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22 April 2024 Changes in Behavior and Diel Melatonin Secretion Toward Estivation in Western Sand Lance, Ammodytes japonicus (Uranoscopiformes, Ammodytidae)
Shizuha Hibino, Noriko Amiya, Yoshiya Miyazaki, Nayu Nakano, Michio Yoneda, Masafumi Amano, Tatsuki Yoshinaga
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Western sand lance, Ammodytes japonicus, is known to have an estivation period, in which they cease feeding and stay in the sand from early summer to late autumn, followed by gonadal maturation. During the feeding period prior to estivation, they swim in daytime and spend the night in the sand. Before they start swimming, they show a typical behavior of head-exposing from the sand, which is likely to be related to foraging and predation avoidance. Our previous study revealed that melatonin regulates such diel behavior of this species. To elucidate the mechanisms of behavioral regulation throughout the life cycle of this sand lance, the present study examined the changes in behavior and melatonin secretion toward the estivation period. Both head-exposing and swimming behaviors were frequently observed at the transition period toward estivation. On the other hand, occurrence of these behaviors was suppressed just before entering estivation. Subsequently, it was found that plasma melatonin concentration was about three times higher at night than in daytime in the non-estivation period, while it was retained at high levels throughout the day in the estivation period. These results indicate that diurnal swimming behavior of sand lance from the feeding to estivation periods is associated with the daily cycle of melatonin secretion.

Shizuha Hibino, Noriko Amiya, Yoshiya Miyazaki, Nayu Nakano, Michio Yoneda, Masafumi Amano, and Tatsuki Yoshinaga "Changes in Behavior and Diel Melatonin Secretion Toward Estivation in Western Sand Lance, Ammodytes japonicus (Uranoscopiformes, Ammodytidae)," Zoological Science 41(3), 245-250, (22 April 2024).
Received: 28 October 2023; Accepted: 7 February 2024; Published: 22 April 2024
circadian rhythm
sand lance
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