Publisher: Zoological Society of Japan
Below are lists of this title's Most Read and Most Recently Cited articles. The Most Read articles are the articles which have been downloaded the most on the new platform. The Most Recently Cited articles list uses Crossref cited-by data (downloaded on the 1st and 15th of each month) to automatically identify papers which have received the most new citations over the last month. The articles that appear here are not those which have received the most citations in total, but rather the articles which have been cited most often most recently.
Seasonal Adaptation of Mammalian Development: Effect of Early-Life Photoperiod on Reproduction, Somatic Growth, and Neurobehavioral Systems
Shinobu Yasuo. (2025)
Morphological and Functional Recovery of the Planarian Photosensing System during Head Regeneration
Takeshi Inoue, et al. (2004)
Genetic Basis of the Variegated Tail Pattern in the Guppy, Poecilia reticulata
Gideon Khoo, et al. (1999)
Geographic Variation and Diversity of the Cytochrome b Gene in Japanese Wild Populations of Medaka, Oryzias latipes
Yusuke Takehana, et al. (2003)
Gonadal Restructuring and Correlative Steroid Hormone Profiles during Natural Sex Change in Protogynous Honeycomb Grouper (Epinephelus merra)
Ramji Kumar Bhandari, et al. (2003)
Structure of the Planarian Central Nervous System (CNS) Revealed by Neuronal Cell Markers
Kiyokazu Agata, et al. (1998)
Molecular Architecture of the Sperm Flagella: Molecules for Motility and Signaling
Kazuo Inaba. (2003)
Resetting Mechanism of Central and Peripheral Circadian Clocks in Mammals
Tsuyoshi Hirota, et al. (2004)