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21 June 2021 Taxonomic revisions in Fridericia (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) I: the “Acrodromous venation” and “Piriadacus” clades
Miriam Kaehler, Lúcia G. Lohmann
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Fridericia is a conspicuous genus of neotropical lianas, with 60 species distributed among seven lineages that are broadly distributed through the neotropics in both dry and wet environments. As part of ongoing taxonomic studies of the genus, we provide taxonomic revisions of two clades: (1) the “Acrodromous venation” clade and (2) the “Piriadacus” clade. The former is characterized by 1- or 2-foliolate leaves with acrodromous venation, tubular calyces and coriaceous fruits with slightly raised edges. The latter is recognized by the red, pink-reddish or orange, tubular corolla and exserted or sub-exserted anthers. We recognize two species in each lineage and provide identification keys, morphological descriptions, illustrations, distribution maps and comments on the distribution, phenology, conservation status and taxonomy. We propose the lectotypification of 13 names: Arrabidaea brachypoda var. acuminata, A. brachypoda var. attenuata, A. brachypoda var. firma, A. brachypoda var. induta, A. brachypoda var. rigida, A. platyphylla var. lasiorrhachis, A. platyphylla var. puberula, Bignonia brachypoda var. firmula, B. erubescens var. breviflora, B. erubescens var. subtruncata, B. regnelliana, Cuspidaria erubescens var. glabrescens and Petastoma simplicifolium. We further correct the typification of B. erubescens var. breviflora and B. erubescens var. subtruncata and propose two new synonyms for F. platyphylla (i.e. A. celastroides and B. violacea).

Citation: Kaehler M. & Lohmann L. G. 2021: Taxonomic revisions in Fridericia (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) I: the “Acrodromous venation” and “Piriadacus” clades. – Willdenowia 51: 181–194.

Version of record first published online on 21 June 2021 ahead of inclusion in August 2021 issue.

© 2021 The Authors · This open-access article is distributed under the CC BY 4.0 licence
Miriam Kaehler and Lúcia G. Lohmann "Taxonomic revisions in Fridericia (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae) I: the “Acrodromous venation” and “Piriadacus” clades," Willdenowia 51(2), 181-194, (21 June 2021).
Received: 10 February 2021; Accepted: 6 April 2021; Published: 21 June 2021
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