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VOL. 133 · NO. 2 | June 2021
Christopher J. Butler, Auriel M.V. Fournier, Jennifer K. Wilson
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 177-189, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: LeConte's Sparrow, Nelson's Sparrow, Sedge Wren, species distribution models, stable hydrogen isotopes, Yellow Rail
Thomas E. Hamer, Nathalie Denis, Tamre P. Cardoso, Claudia E. Rocca, Jeffrey G. Luzenski, Richard E. Harness, Elizabeth K. Mojica, James F. Dwyer, Melissa A. Landon
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 190-201, (29 December 2021) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Artificial structures, collision, nocturnal bird migration, northeast US, radar, weather patterns
Daniel H. Kim, Lucas J. Redmond, James R. Fox, Michael T. Murphy
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 202-214, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: archival geolocator, departure date, intratropical migration, migration rate, migratory connectivity
Megan E. Martin, Kaitlyn Kelly, David R. Brown
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 215-225, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: habitat, home range, Kentucky, Kernel Density Estimation, radio telemetry, scrub-shrub, shrublanda
Gordon J. Atkins, James L. Hayward, Shandelle M. Henson
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 226-235, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Call, copulation, egg-laying synchrony, Glaucous-winged Gulls, Larus glaucescens, mounting, social facilitation
Laura E. Nuñez-Rosas, Enrique Ramírez-García, Carlos Lara, María del Coro Arizmendi
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 236-246, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: breeding, habitat preference, Kaplan-Meir, semi-deciduous forest, survival probability
Kevin C. Hannah, Christoph S. Ng, Elyse Howat, Rich Russell, Nora C. Spencer, Russ C. Weeber
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 247-257, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: acoustic, autonomous recording unit, bird song, monitoring, survey design, acoustique, chants d'oiseaux, plan de l'enquête, suivi, unité d'enregistrement autonome
Jeanne A. Rajaonarivelo, Marie J. Raherilalao, Aristide Andrianarimisa, Steven M. Goodman
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 258-265, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: birds, dry deciduous forest, Madagascar, microclimate, Seasonality, vegetation structure, forêt sèche caducifoliée, Madagascar, microclimat, oiseaux, saisonnalité, structure de la végétation
William B. Dutra, Pedro Diniz, Hermes Daros, Marcello Barcellos, Bruna Araújo-Silva, Charles Duca
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 266-276, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Atlantic forest, life history, nest predation, nest-site selection, Thamnophilidae., escolha do local de nidificação, história de vida, Mata Atlântica, predação de ninhos, Thamnophilidae
Tiberio C. Monterrubio-Rico, Juan F. Charre Medellín, Esmar O. Guzmán-Díaz, Donald J. Brightsmith
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 277-290, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: endangered species, nesting density, tropical forests
Hannah Booth, Laurel Yruretagoyena, Maria Kuruvilla, David L. Slager
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 291-295, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: age class, feeding strategy, San Juan Island, strike success, tides
Paul Hendricks
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 295-299, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: breeding biology, Fringillidae, Montana, nest attendance, nesting behavior
Jian Fang, Xudong Li, Wei Liang, Jiangping Yu, Haitao Wang, Guodong Yi, Romain Lorrilliere
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 300-303, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: cavity-nesting birds, DNA identification, foreign chick
Alexandra M. Cook, Alison R. Kocek, Jonathan B. Cohen
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 304-307, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: conservation, endangered species, fostering, New York, predation
Yu Lei, Zhu-Mei Li, Zhong-Fan Kuang, Qiang Liu
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 308-314, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: dynamic Brownian bridge movement model, migration routes, stopover pattern, waterbirds, winter movements
Bridget Re, Henry C. Stevens, C. Dustin Becker
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 314-318, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: diet, habitat, lifespan, Neotropical owl, parasite, raptor, Strigidae
Elise Ferree, Ravi Sadhu, Kennedy Holland, Olivia Wu
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 318-325, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: communication, nestlings, Parental care, provisioning calls, songbirds
James D. Paruk, Brooks Wade, Allison Byrd, John N. Mager
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 326-333, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Great Northern Diver, loon, sociality, winter behavior
Dallas R. Levey, María del Coro Arizmendi
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 333-339, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: Alloparental care, Amazilia tzacatl, brood parasitism, Chlorestes candida, hybridization, Neotropics
Steven G. Platt, Naing Lin, Thomas R. Rainwater
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 339-343, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: foraging behavior, Mangifera indica, mango pollinators, termite alates, termite emergence, urban wildlife
Macario Fernández-Popo, Fernando González-García, Diego Santiago-Alarcon
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 343-347, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: blackbirds, brood parasitism, host and victim, Parulidae, resident bird, Veracruz avifauna
Dominic Janus, Elizabeth A. Gow
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 348-354, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: cavity-nesting birds, interspecific feeding, nest sanitation, starling, woodpecker, assainissement du nid, étourneau, nourrissage interspécifique, pic oiseaux cavernicole
Anita Studer, Luis Batista, Maria Clara B. Gomes, Miguel Ângelo Marini
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 354-358, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: brood reduction, cannibalism, Cariamidae, infanticide, raptors
Sara E. Harrod, Caitlin De Bellis, Amanda Trusty, Virginie Rolland
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 358-364, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: climate change, multi-brooded, nest box, passerine, phenology, changements climatiques, espèce à plusieurs nichées par an, nichoir, passereau, phénologie
Holly R. Keating, Dustin G. Reichard
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 365-371, (29 December 2021)
KEYWORDS: annual cycle, bioacoustics, seasonal variation, songbird, song length, territoriality, Wren
Bruce M. Beehler
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), 372-378, (29 December 2021)
No abstract available
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133 (2), fmii, (29 December 2021)
No abstract available
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