Mustafa Ünal
Transactions of the American Entomological Society 136 (1-2), 125-183, (1 March 2010)
KEYWORDS: Orthoptera, Phaneropterinae, Poecilimon, Isophya, taxonomy, systematics, new species, species group, congeneric partner, relationship, speciation, Turkey, Middle East
A rich and interesting material collected from Turkey and the neighbouring countries including the Middle East has been evaluated. The material consists of the historical and unidentified specimens mainly in the Naturhistorisches Musem Wien, the Natural History Museum London and the specimens recently collected and preserved in the Abant Izzet Baysal Üniversitesi Entomoloji Müzesi. Eight genera and 106 species and subspecies are listed The Isophya species are included into 7, the Poecilimon species are included into 16 species groups. The relationships of the species and the species groups are proposed as phylogenetic trees in writing format. Three distinct clades of the species groups of Poecilimon are separated and discussed their taxonomic positions. The genus Poecilimonella Uvarov, 1921 is included to the genus Poecilimon Fischer, 1853 and the species Poecilimon richteri Ramme, 1933 is synonymized with Poecilimon similis Retowski, 1899. Twelve new species and subspecies, Isophya hitit, I. sureyai amazonae, I. artvin, Poecilimon inopinatus, P. ferwillemsei, P. solus, P. obtusicercus kasnak, P. iucundus aequocercus, P. longicercus, P. similis proximus, P. diversus, P. Istanbul, are described. The females of 3 taxa, Poecilimon obtusicercus obtusicercus Heller et al., Poecilimon xenocercus Karabag and Poecilimon concinnus Brunner are described for the first time. Poecilimon concinnus Brunner, 1878 has been rediscovered since its description. The following 12 taxa are proposed in subspecies level: Isophya sureyai sureyai Ramme, I. stenocauda stenocauda Ramme, I. stenocauda obenbergeri Maran, I. anatolica anatolica Ramme, I. anatolica pentheri Ramme; Poecilimon obtusicercus obtusicercus Heller et al., P. adentatus adentatus Ramme, P. adentatus uvarovi Ramme, P. celebi celebi Karabag, P. celebi azdavayi Ünal, P. celebi tevfikarabagi Ünal and P. iucundus iucundus Ünal. The lectotypes for 8 species, Isophya amplipennis Brunner, I. savignyi Brunner, I. major Brunner, I. rectipennis Brunner, Poecilimon pergamicus Brunner, P. hamatus Brunner, P. unispinosus Brunner, P. zonatus I. Bolivar, are designated. Poecilimon cognatus (Fieber, 1853) is proposed as nomen novum. The determined congeneric partners of the species and subspecies are given. Five speciation stages which determine the taxonomic position for the taxa of Isophya and Poecilimon are designated. In addition 147 figures and a distributional map for the new taxa are provided.