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VOL. 15 · NO. 1 | March 2009
Wildlife Biology
Current management
Iain J. Gordon
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 1-9, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: human depopulation, land-use change, wildlife, wildlife-human conflict
Erlend B. Nilsen, Anders Skonhoft, Atle Mysterud, Jos M. Milner, Erling J. Solberg, Harry P. Andreassen, Nils Chr. Stenseth
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 10-23, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alces alces, bioeconomics, Canis lupus, harvesting, migration, moose, sustainable development, wolf
Original articles
Scott G. Gilliland, H. Grant Gilchrist, Robert F. Rockwell, Gregory J. Robertson, Jean-Pierre L. Savard, Flemming Merkel, Anders Mosbech
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 24-36, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: eastern Canada, Greenland, harvest, northern common eider, population model, Somateria mollissima borealis
Stavros M. Xirouchakis, Giorgos Andreou
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 37-52, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Crete, Eurasian Griffon, flight behaviour, foraging range, Gyps fulvus, time budget
Johan B. Steen, Odd A. Haugvold
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 53-59, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: chick mortality, Lagopus lagopus, population dynamics, predation, willow ptarmigan
Alicia D. Goddard, Russell D. Dawson
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 60-67, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: British Columbia, brood movements, brood success, chick survival, program MARK, radio-telemetry, Tympanuchus phasianellus, weather
Miguel Á. Farfán, Juan M. Vargas, Jesús Duarte, Raimundo Real
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 68-79, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Alectoris rufa, Andalusia, Downscaling, favourability, GLM models, hunting yields, optimal area, red-legged partridge
David D. Musil, John W. Connelly
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 80-88, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: costs of releases, pen-reared vs wild, Phasianus colchicus, pheasants, predation, reproduction, survival, translocation
Short communications
Eddie K. Lyons, Bret A. Collier, Nova J. Silvy, Roel R. Lopez, Benjamin E. Toole, Ryan S. Jones, Stephen J. DeMaso
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 89-96, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: lesser prairie-chicken, radio-telemetry, survival, Texas Panhandle, Tympanuchus pallidicinctus
Octavio Monroy-Vilchis, Yuriana Gómez, Mariusz Janczur, Vicente Urios
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 97-105, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: carnivore, diet, Mountain Lion, Sierra Nanchititla, State of Mexico
Justin Hooper, Roy V. Rea
Wildlife Biology 15 (1), 106-112, (1 March 2009) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Biofoam™, orthotic foam, track-plate media, track plates, wildlife tracking, wildlife tracks
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