Weeds are managed in Florida strawberry production systems with plastic mulches, fumigants, and herbicides. There are limited post-transplant options to control weeds that emerge in the planting holes in the plastic-covered beds, but flumioxazin at 107 g ai ha–1 can be applied pretransplant under the plastic mulch to control broadleaf and grass weeds. Three research trials were conducted in Balm and Dover, FL, in 2017 and 2018 to evaluate tolerance of the strawberry cultivar ‘Radiance’ to flumioxazin rates ranging from 54 to 6,854 g ha–1 and to estimate herbicide persistence under the plastic mulch. Shoot damage was observed at 428 to 857 g ha–1 (4× and 8× the label rate, respectively), but a significant increase in the number of dead plants was not observed until the treatment rate was 857 g ha–1 at one site and 3,427 g ha–1 at a second site (8× and 32× the label rate, respectively). Berry yields were unaffected by rates lower than 857 g ha–1. Flumioxazin persisted throughout the growing season (approximately 150 d) with no reduction in soil concentration. We conclude that applied at the label rate, flumioxazin is a safe pretransplant weed management option for season-long weed control in strawberry with no yield reduction at rates below 8× the label rate. Caution is recommended for growers who plant a second crop on the same bed.
Nomenclature: flumioxazin; strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa