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Christiane Denys, Aude Lalis, Émilie Lecompte, Raphaël Cornette, Sibyle Moulin, Rhodes H. Makundi, Robert S. Machang'u, Vitaly Volobouev, Vladimir M. Aniskine
KEYWORDS: Mammalia, Rodentia, Muridae, Soricomorpha, Africa, Tanzania, cytogenetics, taxonomy, new species, Afrique, Tanzanie, cytogénétique, taxonomie, espèce nouvelle
Denys C., Lalis A., Lecompte É., Cornette R., Moulin S., Makundi R. H., Machang'u R. S.,Volobouev V. & Aniskine V. M. 2011. — A faunal survey in Kingu Pira (south Tanzania), with newkaryotypes of several small mammals and the description of a new Murid species (Mammalia,Rodentia). Zoosystema 33 (1) : 5–47.
A multidisciplinary approach combining morphology, classical morphometry and cytogenetics allowed to establish an updated taxonomic inventory of small mammals from Kingu Pira in the Selous region (south Tanzania). Among the 229 rodents and 21 shrews that were captured during the fieldwork in Ngarembe village in July 2003, 45 specimens were karyotyped. Concerning rodents, this allowed the description of a new karyotype of Acomys and Grammomys, while the cytotypes of Paraxerus flavovittis and Pelomys fallax are here figured for the first time. Taxonomic revisions of the literature allowed to clarify the status of Lemniscomys rosalia and Aethomys chrysophilus in Tanzania. Using a combination of morphological and cytogenetical characters, a new species of Grammomys is described. For shrews, we provide here the first description of C. hirta karyotype. Comparisons with voucher of genetically typed specimens of different east African collections confirmed the important biodiversity of this region for conservation and the necessity to preserve the coastal forest of south Tanzania.
KEYWORDS: Insecta, Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopterinae, Lebinthini, Lebinthus, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, new genus, Indonésie, Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée, genre nouveau
Robillard T. 2011. — Centuriarus n. gen., a new genus of Eneopterinae crickets from Papua (Insecta, Orthoptera, Grylloidea). Zoosystema 33 (1): 49–60.
The present study describes Centuriarus n. gen., a new genus of Eneopterinae crickets from Papua Island (Papua New Guinea and Indonesia), which belongs to the Lebinthini tribe. The type species Centuriarus centurio (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898) n. comb., formerly Eurepa centurio, is redescribed and a lectotype is designated. Another Eurepa species, Eurepa punctata (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1898), formerly Piestodactylus punctatus, is transferred to Lebinthus based on the original description and observation of one female syntype. Descriptions focus on general morphology, male and female genitalia, and forewing venation.
Fovet W., Faure M. & Guérin C. 2011. — Hippopotamus guldbergi n. sp: révision du statut d'Hippopotamus madagascariensisGuldberg, 1883, après plus d'un siècle de malentendus et de confusions taxonomiques. Zoosysrema 33(1): 61–82.
Hippopotamus guldbergi n. sp.: revision of the status of Hippopotamus madagascariensis Guldberg, 1883, after more than a century of misunderstanding and taxonomical confusions.
After a short notice upon its author, whose scientific works are presently rather unknown, we publish the first complete translation in French language of the original description of the extinct Holocene Hippopotamus madagascariensisGuldberg, 1883, which was published in Riksmaal, an ancient Norvegian language incomprehensible for most palaeontologists. We provide a mammalogical comment of that description, showing that the Guldberg's specimen actually pertains to the other small species of Holocene Malagasy hippo, Hippopotamus lemerleiGrandidier, 1868. Since Guldberg's publication, that initial confusion was spread in many scientific works and has important taxonomical consequences. Thus, in 1902, C. J. F. Major described under the name H. madagascariensisGuldberg, 1883 a new Malagasy skeleton which is quite different from H. lemerlei. But because H. madagascariensis is no more than a replacement name for H. lemerlei, it is not usable. We then propose the new name Hippopotamus guldbergi to designate the species described in 1902 by C. J. F. Major.
KEYWORDS: Mollusca, Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae, Pliocardiinae, cold seeps, Gulf of Guinea, Eastern Atlantic, Bay of Biscay, new genus, suintements froids, golfe de Guinée, Atlantique oriental, golfe de Gascogne, genre nouveau
Krylova E. M. & Cosel R. von 2011. — A new genus of large Vesicomyidae (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae, Pliocardiinae) from the Congo margin, with the first record of the subfamily Pliocardiinae in the Bay of Biscay (northeastern Atlantic). Zoosystema 33 (1): 83-99.
A new genus in the subfamily Pliocardiinae (Vesicomyidae), Christineconcha n. gen., is established for “Calyptogena” regabCosel & Olu, 2009. The most characteristic features of Christineconcha n. gen. are a rather thin and elongate shell up to 122 mm in length, a pallial line starting from the ventral margin of the anterior adductor scar, the presence of the inner demibranch only and the absence of the pallial fusion between the pedal gape and the inhalent siphon. Morphologically, Christineconcha is closest to the genus AbyssogenaKrylova & Sahling, 2010. The monospecific new genus occurs in the Atlantic on the continental margin of Africa and Europe, from the Gulf of Guinea to the southern Bay of Biscay, at depths of 2820–4017 m. In the Gulf of Guinea, Christineconcha n. gen. is recorded from cold seeps; in the Bay of Biscay, the record of C. regab n. comb, indicates the likely presence of reducing biotopes. Morphological basis for the slightly different ecological niches of the co-occurring species Christineconcha regab n. comb. and Laubiericoncha chuni (Thiele & Jaeckel, 1931) is discussed.
Montreuil 0.2011. — Monophylie du «groupe Epilissus » et refonte des genres EpilissusReiche, 1841, ArachnodesWestwood, 1847 et Apterepilissus n. gen. de Madagascar (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Epilissini). Zoosystema 33 (1): 101–122.
Monophyly of the “Epilissus group” and redefinition of the genera Epilissus, Reiche, 1841, Arachnodes Westwood, 1847 and Apterepilissus n. gen. in Madagascar (Insecta, Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Epilissini). The genera EpilissusReiche, 1841, and ArachnodesWestwood, 1847, are redefined. Both genera can be separated by the shape of external border of mesepimeron and by the structure of the inner margin of dorsal side of protibiae. A large number of species previously placed in Arachnodes are transferred to Epilissus, and four species are transferred to a new genus, Apterepilissus n. gen. which presents intermediary characters between Epilissus and Arachnodes, and which is additionaly characterized by the lack of wings, a globulous body shape and widely spaced clypeal teeth. Monophyly of the “Epilissus group”, composed of the genera Epilissus, Arachnodes and Apterepilissus n. gen., is supported by the presence of a small carina-shaped relief near the posterior lateral edge of the metasternum. Peyrierasantus Paulian, 1976, and PseudarachnodesLebis, 1953, are synonymized with Arachnodes. Two new species of Epilissus, E. fantamattii n. sp. and E. andranobeensis n. sp., and three new species of Arachnodes, A. bicolor n. sp., A. viettei n. sp. and A. zombitsyensis n. sp., are described and compared with their most related species. New synonymies are proposed: Arachnodes johanniLebis, 1953, new synonym of Arachnodes delaunayiLebis, 1953; Epilissus colasi Paulian, 1935, new synonym of Epilissus hovaKünckel d'Herculais, 1887, n. stat.; Arachnodes sicardiLebis, 1953, new synonym of Epilissus alluaudi (Lebis, 1953); Arachnodes vadoniLebis, 1960, new synonym of Epilissus emmae (Lebis, 1953); Epilissus prasinus antongilensisLebis, 1953, new synonym of Epilissus prasinus (Klug, 1833); Arachnodes splendidus descarpentriesiMontreuil, 2006, new synonym of Arachnodes splendidus descarpentriesiLebis, 1953. As a result of homonymy within the genus Arachnodes between Arachnodes nitidus (Castelnau, 1840), originally described as Circellium, and Arachnodes nitidus (Paulian, 1976), originally described as Peyrierasantus, the name Arachnodes neonitidus n. nom. is proposed to replace the name introduced by Paulian. These results are all listed in the catalogue of the genera Arachnodes, Epilissus and Apterepilissus n. gen.
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