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1 June 1995 The Traffic of Particles in the Axonic Process of Vertebrate Cone-Type Photoreceptor Cells
Akio Kishigami, Masato Kano, Hideo Tashiro, Yasuo Tsukahara
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Differential-interference-contrast microscopy with video enhancement displayed the movement of particles for the first time in the isolated axonic process of cone-type photoreceptor cells of Rana catesbiana. This movement was observed under visible light which visual pigments could absorb. The number of retrograde moving particles in an arbitrary area on the axonic process was twice that of those moving in the anterograde direction. The mean velocities were 1.03 ± 0.55 μm/sec for anterograde particles and 0.41 ± 0.30 μm/sec for retrograde particles, which are of the same order as those found in isolated neurons.

Akio Kishigami, Masato Kano, Hideo Tashiro, and Yasuo Tsukahara "The Traffic of Particles in the Axonic Process of Vertebrate Cone-Type Photoreceptor Cells," Zoological Science 12(3), 349-350, (1 June 1995).
Received: 15 December 1994; Accepted: 1 March 1995; Published: 1 June 1995
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