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4 August 2023 Description of previously overlooked specimens of Nemesia rastellata (Araneae, Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae) from the type locality, with notes on functional aspects of male morphology
Arthur Decae
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Previously overlooked material of Nemesia rastellata Wunderlich, 2011, collected at the type locality and present in the collection of the Senckenberg Museum in Frankfurt am Main, is here described. This description provides important new information for taxonomical recognition of the species and the first observations on intraspecific variations in size and shape in N. rastellata. Additionally, aspects of male morphology in Nemesia trapdoor spiders are discussed from a functional perspective.

Bisher übersehenes Material von Nemesia rastellata Wunderlich, 2011, gesammelt an der Typuslokalität und Teil der Sammlung des Senckenberg Museums in Frankfurt am Main, wird in dieser Arbeit beschrieben. Die Beschreibung enthält wichtige neue Information für die taxonomische Bestimmung der Art und die ersten Beobachtungen zu intraspezifischen Variationen von Größe und Form innerhalb N. rastellata. Zusätzlich werden Aspekte der männlichen Morphologie von Falltürspinnen der Gattung Nemesia aus funktionaler Perspektive diskutiert.

Arthur Decae "Description of previously overlooked specimens of Nemesia rastellata (Araneae, Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae) from the type locality, with notes on functional aspects of male morphology," Arachnologische Mitteilungen: Arachnology Letters 65(1), 5-7, (4 August 2023).
Received: 11 August 2022; Accepted: 20 March 2023; Published: 4 August 2023
intraspecific variation
trapdoor spiders
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