Seeds were collected from field-grown glufosinate-resistant rice treated at various growth stages from the one-leaf through the boot stage with glufosinate at 0.84 kg ai/ha. The collected seeds were evaluated for 100-count seed weights, germination, and seedling vigor. Germination of the long-grain transformant CPRS PB-13 at five temperatures was unaffected by glufosinate treatment or temperature. At 14 d after initiation, germination of the medium-grain transformant BNGL HC-11/62 was reduced at 22 C when treated at the preboot timing. One hundred–count seed weights and seedling vigor were not affected for either glufosinate-resistant line.
Nomenclature: Glufosinate; rice, Oryza sativa L., ‘BNGL HC-11/62’, ‘CPRS PB-13’.
Additional index word: Liberty-Link rice.
Abbreviations: AOSA, Association of Official Seed Analysts; DAI, days after initiation; POST, postemergence.