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17 November 1997 Distribution and clinal variation of Salvia fruticosa Mill. (Labiatae) on the island of Crete (Greece)
Regina Karousou, Stella Kokkini
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The distribution of the aromatic species Salvia fruticosa on the island of Crete (S Greece) is presented in a grid map. Discriminant analyses of the variation in morphological features and essential oil content of 34 S. fruticosa populations from all over the distributional range on the island reveal that both the morphological and chemical variation form a W-E directed cline.

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Regina Karousou and Stella Kokkini "Distribution and clinal variation of Salvia fruticosa Mill. (Labiatae) on the island of Crete (Greece)," Willdenowia 27(1/2), 113-120, (17 November 1997).
Published: 17 November 1997
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