Weed Technology 16 (3), 512-519, (1 July 2002)[0512:YNCECA]2.0.CO;2
Greenhouse and field research evaluated yellow nutsedge growth, vegetative control, and tuber production after application of glyphosate, various acetolactase synthase (ALS)–inhibiting herbicides, and tank mixtures thereof. Yellow nutsedge was controlled by the herbicides halosulfuron at 35 g ai/ha, chlorimuron at 12 g ai/ha, and imazethapyr–imazapyr at 62 g ai/ha (> 70% control); imazethapyr at 70 g ai/ha, glyphosate at 840 g ae/ha, cloransulam at 17.5 g ai/ha, and rimsulfuron at 17.5 g ai/ha (40 to 70% control); and imazamox at 45 g ai/ha (< 40% control). Compared with the untreated control, tuber fresh weight in the field was reduced 45 to 91%, and tuber density was reduced 33 to 90% by all herbicide treatments 42 wk after treatment (WAT) except imazamox and rimsulfuron. Tuber sprouting was reduced to 19% in plots treated with halosulfuron and pyrithiobac compared with untreated yellow nutsedge 42 WAT. Chlorimuron and imazethapyr–imazapyr controlled yellow nutsedge at least 90%, prevented panicle formation, and reduced tuber density and fresh weight by 90% or more 14 WAT in the greenhouse. The addition of glyphosate to cloransulam or imazethapyr increased yellow nutsedge control and reduced tuber density and fresh weight when compared with either ALS-inhibiting herbicide or glyphosate applied alone. Tuber density data indicated that there were 8 tubers for every gram of tubers harvested. Yellow nutsedge height was 15 to 20 cm 4 to 5 wk after tillage, using growth analysis data. Long-term yellow nutsedge management may be aided with treatments that reduce tuber production.
Nomenclature: Chlorimuron; cloransulam; glyphosate; halosulfuron; imazamox; imazapyr; imazethapyr; pyrithiobac; rimsulfuron; yellow nutsedge, Cyperus esculentus L. #3 CYPES.
Additional index words: Acetolactase synthase inhibitor, plant height, postemergence, shoot production, tubers.
Abbreviations: ALS, acetolactate synthase; COC, crop oil concentrate; DAS, diammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4); MSO, methylated seed oil; NIS, nonionic surfactant; WAT, weeks after treatment.