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Prior research indicated that analysis of nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry could be used to distinguish smooth pigweed × tall waterhemp hybrids when the parent lines are known. Flow cytometry was performed on nuclei isolated from several Illinois populations of smooth pigweed and tall waterhemp. The smooth pigweed and tall waterhemp analyzed had nonoverlapping 2C nuclear DNA content values, with mean values of 1.04 and 1.34 pg, respectively. The consistent difference in DNA content observed between the two species indicates that DNA content analysis can be used to distinguish their hybrid progeny in natural populations.
The inheritance and linkage of enhanced metabolism-based herbicide cross-resistance was examined in a multiple resistant population of rigid ryegrass. F1 hybrids between resistant and susceptible populations showed an intermediate response to all the four herbicides tested, with no indication of maternal inheritance. Segregation of F2 families fitted a single-gene model for resistance to simazine, chlorotoluron, and chlorsulfuron. But there was more than the expected mortality from the low dose of tralkoxydim. Segregating F2 populations were selected by high rates of each of the four herbicides to create selected F2 families. Analysis of the response of these families demonstrated that simazine resistance is linked to chlorotoluron resistance. No other herbicide resistances were linked. Therefore, in this population of rigid ryegrass, at least three separate genes are responsible for metabolism-based cross-resistance. This study shows that multiple herbicide resistance in rigid ryegrass is the result of accumulation of a number of different resistance genes.
Studies were conducted to evaluate the absorption, translocation, and metabolism of 14C–CGA-362622 when foliar-applied to purple and yellow nutsedge. Less than 53% of the herbicide was absorbed after 96 h. Both nutsedge species translocated appreciable amounts of herbicide (30%) out of treated leaves. Translocation was both acropetal and basipetal, with at least 25% transported basipetally. Neither nutsedge species translocated more than 4% of applied radioactivity to the tubers and roots. Most of the metabolites formed by the nutsedge species were more polar than 14C–CGA-362622 and averaged 69 and 61% of the radioactivity in purple and yellow nutsedge, respectively. The half-life of CGA-362622 was estimated at 4 h in both purple and yellow nutsedge.
Nomenclature: CGA-362622, N-([4,6-dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl]carbamoyl)-3-(2,2,2,-trifluoroethoxy)-pyridin-2-sulfonamide sodium salt; purple nutsedge, Cyperus rotundus L. CYPRO; yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L. CYPES.
Glyphosate treatments to glyphosate-resistant (GR) cotton can cause increased fruit loss compared with untreated plants, likely due to reductions in pollen viability and alterations in floral morphology that may reduce pollination efficiency. This study was conducted to determine whether both stamen and pistil are affected by glyphosate treatments by measuring seed set from reciprocal reproductive crosses made between glyphosate-treated GR, untreated GR, and conventional nontransgenic cotton. Pollen viability was 51 and 38% lower for the first and second week of flowering, respectively, in GR plants treated with a four-leaf postemergence (POST) treatment and an eight-leaf POST-directed treatment of glyphosate than in GR plants that were not treated. Seed set per boll was significantly reduced when the pollen donor parent was glyphosate treated vs. untreated for the first 2 wk of flowering. There were no significant differences between treatments applied to male parents as measured by seed set at Weeks 3 and 4 of flowering. Seed set was not influenced by glyphosate treatments applied to female parents at any time. Retention of bolls resulting from crosses was reduced by glyphosate treatment of male parents during the first and third week of flowering but was not affected by glyphosate treatment of female parents. The application of gibberellic acid (GA), which has been shown to reverse male sterility in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) and to enhance boll retention in cotton, was investigated for similar effects in glyphosate-treated GR cotton. The GA treatments to glyphosate-treated plants increased the anther–stigma distance 12-fold, stigma height, and pollen viability in the second week of flowering but decreased the number of seeds in second-position bolls on Fruiting branches 1 through 3, decreased the number of first-position bolls per plant, and increased the number of squares in comparison with glyphosate-treated GR plants not receiving GA. Although GA applications to glyphosate-treated GR cotton have some remedial effect on pollen viability, the GA-induced increase in the anther–stigma difference exacerbates the increase in anther–stigma distance caused by glyphosate, resulting in low pollination.
Nomenclature: Glyphosate; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. ‘Delta Pine & Land 5415RR’, ‘Delta Pine & Land 5415’.
Greenhouse studies were initiated to determine the duration of time after herbicide treatment required to render johnsongrass physiologically noncompetitive. Nicosulfuron, imazapic, clethodim, and glyphosate were applied to rhizomatous johnsongrass at 35, 70, 140, and 840 g ai ha−1, respectively. Net carbon assimilation, stomatal conductance, chlorophyll meter readings, and maximum (dark adapted) efficiency of photosystem II were measured. Net carbon assimilation (AN) was assumed to be the best indicator of johnsongrass competitiveness. Johnsongrass was considered to be physiologically noncompetitive when AN declined below 50% of that of nontreated check. From these data, it was concluded that glyphosate rendered johnsongrass noncompetitive most readily, 4.3 d after treatment, whereas no differences were detected between nicosulfuron, imazapic, or clethodim throughout the experiment. Stomatal conductance (gs) was highly correlated to AN and was determined to be an adequate substitute for AN when determining johnsongrass competitiveness. It was concluded that chlorophyll meter readings and photosystem II efficiency were poor indicators of johnsongrass competitiveness.
Potato exhibits adequate tolerance to preemergence applications of sulfentrazone at rates up to 0.28 kg ai ha−1. Sulfentrazone also controls several troublesome weeds such as common lambsquarters but may be less effective against jimsonweed. Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate differential tolerance to root-absorbed [14C]sulfentrazone by potato, common lambsquarters, and jimsonweed. Common lambsquarters and jimsonweed absorption of [14C]sulfentrazone g−1 fresh weight was more than twofold that in potato after 24-h exposure. After 48-h exposure, sulfentrazone absorption by common lambsquarters was nearly twofold that in jimsonweed and nearly threefold that in potato. Sulfentrazone movement from roots to shoots was also greater in common lambsquarters than in jimsonweed and potato after 6 h. Both weed species exhibited nearly a twofold increase in sulfentrazone translocation from roots to shoots compared with potato after 12, 24, and 48 h. Minor differences in sulfentrazone metabolism in roots were noted among species after 6 h. Metabolism in roots and shoots was similar in all species after 12, 24, and 48 h. Because the enzyme on which sulfentrazone acts, protoporphyrinogen oxidase, is located in shoot tissue, translocation to shoots is essential for sulfentrazone toxicity. Therefore, differential root absorption and differential translocation of sulfentrazone from roots to shoots are the proposed primary mechanisms of differential sulfentrazone tolerance among potato, common lambsquarters, and jimsonweed.
Nomenclature: Common lambsquarters, Chenopodium album L. CHEAL; jimsonweed, Datura stramonium L. DATST; potato, Solanum tuberosum L. ‘Superior’.
Field studies were conducted in 1997 and 1998 at Manhattan and Topeka, KS, to examine the competitive effects of redroot pigweed, Palmer amaranth, and common waterhemp on soybean yield. The experiments were established as a randomized complete block design in a factorial arrangement of three pigweed species, two pigweed planting dates (soybean planting and cotyledon stage), and seven weed densities (0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, and 8 plants m−1 of row, plus a weed-free control). The effect of weed density on soybean yield loss, pigweed biomass, and pigweed seed production were described using a rectangular hyperbola model. Soybean yield loss varied between locations depending on the weed species, density, and time of emergence. Yield loss increased with weed density for each species and location with the first pigweed emergence time. The maximum soybean yield loss occurred at the first planting and 8 plants m−1 of row density, and was 78.7, 56.2, and 38.0% as determined by the model for Palmer amaranth, common waterhemp, and redroot pigweed, respectively. The second planting of pigweed did not significantly reduce soybean yield. The relative ranking of the pigweed species biomass was Palmer amaranth > common waterhemp > redroot pigweed. Maximum seed production for Palmer amaranth, common waterhemp, and redroot pigweed was 32,300, 51,800, and 9,500 seeds m−2. Palmer amaranth produced a larger quantity of seed than did common waterhemp or redroot pigweed at low weed densities (0.25 to 4 plants m−1 of row). But common waterhemp seed production equaled or surpassed Palmer amaranth at high weed densities.
Nomenclature: Palmer amaranth, Amaranthus palmeri S. Wats. AMAPA; common waterhemp, Amaranthus rudis Sauer AMATA; redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L. AMARE; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.
Recent interest in describing the spatial distribution of weeds and studying their association with site properties has increased the use of interpolation to estimate weed seedling density from spatially referenced data. In addition, farmers and consultants adopting elements of site-specific farming practices are using interpolation methods for mapping weed densities as well as soil properties. This study was conducted to compare the performance of four interpolation methods, namely inverse-distance weighting (IDW), ordinary point kriging (OPK), minimum surface curvature (MC), and multiquadric radial basis function (MUL), with respect to their ability to map weed-seedling densities. These methods were evaluated on data from four weed species, velvetleaf, hemp dogbane, common sunflower, and foxtail species, of contrasting biology and infestation levels in corn and soybean production fields in Nebraska. Mean absolute difference (MAD) and root mean square (RMS) between the observed point sample data and the estimated weed seedling density surfaces were used to evaluate the performance of the interpolation methods. Four neighborhood search types were compared within each interpolation method, and Search3 (12 to 16 neighboring locations) generated an interpolated surface with the smallest MAD and RMS indicating the highest precision. IDW with a power coefficient of p = 4 gave the smallest MAD and RMS, as did a test with an elliptical search and no anisotropy. The level of precision of all four interpolation methods was very poor for weed species with low infestation levels (> 75% of field weed-free; MAD ranged from 100 to 187% of the observed mean density), whereas precision was improved for weed species with high infestation levels (< 25% of field weed-free; MAD ranged from 45 to 85%). No single interpolator appears to be more precise than another. Implications of this study indicate that grid sample spacing and quadrat size are more important than the specific interpolation method chosen.
Nomenclature: Common sunflower, Helianthus annuus L. HELAN; foxtail species, Setaria spp. SETSS; hemp dogbane, Apocynum cannabinum L. APCCA; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus ABUTH; corn, Zea mays L.; soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr.
Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the effects of optimum temperature, depth of planting, and simulated moisture stress on smellmelon germination and subsequent emergence. Smellmelon germination increased with temperatures ranging from 20 to 30 C, with the highest germination of 83% occurring at 30 C. Germination percentages decreased to 49 and 15% with temperatures of 35 and 45 C, respectively. Emergence from depths of 9 to 15 cm was less than 25% for all temperatures. Highest emergence from depths of 1 to 6 cm occurred with 30 and 35 C. Smellmelon germination was reduced from 81 to 61% when the osmotic potential was reduced to − 0.2 MPa and was further reduced to 48 and 7% with solutions of − 0.4 and − 0.6 MPa, respectively. Field studies were conducted to evaluate smellmelon biomass production in 1999 and 2000 when competing with cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). End of season-smellmelon leaf area values were 16,280 and 22,053 cm2 per plant in 1999 and 2000, respectively, or 67 and 117 g of leaf dry weight per plant for 1999 and 2000, respectively. In 1999, smellmelon produced 60 g of stem dry weight per plant, and it increased to 75 g in 2000. Optimum germination temperature for smellmelon coincides with those for many annual crops. These data indicate that smellmelon germination and emergence can occur under a wide variety of environmental conditions. On the basis of biomass production values, smellmelon may also be a very efficient competitor with many cultivated crops.
Nomenclature: Smellmelon, Cucumis melo var. dudaim Naud. CUMMD.
Field experiments were conducted in 1999 and 2000 to determine if (1) seed predation of redroot pigweed plants occurred in agricultural fields, (2) corn-cropping patterns could be manipulated to influence the quantity of weed seed predation, and (3) alterations in corn canopies affected the microenvironment, possibly influencing predator populations. Corn was planted in standard (75 cm) or narrow (37.5 cm) rows with corn population densities ranging from low to very high (2.5 to 10 plants m−2). The extent of seed predation occurring on terminal weed inflorescences in the treatments was evaluated. Predation levels of redroot pigweed were highly variable spatially and temporally. Coleophora lineapulvella Chambers (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) was the dominant predator of redroot pigweed seed. Seed predation was higher in 2000 than in 1999 (P < 0.05). On average, C. lineapulvella larvae attacked 11% of the inflorescences in 2000 and 3% of inflorescences in 1999. The proportion of damaged seeds per attacked inflorescence was as high as 93% in 2000 but only 42% in 1999. Row spacing and corn density did not affect levels of weed seed predation (P > 0.05). But canopies of closely spaced corn increased shading to redroot pigweed plants growing below the canopy, consequently decreasing total weed biomass and seed production.
Nomenclature:Coleophora lineapulvella Chambers; corn, Zea mays L. ‘Pride X2650 LL’; redroot pigweed, Amaranthus retroflexus L. AMARE.
The genetic variation at 12 isozyme loci was investigated in the three species (Xanthium italicum, X. strumarium, and X. orientale) forming a X. strumarium complex in Italy. Very little variation was found within species at the loci studied in contrast to the considerable interspecies genetic differentiation at several loci. The gene differentiation between species was ranged from 61 to 91%. The observed genetic structure of the X. strumarium complex was consistent with that found for predominantly autogamous species. The values of maximum outcrossing rates estimated in original sampling sites and in a field test ranged from 8 to 17%, confirming previous observations that Xanthium species are predominantly self-pollinated. Gene duplications were evident in the three Xanthium species because of their likely polyploid origin. The percentage of duplicate loci exhibiting “fixed heterozygosity” was 25, 25, and 16% in X. italicum, X. strumarium, and X. orientale, respectively. Data presented supported that both mating system and ploidy level were fundamental features in adaptation process of investigated Xanthium species. Some evidence suggested that polyploidization occurred before speciation of X. italicum, X. strumarium, and X. orientale. As a consequence, a common ancestral progenitor could be postulated for the three species. During geographical adaptation, the three species fixed alternative alleles in some loci, and the process was favored by the predominantly autogamous mating system. On the contrary, fixed heterozygosity in duplicated loci allowed maintenance of a sufficient level of gene diversity in the three Xanthium species to ensure wide adaptability in different microhabitats (i.e., abandoned land, roadsides, and field crops) and to avoid the negative effect of inbreeding depression.
Nomenclature:Xanthium strumarium L. complex XANST.
Two experiments were conducted to examine woolly cupgrass seed reserve utilization and the effect of germination depth on seed reserve utilization, tiller number, and timing of tiller emergence. The first experiment included germination in light with water, in light with Hoagland's solution, and in darkness with water; the second included five planting depths of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 cm. Endosperm utilization and shoot and root growth over time were recorded. Endosperms lost weight rapidly until 6 d after germination (DAG), when weight loss slowed down. Endosperm weight loss ceased 8 or 10 DAG. Endosperm weight loss was fastest for germination in light with Hoagland's solution. Deep planting significantly decreased emergence rate and increased the time to emergence. Differences in residual endosperms may have affected the early development of woolly cupgrass seedlings. Germination from a depth of 9 cm depleted the endosperm by the time of emergence. Deep planting also decreased shoot dry weight and tiller number 15 d after planting (DAP). Because the first tiller of woolly cupgrass usually appeared 10 to 12 DAP, and the endosperm had been depleted before that, there was no endosperm to support the new tillers.
The occurrence of volunteer canola has been increasing in western Canada. The objective of this study was to determine the canola seedbank additions incurred during crop harvest on commercial farms. Over 2 yr, 35 fields of 15 different producers were sampled after harvest using a vacuum cleaner. The canola seeds were separated from the crop residue and soil, and yield loss, 1,000-seed weight, and seedbank additions were determined for each field. Further information for each field was obtained through a producer survey questionnaire. Average yield losses of 107 kg ha−1 or 5.9% of the crop seed yield were observed. This amounted to seedbank additions of approximately 3,000 viable seeds m−2. The yield losses among producers ranged from 3.3 to 9.9% or 9 to 56 times the normal seeding rate of canola. Even with relatively low persistence rates, seedbanks of this magnitude could result in significant volunteer populations for several years, without further seedbank additions from escaped volunteers.
Resistance to herbicides and the lack of viable control options have led to an interest in increasing the role of crop competition as a weed management tool in water-seeded rice production. Weed-suppressive rice cultivars have been suggested as a tool that could improve weed control and reduce the reliance of growers on herbicides. Field studies were conducted at Biggs, CA, in 1999 and 2000 with six to eight semidwarf rice cultivars to identify water-seeded rice traits related to the suppression of watergrass growth. Cultivars S-201 and M-302 were the most suppressive in both years. The dry weight (DW) of watergrass grown with the most suppressive cultivar was only 16% in 1999 and 57% in 2000 of the DW of watergrass grown with the least suppressive cultivar. Rice leaf area and root DW in weed-free plots were linearly related to watergrass DW in both years. Weed-suppressive traits were not inversely correlated with rice yields in monoculture; competitive cultivars also had high yields. This study suggests that an indirect selection program, based on traits that can be identified early in the season under weed-free conditions, has great potential for developing more competitive cultivars for water-seeded rice.
Nomenclature: Early watergrass, Echinochloa oryzoides (Ard.) Fritsch ECHOR; late watergrass, Echinochloa phyllopogon (Stapf) Koss. ECHPH; rice, Oryza sativa L.
Velvetleaf has been a major concern of Southern cotton growers, yet information on its competitiveness and seed production in cotton is lacking. Experiments were conducted in 1997 and 1998 at the Central Crops Research Station in Clayton, NC, to evaluate density-dependent effects of velvetleaf interference and seed production dynamics in conventional tillage cotton. Velvetleaf at densities of up to 3.5 plants m−1 of row did not influence cotton height until at least 4 wk after planting. Velvetleaf height increased as plant density increased throughout the season in 1997, but it was not affected until 9 wk after planting in 1998. Because of differences in environmental conditions, velvetleaf and cotton achieved maximum height later in 1998 than in 1997; however, velvetleaf seed production and cotton yields were higher in 1998 than in 1997 regardless of velvetleaf density. Velvetleaf density had no effect on the fresh weight, dry weight, and stem diameter of velvetleaf plants in 1997. But in 1998, all these parameters decreased significantly with increasing velvetleaf density. Velvetleaf seed production in 1998 was nearly twice that in 1997. Averaged over velvetleaf densities, the greatest number of seed were produced between nodes 6 and 20 in 1997 and between nodes 1 and 10 in 1998. In both years, cotton yield loss increased with velvetleaf density. Maximum yield loss was 84% at 3.5 velvetleaf plants m−1 of row. Yield losses of 5 and 10% were caused by 0.2 and 0.4 velvetleaf plants m−1 of row (1,930 and 4,110 plants ha−1), respectively, in 1997 and by 0.03 and 0.08 velvetleaf plants m−1 of row (360 and 850 plants ha−1), respectively, in 1998. To understand better the applicability of these results, we hypothesized that environmental variation caused differences in measured responses between 1997 and 1998. Therefore, kriging methods were used to fit correlations between observed rainfall and growing degree days (GDD) each year at the experiment site. Results based on climate data from 4 yr at 110 sites indicated that inference space was higher for GDD than for rainfall. The conditions observed at the experiment site in 1997 were deemed most appropriate for the recommendations made in the surrounding area.
Nomenclature: Velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus ABUTH; cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L. ‘Stoneville BXN 47‘ and ‘Deltapine 51’.
Wild oat, a troublesome weed in cereals, infests about 11 million hectares of cropland in the United States. Diversifying cereal production with alternative crops, such as yellow mustard and canola, can provide flexibility in cropping systems, decrease production risks, and allow for effective weed suppression. The objective of the study was to quantify the competitive ability of yellow mustard and canola relative to wild oat in addition series field experiments, which were conducted in 1999 and 2000 near Genesee, ID. Biomass and seed production of wild oat were reduced 67 and 80%, respectively, in mixtures with yellow mustard, which was three to four times greater than the reduction in corresponding mixtures with canola. In addition, yellow mustard reduced the biomass and seed production of wild oat equally regardless of wild oat density. In contrast, the competitive effect of canola on wild oat biomass decreased 5 to 10 times when wild oat density increased from 100 to 200 plants m−2. Yellow mustard at all densities and at both biomass harvests suppressed wild oat biomass and seed production similarly. But suppression of wild oat by canola increased as canola density increased, and canola plants were more competitive at the flowering stage than at the rosette stage. Wild oat had little or no effect on yellow mustard seed yield but reduced canola seed yield 37%, when averaged over canola densities. Additionally, the oil content of canola seed was reduced 0.4% for every 1% of wild oat seed in the harvested seed. Models developed in this study accurately predicted plant populations of yellow mustard and canola that provided optimal weed suppression and crop yield for different wild oat populations.
Nomenclature: Wild oat, Avena fatua L. AVEFA; canola, Brassica napus L. ‘Sunrise’; yellow mustard, Sinapis alba L. ‘Idagold’.
Experiments were conducted to determine the efficacy, absorption, and translocation of glyphosate, glufosinate, and imazethapyr with selected weed species. In the greenhouse glyphosate, glufosinate, and imazethapyr were applied at 0.25, 0.5, and 1 times their label rates of 1,121, 410, and 70 g ha−1, respectively, on 10- to 15-cm black nightshade, common waterhemp, eastern black nightshade, field bindweed, giant ragweed, ivyleaf morningglory, prairie cupgrass, velvetleaf, and yellow nutsedge. Glyphosate applied at the 1-time rate caused injury greater than or similar to injury from the 1-time rate of glufosinate or imazethapyr on black nightshade, common waterhemp, eastern black nightshade, field bindweed, giant ragweed, prairie cupgrass, and velvetleaf. The 1-time rate of glufosinate injured ivyleaf morningglory and yellow nutsedge more than did the 1-time rate of glyphosate or imazethapyr. Under field conditions glyphosate caused the greatest injury to common waterhemp, prairie cupgrass, and velvetleaf across plant growth stages. Giant ragweed and ivyleaf morningglory injury was more dependent on growth stage, with the 15- and 30-cm growth stages more susceptible to glyphosate than to glufosinate or imazethapyr. Differential response of these weed species may be caused by differences in herbicide translocation. Glyphosate was translocated more in both giant ragweed and ivyleaf morningglory, and these species were injured more by glyphosate than by glufosinate or imazethapyr at the larger growth stages.
Nomenclature: Glufosinate; glyphosate; imazethapyr; black nightshade, Solanum nigrum L. SOLNI; common waterhemp, Amaranthus rudis Sauer AMATA; eastern black nightshade, Solanum ptycanthum Dun. SOLPT; field bindweed, Convolvulus arvensis L. CONAR; giant ragweed, Ambrosia trifida L. AMBTR; ivyleaf morningglory, Ipomoea hederacea (L.) Jacq. IPOHE; prairie cupgrass, Eriochloa contracta Hitchc. ERICO; velvetleaf, Abutilon theophrasti Medicus ABUTH; yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L. CYPES.
The combination of Aphthona spp. flea beetles and herbicides can increase leafy spurge control when compared with either method used alone, but the effect of herbicides on the biocontrol agent and conversely the effect of Aphthona on herbicides within the plant are unknown. Understanding this interaction will allow for maximum weed control with little or no negative effect on the establishment and reproduction of the biological agent. Fall application of picloram plus 2,4-D had a minimal negative effect on the A. nigriscutis population and no effect on overwintering fitness. The number of A. nigriscutis adults collected from soil cores taken from the field was similar regardless of the herbicide application date, although emergence was variable. Leafy spurge soluble and insoluble carbohydrate and soluble protein concentrations, which are indirect measurements of the herbicide's effect on nutrient availability to the insect, were similar in treated and untreated plants. Aphthona nigriscutis larval feeding did not affect the absorption or translocation of 14C–2,4-D or 14C-picloram alone or in combination in leafy spurge. The observed increase in leafy spurge control due to the combined treatment was likely an additive effect of herbicide toxicity to root tissue and A. nigriscutis larval feeding on root buds.
Nomenclature: Picloram; 2,4-D; Aphthona nigriscutis Foudras; leafy spurge, Euphorbia esula L. EPHES.
Research on best management practices, including vegetative filter strips, is needed to evaluate the potential for reducing herbicides in surface runoff. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the influence of different filter strip components on fluometuron adsorption. Samples were taken from a switchgrass filter strip (1-m wide) established on a Brooksville silty clay. Sampled components included switchgrass stems clipped to 4 cm, plant residue on the soil surface, and topsoil < 5-mm, 0.5- to 1-cm, 1- to 3-cm, and 3- to 5-cm deep. The filter strip topsoil samples contained 1.8, 2.2, 2.3, and 2.8% organic matter for the aforementioned depths, respectively, compared with 1.8% in soil collected from an adjacent cropped area. Fluometuron adsorption on each sample was compared at initial concentrations of 0.017, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 mg L−1, the last of these representing four times the peak concentration in surface runoff. Fluometuron adsorption was greater in soil from filter strip areas than in soil from cropped areas. Averaged over concentration, the soil–water partition coefficient (Kd) value for soil 1- to 3-cm and 3- to 5-cm deep was greater than the value for soil from the cropped area. Stems and residue had Kd values 4.9- and 4.1-fold greater, respectively, than soil from the cropped area. Average adsorption coefficients normalized for organic carbon content (Koc) of soil < 5-mm and 3- to 5-cm deep from filter strip areas were greater than the values for soil from cropped areas.
Nomenclature: Fluometuron; switchgrass, Panicum virgatum L.
Glufosinate-resistant transgenic creeping and velvet bentgrass plants expressing a bar gene under the control of the maize ubiquitin promoter were inoculated separately with the fungal pathogens, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa, before or after treatment with 560 mg L−1 of glufosinate at a rate of 0.56 kg ha−1. Application of the herbicide 3 h before or 1 d after fungal inoculation significantly reduced infection of these transgenic grasses by R. solani and S. homoeocarpa. Assessment of the in vitro antifungal activity of the herbicide showed that 336 and 448 mg L−1 glufosinate completely inhibited the mycelial growth of S. homoeocarpa and R. solani, respectively. The results suggest that the nonselective herbicide glufosinate may also be used to suppress the activity of some fungal pathogens in turf composed of these transgenic glufosinate-resistant creeping and velvet bentgrasses.
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