Field trials were conducted to evaluate imazosulfuron applied POST at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 kg/ha to watermelon at the two- to four-leaf stage or to vines 30.5 cm long. At 7 d after treatment (DAT), crop injury to watermelon increased linearly for both growth stages as rate increased. The least injury to watermelon observed 7 DAT was 19 and 15%, respectively, for the two- to four-leaf and 30.5-cm growth stages treated with 0.01 kg/ha imazosulfuron. The 0.4 kg/ha imazosulfuron treatment caused the greatest watermelon injury (approximately 30%) at both application timings. Yield of watermelon treated with 0.1 and 0.2 kg/ha imazosulfuron applied at the two- to four-leaf and 30.5-cm stages were similar to the nontreated check (all plots were maintained weed-free). For both application timings, yield decreased linearly as imazosulfuron rate increased. The application of imazosulfuron to watermelon at the 30.5-cm stage averaged across rates resulted in less injury at 15 DAT (16%) and greater yield (92,869 kg/ha) than watermelon treated at two- to four-leaf stage averaged across rates (29%, 83,560 kg/ha). Internal fruit quality was not affected by imazosulfuron.
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1 April 2010
Response of Diploid Watermelon to Imazosulfuron POST
Peter J. Dittmar,
Katherine M. Jennings,
David W. Monks
Weed Technology
Vol. 24 • No. 2
Vol. 24 • No. 2
Sulfonylurea herbicide, application timing, growth stage, herbicide rate