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31 August 2001 The flora and vegetation of Gyali island, SE Aegean, Greece
George Brofas, George Karetsos, Maria Panitsa, Michalis Theocharopoulos
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Brofas, G., Karetsos, G., Panitsa, M. & Theocharopoulos, M.: The flora and vegetation of Gyali Island, SE Aegean, Greece. — Willdenowia 31: 51–70. 2001. — ISSN 0511-9618.

Gyali is a small volcanic island with a surface of 4.63 km2 in the SE Aegean Sea. Flora and vegetation of its main natural ecosystems and their ecological conditions are examined. The main vegetation units on Gyali are: Pinus brutia forest, scrubs and phrygana, psammophilous and halophytic communities. A total of 241 native taxa (species and subspecies) are reported, including 149 new records for the island. Analysis of the flora based on ecological indicator values shows that 29 % of the taxa are indicators of extreme warmth and 72 % of very dry or dry habitats. 43 % are acidophilous or calcifuge taxa and 45.2 % halotolerant taxa, or facultative or obligatory halophytes.

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George Brofas, George Karetsos, Maria Panitsa, and Michalis Theocharopoulos "The flora and vegetation of Gyali island, SE Aegean, Greece," Willdenowia 31(1), 51-70, (31 August 2001).
Published: 31 August 2001
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