VOL. 49 · NO. 2 | October 2014
Dominic P. Rollinson, Joy C. Coleman, Colleen T. Downs
African Zoology 49 (2), 173-180, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0218
KEYWORDS: Chiroptera, roost fidelity, fruit bat, urban environment, roost temperature, Epomophorus
Matthew T. Mwanja, Vincent B. Muwanika, Charles Masembe, Wilson W. Mwanja, Silvester Nyakaana
African Zoology 49 (2), 181-194, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0213
KEYWORDS: Lake Victoria, Nile perch, Genetics, microsatellites
Irene M. van den Heuvel, Jeremy J. Midgley
African Zoology 49 (2), 195-202, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0208
KEYWORDS: isotope ecology, Cape Fynbos, small mammals, interspecific competition, Cape spiny mouse
Gareth J. Tate, Heather G. Marco
African Zoology 49 (2), 203-212, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0220
KEYWORDS: Oryctolagus cuniculus, relative medullary thickness (RMT), phenotypic plasticity, renal performance, maximum urine-concentrating ability
Afef Baaloudj, Farrah Samraoui, Ahmed H. Alfarhan, Boudjéma Samraoui
African Zoology 49 (2), 213-221, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0203
KEYWORDS: Laridae, seabirds, yellow-legged gull, reproductive ecology, predation, NORTH AFRICA
Andri Grobbelaar, Liesl L. Van As, Hennie J.B. Butler, Jo G. Van As
African Zoology 49 (2), 222-232, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0206
KEYWORDS: Okavango, Orange-Vaal, diplostomids, Fish, ecomorphological groups
Sophié A. Reinecke, Adriaan J. Reinecke
African Zoology 49 (2), 233-246, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0216
KEYWORDS: Parvalustra exigua, heavy metals, pollution load index, neutral red retention assay, lysosomal destabilization assay, biomarkers
Eric Djomo Nana, Pavel Munclinger, Michal Ferenc, Ondřej Sedláček, Tomás Albrecht, David Hořák
African Zoology 49 (2), 247-252, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0214
KEYWORDS: morphology, Andropadus tephrolaemus, sex ratio, discriminant function analysis, tropical Africa
Albrecht Götz, Sven E. Kerwath, Toufiek Samaai, Charlene da Silva, Christopher G. Wilke
African Zoology 49 (2), 253-264, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0205
KEYWORDS: fishery species, linefish, marine biodiversity, temperate reefs
Darren W. Pietersen, Andrew E. McKechnie, Raymond Jansen
African Zoology 49 (2), 265-276, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0215
KEYWORDS: Smutsia temminckii, Manis temminckii, home range, habitat selection, densities
Jeremy M. Shelton, Jenny A. Day, N. Dean Impson
African Zoology 49 (2), 277-282, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0219
KEYWORDS: non-native predatory fish, Pseudobarbus burchelli, Sandelia capensis, waterfall barrier
Lorinda A. Hart, Colleen T. Downs
African Zoology 49 (2), 283-289, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0207
KEYWORDS: invasive, distribution, Psittacula krameri
Courtney A. Cook, Nico J. Smit, Angela J. Davies
African Zoology 49 (2), 290-294, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0204
KEYWORDS: intraleucocytic, haemogregarine, tortoise blood parasite, South African, apicomplexan taxonomy
Alan T.K. Lee, Phoebe Barnard
African Zoology 49 (2), 295-300, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0209
KEYWORDS: protea canary, fynbos birds, fire ecology
Jacinta Abalaka, Bengt Hansson
African Zoology 49 (2), 301-306, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0202
KEYWORDS: population genetics, microsatellite, primer, Lagonosticta sanguinodorsalis
P. le Fras N. Mouton, Janine L. Glover, Alexander F. Flemming
African Zoology 49 (2), 307-310, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0212
KEYWORDS: Cordylidae, mark-recapture, crevicefidelity, sexual differences, seasonal differences, competitive exclusion
Kyle J. McHugh, Kevin W. Christison, Olaf L.F. Weyl, Nico J. Smit
African Zoology 49 (2), 311-316, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0211
KEYWORDS: Barbus haasianus, Barbus unitaeniatus, Chobe River, fungal pathogen, Histology
Sean van Elden, Michael J. Dyer, Nicola K. Carrasco, Renzo Perissinotto
African Zoology 49 (2), 317-325, (1 October 2014) https://doi.org/10.3377/004.049.0201
KEYWORDS: iSimangaliso Wetland Park, relinkage, Mfolozi channel, ebb and flood tides, zooplankton community structure
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