BioOne VISTA - Migratory Birds

October 2023

In their migration journeys, birds serve as indicators of ecosystem health, highlighting the health and vitality of landscapes and offering unique insights into the interconnectedness of habitats, climate patterns, and biodiversity. Migrating bird species also provide important ecosystem services including pest control, pollination, and they serve as food sources for other wildlife. Despite their ecological significance, these extraordinary creatures are experiencing declines in many areas. By studying migratory birds, scientists can identify threats like habitat degradation and climate change and support conservation strategies.

In honor of World Migratory Bird Day, which is observed in Mexico, Central and South America, and the Caribbean on October 14, the October 2023 edition of BioOne VISTA spotlights migratory birds from BioOne Complete partner publishers, including Ardea, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club, Northwestern Naturalist, Ornithological Science, Ornithology, Pacific Science, and more.

Blue-winged Teal in flight, viewed from the side.

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Coming in November 2023:

Our next BioOne VISTA collection will feature fisheries and aquaculture in honor of World Fisheries Day.

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