunbird food plants with useful tropical plant and tropical cultivated plant databases. Across Africa, 68% of the 329 genera and 44% of the 468 species of sunbirds′ known food plants are used by humans for medicine, food, building materials, or other uses. Yet most genera and species of useful plants are visited by a small number of sunbird species. The median number of sunbird species that visit a useful genus and species of plant is two and one, respectively. Of the 409 genera and 308 species of useful plants that are sunbird pollinated across one or more of the six predominant habitats for sunbirds, 67% of genera and 71% of species are pollinated by sunbird species that are forest or woodland dependent. Additionally, 58% of all genera and 83% of all species of useful plants pollinated by sunbirds are non-cultivated. In Africa, non-cultivated sunbird-pollinated useful plants are almost entirely collected, used, and traded locally rather than regionally or internationally. Our results indicate that African sunbirds provide important ecological services as pollinators that benefit humans, and these services are provided largely at a local scale. Given the decline of invertebrate and vertebrate pollinators both globally and in Africa, sunbirds are important to the long-term conservation of many useful plants in Africa and hence human well-being.
The San Clemente Bell′s Sparrow (Artemisiospiza belli clementeae) is a federally threatened subspecies endemic to San Clemente Island, California. Previous research suggested dependence on boxthorn (Lycium californicum) as breeding habitat and nesting substrate; however, this conclusion was based on data collected when introduced feral ungulates had severely degraded the soil and vegetation cover. Since removal of the ungulates, native vegetation has gradually increased and the San Clemente Bell′s Sparrows have expanded into areas where habitat had been unsuitable. To explore how Bell′s Sparrows use these areas, we examined reproductive metrics associated with habitat covariates gathered at 214 nest sites used by Bell′s Sparrows from 2014 to 2016. We found that nest success in boxthorn habitat, previously considered an essential habitat for Bell′s Sparrow nesting, was similar to success in alternative habitat types. Our findings contradict previous conclusions that Bell′s Sparrows were boxthorn-dependent. We believe this previously documented relationship was likely due to the lack of available alternative nesting habitat following years of feral ungulate degradation, and Bell′s Sparrows now reproduce in multiple habitat types and throughout most of San Clemente Island. Furthermore, our findings illustrate the importance of long-term monitoring and corresponding adaptive management when monitoring species in changing and recovering landscapes.
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