VOL. 31 · NO. 4 | December 2008
Nathan M. Jones, Gerard J. McChesney, Michael W. Parker, Julie L. Yee, Harry R. Carter, Richard T. Golightly
Waterbirds 31 (4), 505-519, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.505
KEYWORDS: Brandt's cormorant, breeding phenology, California Current, El Niño, Gulf of the Farallones, La Niña, reproductive success, Phalacrocorax penicillatus
Brenda M. Blinn, Antony W. Diamond, Diana J. Hamilton
Waterbirds 31 (4), 520-529, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.520
KEYWORDS: Ascophyllum nodosum, Bay of Fundy, brood rearing, Common Eider, habitat selection, rockweed harvesting, Somateria mollissima
Sergio Pierluissi, Sammy L. King
Waterbirds 31 (4), 530-540, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.530
KEYWORDS: King Rail, rice, callback surveys, nest success, Louisiana, site occupancy
Alan D. Maccarone, John N. Brzorad, Heather M. Stone1
Waterbirds 31 (4), 541-549, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.541
KEYWORDS: Ardea alba, Great Egret, Egretta thula, flight energetics, Snowy Egret, wading birds
Carlos B. Zavalaga, Manuel A. Plenge, Albert Bertolero
Waterbirds 31 (4), 550-560, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.550
KEYWORDS: breeding biology, desert plains, foxes, loose aggregations, nesting behavior, Peruvian Tern, predation, Sternula lorata
Pablo Yorio, Márcio Amorim Efe
Waterbirds 31 (4), 561-570, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.561
KEYWORDS: Argentina, Brazil, Cayenne Tern, conservation, population status, Royal Tern, Thalasseus maximus maximus, Thalasseus sandvicensis eurygnathus
Jordan Perkins Bailey, Frederick A. Servello
Waterbirds 31 (4), 571-579, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.571
KEYWORDS: breeding productivity, chick survival, fledgling residence time, fledging success, Least Tern, Sterna antillarum
Flemming Ravn Merke, Anders Mosbech
Waterbirds 31 (4), 580-586, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.580
KEYWORDS: -anti-predator response, Common Eider, disturbances, diurnal feeding, nocturnal feeding, Somateria mollissima, Southwest Greenland
Danielle Le Fer, James D. Fraser, Casey D. Kruse
Waterbirds 31 (4), 587-592, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.587
KEYWORDS: Charadrius melodus, epilimnetc, foraging, habitat, hypolimnetic, Missouri River, Piping Plover, shorebird
Iain R. Taylor, Mike C. Schultz
Waterbirds 31 (4), 593-601, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.593
KEYWORDS: egret diets, Australia, introduced fish, carp, Cyprinus caprio, frogs, river regulation, drought
Samuel A. Iverson, John Y. Takekawa, Steven Schwarzbach, Carol J. Cardona, Nils Warnock, Mary Anne Bishop, GREG A. SCHIRATO, Sara Paroulek, Joshua T. Ackerman, Hon Ip, Walter M. Boyce
Waterbirds 31 (4), 602-610, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.602
KEYWORDS: avian influenza, Charadriiformes, cloacal swabs, epidemiology, H5N1, oropharyngeal swabs, Pacific Flyway, Shorebirds, United States, waders, wild birds
Margaret C. M. Lindsay, Catherine E. Meathrel
Waterbirds 31 (4), 611-619, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.611
KEYWORDS: avian diet, dietary assessment, ecological resource requirements, Shorebirds
Nicole Schumann, John P. Y. Arnould, Peter Dann
Waterbirds 31 (4), 620-624, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.620
KEYWORDS: Common Diving-petrel, diet, Nyctiphanes australis, Pelecanoides urinatrix
Mariela Inés Ghys, Andrea Raya Rey, Adrián Schiavini
Waterbirds 31 (4), 625-631, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.625
KEYWORDS: Gentoo penguins, Pygoscelis papua, Beagle Channel, breeding population, breeding biology
Smith Andrew C. M., Ursula Munro
Waterbirds 31 (4), 632-635, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.632
KEYWORDS: cannibalism, heterocannibalism, scavenging, fledgling, Australian White Ibis, Threskiornis molucca, pelican, Pelecanus conspicillatus
Edison Barbieri, Glen T. Hvenegaard
Waterbirds 31 (4), 636-644, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.636
KEYWORDS: Atalaia Nova Beach, Brazil, migration, Sergipe, Shorebirds, South America, stopover, wintering
Lei Cao, Mark Barter, Richard Lewthwaite3
Waterbirds 31 (4), 645-650, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.645
KEYWORDS: Anatidae, China, Fujian, population decline, waterbird abundance
Guy Beauchamp
Waterbirds 31 (4), 651-655, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.651
KEYWORDS: attack rate, inter-individual spacing, Peregrine Falcon, predation, Semipalmated Sandpiper
Millones Ana, Esteban Frere, Patricia Gandini
Waterbirds 31 (4), 656-660, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.656
KEYWORDS: habitat use, Patagonia, Phalacrocorax gaimardi, Red-legged Cormorant, seabirds
Dariusz Jakubas, Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas
Waterbirds 31 (4), 661-665, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.661
KEYWORDS: Alle alle, copulation, Dovekie, male-male mounting, redirected mounting, reverse mounting
Emmanuel Moralez-Silva, Emygdio L. A. Monteiro-Filho
Waterbirds 31 (4), 666-667, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.666
KEYWORDS: kleptoparasitism, little blue heron, Great Kiskadee, mudflat, estuary, Cananéia-Brazil
Carolina Sanpera
Waterbirds 31 (4), 668-669, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.668
No abstract available
Waterbirds 31 (4), 670, (1 December 2008) https://doi.org/10.1675/1524-4695-31.4.670
No abstract available
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