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10 December 1999 Studies in the Compositae of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra — 4. The Arabian species of Pluchea (Compositae, Plucheeae)
Susanne King-Jones
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The genus Pluchea on the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra is revised. Seven species are recognized: Pluchea arabica, P. dioscoridis, P. glutinosa, P. indica, P. obovata, P. ovalis and P. sordida. Pluchea indica subsp. yemenensis is described as a subspecies new to science. A key to species and subspecies, a distribution map and illustrations are presented.

Susanne King-Jones "Studies in the Compositae of the Arabian Peninsula and Socotra — 4. The Arabian species of Pluchea (Compositae, Plucheeae)," Willdenowia 29(1/2), 203-220, (10 December 1999).
Published: 10 December 1999
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