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1 November 2017 A plant that Linnaeus forgot: taxonomic revision of Rhodalsine (Caryophyllaceae)
Anneleen Kool, Mats Thulin
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The mainly Mediterranean genus Rhodalsine (Caryophyllaceae) is revised and a single species, R. geniculata, is recognized, distributed from the Canary Islands in the west to Somalia in the east. The history of the taxon, which was known already during the 17th century but entirely overlooked by Linnaeus, is outlined. Variation and taxonomy are discussed and illustrations and a distribution map are provided. Many names are placed in synonymy and most of the names are typified, including six lectotypes designated here.

Citation: Kool A. & Thulin M. 2017: A plant that Linnaeus forgot: taxonomic revision of Rhodalsine (Caryophyllaceae). — Willdenowia 47: 317–323. doi:

Version of record first published online on 20 November 2017 ahead of inclusion in December 2017 issue.

© 2017 The Authors · This open-access article is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 licence
Anneleen Kool and Mats Thulin "A plant that Linnaeus forgot: taxonomic revision of Rhodalsine (Caryophyllaceae)," Willdenowia 47(3), 317-323, (1 November 2017).
Received: 26 September 2017; Accepted: 2 November 2017; Published: 1 November 2017
Mediterranean Region
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