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Species of the genus Nesolotis Miyatake (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae: Sticholotidinae) endemic to China are reviewed, and the genus is removed from synonymy of Sticholotis Crotch. The following eight species are described as new to science: N. magnipunctata Wang et Ren, sp.nov.,N. gladiiformis Wang et Ren, sp. nov.,N. denticulata Wang et Ren, sp. nov.,N. nigra Wang et Ren, sp.nov.,N. centralis Wang et Ren, sp.nov.,N. quadratimaculata Wang et Ren, sp. nov.,N. cordiformis Wang, Ren et Chen, sp.nov. and N. daweishanensis Wang, Ren et Chen, sp.nov. A diagnosis of the genus and a key to known species from China are also provided.
The Oriental genus Macroilleis Miyatake is revised. Three species are recognized, including one new species Macroilleis borneensis sp. nov. (Borneo, Sabah). All species are redescribed and illustrated. A key to the species is given.
A new species Nalassus bozdagussp. nov. is described from the Aegean Region of Turkey (Bozdag ridge). The new species differs from all known Nalassus in the following characters: the hair spot on first and second abdominal sternites of male is absent, temple grooves are absent, exosceleton very strongly sclerotized. New records of Nalassus Mulsant, 1854 from Turkey are provided. Two species new for the fauna of Turkey: Nalassus (Helopondrus) gloriosus (Faldermann, 1837) and N. (Helopocerodes) faldermanni (Faldermann, 1837).
Brachypsectra kadlecisp. nov. from Zagros Mts., western Iran, a new species of the genus BrachypsectraLeConte, 1874, is described and illustrated. Based on the pectinate club formed by six antennomeres, the new species is closely related to both the previously known Oriental Brachypsectra, described by Blair (1930). Brachypsectra kadleci sp. nov. represents the first record of the family Brachypsectridae in the Palaearctic region.
Three new species of MimastraBaly, 1865, are described, illustrated and compared with related taxa; M. strejcekisp. nov. (Indonesia; Java), M. andrewesisp. nov. and M. nilgiriensissp. nov. (both India: Tamil Nadu state). Haplosoma longicornisAllard, 1888 and Trichomimastra itoi Takizawa, 1986 are transferred to Mimastra (comb. nov.). For the reason of homonymy, a new name M. jacobyinom. nov. is proposed for M. longicornisJacoby, 1892 (nec M. longicornis (Allard, 1888)). The lectotypes are designated for M. arcuataBaly, 1865 and H. longicornisAllard, 1888. The drawings of both male and female genitalia are presented for all species. Mimastra arcuata is reported for the first time from Myanmar.
The African genus OrophiopsisQuedenfeldt, 1889 is revised. A redescription of Orophiopsis fausti Quedenfeld, 1889 is provided and Orophiopsis marcysiaesp. nov. (type locality Congo) is described. Structural details both species are figured.
The facultative enslaver Formica sanguinea Latr. uses as slaves F. fusca L. and other species of the subgenus Serviformica For. Earlier observations have shown or suggested that strong territorial wood-ant species, by defending their own territories, interfere with raids by F. sanguinea such that colonies of potential slave species gain protection against raids. At the population level, such protection should be visible as higher nest densities of F. fusca within than outside wood-ant territories, when both areas are within raiding distance of F. sanguinea. Here we tested this hypothesis by mapping nest densities of F. fusca. As expected, nest densities of F. fusca were higher within than outside wood-ant territories. In contrast, nest densities of two aggressive species, Lasius platythorax Seifert and L. niger (L.), unsuitable as slaves, were as expected lower within than outside wood-ant territories. Our results concur with earlier studies based on pitfall trapping, baiting experiments, and in situ observations on raids. The results also show that the positive impact of indirect protection provided by wood ants against raids may outweigh the direct negative impact of wood ants on F. fusca nesting within their territories. We discuss the geographic and habitat cooccurrences of wood ants, enslavers and potential slave species, and coverage of efficient indirect protection of potential slaves against raids.
Two new species, Cataglyphis stigmatussp.nov. and C. pubescenssp.nov. are described based on workers from Iran. The first species belongs to the bicolor species-group and clearly differs from all known species of this group by its yellow colour (except of C. lunaticus), but well distinguishes from the latter by the longer scape, by the lower propodeum, which dorsal surface is distinctly longer than the posterior one, by the less abundant standing hairs on the alitrunk and petiole, and especially by the much longer propodeal spiracles. Taxonomic position of C. pubescens is less clear, it shares features of the cursor-, emeryi- and emmae-groups, while differs from all species of these groups by the dense and long depressed pubescence on the head and alitrunk.
A new subgenus, Pacificophanessubgen. nov., of the genus Caenophanes Foerster with two new species C. (P.) baloghisp. nov. (type species) and C. (P.) neocaledonicussp. nov. are described from the New Caledonia. Additional new Austrolasian species of genus Caenophanes (Caenophanes), C. (C.) neoguineicussp. nov. are described from Papua New Guinea. The short discussion about contents and distribution of the genus Caenophanes is presented.
The genus Evaza is recored from Hainan for the first time with the following three new species: Evaza zhangaesp. nov.,E. flavimarginata sp. nov. and E. hainanensissp. nov. A key to separate them is presented.
Fifty-three species of the genus Lymantria in China have been recorded. One new species, L. flavala Xu, Wu et Chen, is described based on the examination of the specimens deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IZCAS). Photographs of the adult and the genitalia of the new species are provided.
The Tertiary genus Laasbium Scudder, originally described with two species and as a lineage of staphylinid beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) from the Eocene-Oligocene boundary of Florissant, Colorado, is re-evaluated. Examination of the original series for Laasbium agassizii Scudder (type species) and Laasbium sectile Scudder reveal that these represent incompletely preserved earwigs (Dermaptera). The genus Laasbium is transferred to the order Dermaptera and comments provided on the classification of Florissant fossil earwigs, all previously placed in the genus Labiduromma Scudder. A lectotype is designated for Laasbium agassizii and the following six new genera erected to accommodate the diversity of Florissant fossil earwigs (authorship of all taxa is Engel and Chatzimanolis): Petrolabis (type species: Labiduromma gurneyi Brown), Litholabis (type species: Labiduromma gilberti Scudder), Rupiforficula (type species: Labiduromma scudderi Brown), Geroncolabis (type species: Labiduromma tertiaria Scudder), Spiladopygia (type species: Labiduromma exsultatum Scudder), and Paleocarcinophora (type species: Labiduromma lithophila Scudder). The following new combinations are established: Petrolabis gurneyi (Brown), Litholabis gilberti (Scudder), Rupiforficula scudderi (Brown), Rupiforficula labens (Scudder), Rupiforficula interna (Scudder). “Laasbium” sectile, a poorly-preserved lateral compression, is considered genus incertae sedis.
A faunistic review of the fishfly genus Neochauliodes van der Weele from Indochina is given, with 11 species recorded. Amongst them, three species are described as new to science: Neochauliodes bachmanussp. nov., Neochauliodes confusussp. nov., and Neochauliodes tamdaoensissp. nov.Neochauliodes orientalis Yang et Yang, 1992 and Neochauliodes yunnanensisNavás, 1930 are synonymized with Neochauliodes tonkinensis (van der Weele, 1907).
Antennoseius (Vitzthumia) ventrianalissp. nov. is the second species of Antennoseius described from Australia (Acari: Ascidae). It is described from non-phoretic specimens collected from the soil surface. The new species is unique in having three pairs of ventral setae on the ventri-anal shield; the maximum observed in other species is two pairs. It is sexually dimorphic in the degree of fusion of the podonotal and opisthonotal shields and some other minor characters.
In this study, Prozercon celalisp. nov., collected from Honaz Mountain National Park in Turkey is described and illustrated on the basis of the adults females. Diagnostic characters of Prozercon celali: Postero-lateral tips of peritrematal shields reaching bases of marginal setae R3 or R4. Margin of opisthonotum with eight pairs of setae. Setae j1, r1, r4, r6, r7 markedly elongated, densely plumose, brush-like and apically rounded, setae j2, r2, r3 and r5 pilose or plumose, other podonotal setae short, smooth and neddle-like. Setae J1–J5, Z1–Z4 and S1 plumose and apically tapering, seate J6, S2 and S4 densely plumose, brush-like and apically rounded. Setae S3 absent. Setae R1–R8 and Z5 short and smooth. Dorsal cavities are distinct, sclerotized, equal in size and form. Additionally, a key to the adults of genus Prozercon known from Turkey is given.
One new species of eriophyoid mite is described from Iceland and new records of three species from Iceland are presented. Aceria reykjavikisp.nov., collected from Alpine Mouse-ear Chickweed Cerastium alpinum L., was described as new for science. Aceria thomasi (Nalepa), Aculops thymi (Nalepa), and Aculus tetanothrix (Nalepa) were recorded for the first time in Iceland. Aculops thymi was recorded for the first time as infesting Thymus praecox Opiz. As former descriptions are deficient, supplementary descriptions of females and males are provided for all three species. Nymphs are characterized for A. thomasi and A. tetanothrix.
To assess karyological and morphometric diversity within Discoglossus pictus Otth 1837, morphometric and cytogenetic analyses were carried out on five populations from the northern Tunisia and Algeria. A total of eight morphometric adult traits were evaluated, tadpole oral disc structure was described and chromosome patterns were assessed by means of conventional staining and banding methods (C-, Ag-NOR and CMA3 banding). Karyological data indicated the same chromosome and chromatin characters among the five populations. We observed also the same oral disk structure (LTRF: ⅔) in all studied Discoglossus tadpoles. However, we found significant differences in morphometric parameters of the specimens from these localities. Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA) of morphometric variables correctly classified 88% of individuals to their original localities. The pattern of morphometric variation does not match the genetic observation, which suggests that body shape differences result from the phenotypic plasticity correlated with local climatic factors.
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