Bernhard Zepernick, Wolfgang Meretz
Willdenowia 31 (1), 141-152, (31 August 2001)
Zepernick, B. & Meretz, W.: Christian Konrad Sprengel's life in relation to his family and his time. On the occasion of his 250th birthday. — Willdenowia 31: 141–152. 2001.— ISSN 0511-9618.
The background of Christian Konrad Sprengel's leisure time dedication to nature observation, which led to the founding of pollination biology, is reconstructed from the scattered sources available, focusing on his family and career. In a Christian family with an inclination to natural sciences he grew up as the youngest of fifteen children. His father was an archdeacon, his paternal grandfather organist and teacher, and the same professional path was mapped out for Christian Konrad and his brothers. As headmaster of a grammar school Christian Konrad had, however, constant problems with students, their parents and his supervisors. In a personal crisis in 1782, his doctor, Ernst Ludwig Heim, advised him to seek relaxation and recovery from these problems in the study of nature. On this advice he began his time consuming observations, which eventually brought further accusations that he was neglecting his pupils, and finally, in 1794, he was forced to retire. However, the results of his observations were published and acknowledged immediately by several botanists. The family tree and a table of the major events of his life are provided.