Jian Wang, Ming-Jou Lai, Rui-Liang Zhu
Annales Botanici Fennici 48 (5), 369-395, (1 October 2011) https://doi.org/10.5735/085.048.0501
An updated checklist of the liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and hornworts (Anthocerotophyta) of Taiwan is presented. Based on published records, the present checklist includes 512 species of liverworts belonging to 116 genera in 52 families and 19 species of hornworts belonging to six genera in three families. Lejeuneaceae with 121 spp. in 24 genera is the largest family, containing ca. 23% of the total number of species. Genera with more than ten species are Frullanici (49 spp.), Cololejeunea (41 spp.), Plagiochila (36 spp.), Radula (26 spp.), Lejeunea (25 spp.), Bazzania (18 spp.), Scapania (18 spp.), Solenostoma (17 spp.), Riccardia (15 spp.), Porella (12 spp.) and Heteroscyphus (11 spp.). Twenty-five taxa are hitherto known only from Taiwan. Forty-seven formerly recorded species are dubious and excluded from this checklist. Chiloscyphus engelii R.L. Zhu & M.J. Lai nom. nov. as well as Folioceros verruculosus (J. Haseg.) R.L. Zhu & M.J. Lai comb. nova, Lejeunea barbata (Herzog) R.L. Zhu & M.J. Lai, comb. nova and Lejeunea luzonensis (Steph.) R.L. Zhu & M.J. Lai, comb. nova are proposed. Cololejeunea peraffinis fo. corticola (Benedix ex Herzog) S.H. Lin is treated as a new synonym of Cololejeunea peraffinis (Schiffn.) Schiffn.