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22 December 2004 Lichens of Bahrain
Qaher Mandeel, André Aptroot
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Mandeel, Q. & Aptroot, A.: Lichens of Bahrain. — Willdenowia 34: 539–542. — ISSN 0511-9618; © 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.

The desert regions of Bahrain island were surveyed for lichens. Although only seven, all crustose, species were found, most of them occurred in all or most of the investigated areas. The presence of one lichenicolous fungus species, Intralichen christiansenii, is also recorded.

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© 2004 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Qaher Mandeel and André Aptroot "Lichens of Bahrain," Willdenowia 34(2), 539-542, (22 December 2004).
Published: 22 December 2004
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