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24 April 2020 A revision of the typification of some names in the seagrass genera Amphibolis, Cymodocea, Halodule and Syringodium (Cymodoceaceae)
P. Pablo Ferrer-Gallego, Fernando Boisset
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The typification of eight names of species currently included in the family Cymodoceaceae is revised in order to contribute to their nomenclatural stability. The previously designated lectotype of Ruppia antarctica Labill. (≡ Amphibolis antarctica (Labill.) Sond. & Asch.) is cited. Lectotypes are designated here for Zostera nodosa Ucria (≡ Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch.), Cymodocea rotundata Asch. & Schweinf., Caulinia serrulata R. Br. (≡ Cymodocea serrulata (R. Br.) Asch. & Magnus), Halodule bermudensis Hartog, Diplanthera pinifolia Miki (≡ H. pinifolia (Miki) Hartog) and Cymodocea isoetifolia Asch. (≡ Syringodium isoetifolium (Asch.) Dandy). A neotype is designated here for Z. uninervis Forssk. (≡ H. uninervis (Forssk.) Asch.) and an epitype is designated here for Z. nodosa.

Citation: Ferrer-Gallego P. P. & Boisset F. 2020: A revision of the typification of some names in the seagrass genera Amphibolis, Cymodocea, Halodule and Syringodium (Cymodoceaceae). – Willdenowia 50: 173–186. doi:

Version of record first published online on 24 April 2020 ahead of inclusion in August 2020 issue.

© 2020 The Authors · This open-access article is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 licence
P. Pablo Ferrer-Gallego and Fernando Boisset "A revision of the typification of some names in the seagrass genera Amphibolis, Cymodocea, Halodule and Syringodium (Cymodoceaceae)," Willdenowia 50(2), 173-186, (24 April 2020).
Received: 22 October 2019; Accepted: 18 March 2020; Published: 24 April 2020
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