Soressa M. Kitessa, Gregory S. Nattrass, Rebecca E. A. Forder, Hayley A. McGrice, Shu-Biao Wu, Robert J. Hughes
Avian Diseases 58 (3), 408-414, (1 September 2014)
The effects of Eimeria (EM) and Clostridium perfringens (CP) challenges on the mRNA levels of genes involved in mucin (Muc) synthesis (Muc2, Muc5ac, Muc13, and trefoil family factor-2 [TFF2]), inflammation (tumor necrosis factor alpha [TNF-α] and interleukin-18 [IL-18]), and metabolic processes (cluster of differentiation [CD]36) in the jejunum of broilers were investigated. Two parallel experiments involving 1) EM challenge and 2) EM and CP challenges were conducted. The first experiment was a 2 × 2 study with 12 birds per treatment (N = 48) involving fishmeal substitution (25%) in the diet (FM) and EM challenge. The treatments were: Control (FM−, EM−), Fishmeal (FM , EM−), EM challenge (FM−, EM ), and fishmeal substitution and EM challenge (FM , EM ). The second experiment was a 2 × 2 × 2 experiment with six birds per treatment (N = 48) involving fishmeal (FM−, FM ), Eimeria (EM−, EM ), and C. perfringens (CP−, CP ). In both arms of the study, male broilers were given a starter diet for the whole period of 16 days, except those assigned to FM , where 25% of the starter ration was replaced with fishmeal from days 8 to 14. EM inoculation was performed on day 9 and CP inoculation on days 14 and 15. The EM challenge birds were euthanatized for sampling on day 13; postmortem examination and sampling for the Eimeria plus C. perfringens challenge arm of the study were on day 16. In the Eimeria challenge arm of the study, fishmeal supplementation significantly suppressed the mRNA levels of TNF-α, TFF2, and IL-18 pre-CP inoculation but simultaneously increased the levels of Muc13 and CD36 mRNAs. Birds challenged with Eimeria exhibited increased mRNA levels of Muc13, Muc5ac, TNF-α, and IL-18. In the Eimeria and C. perfringens challenge arm, birds exposed to EM challenge exhibited significantly lower mRNA levels of Muc2 and CD36. The mRNA levels of CD36 were also significantly suppressed by CP challenge. Our results showed that the transcription of mucin synthesis genes in the jejunum of broilers is modulated by fishmeal inclusion in the diet. Furthermore, we show for the first time suppression of CD36 mRNA levels in the intestine of broilers challenged with Eimeria or C. perfringens.
Niveles de ARN mensajero de genes de la mucina en pollos desafiados con Eimeria y/o con Clostridium perfringens.
Los efectos del desafíos por Eimeria (EM) y por Clostridium perfringens (CP) en los niveles de ARN mensajero de los genes implicados en la síntesis de la mucina (Muc2, Muc5ac, Muc13 y del factor 2 de la familia trefoil [TFF2]), en la inflamación (factor de necrosis tumoral alfa [TNF-α] y la interleucina 18 [IL-18]) y de los procesos metabólicos (grupo de diferenciación [CD] 36) en el yeyuno de pollos de engorde fueron investigados. Se realizaron dos experimentos paralelos que implicaron 1) desafío con Eimeria y 2) desafíos con Eimeria y C. perfringens. El primer experimento fue un estudio de 2 × 2 con 12 aves por tratamiento (N = 48) que implica la sustitución de la harina de pescado (25%) en la dieta (FM) y el desafío con Eimeria. Los tratamientos fueron: control (FM-, EM-), Harina de pescado (FM , EM-), desafío con Eimeria (FM-, EM ) y la sustitución de la harina de pescado con desafío con Eimeria (FM , EM ). El segundo experimento fue un experimento 2 × 2 × 2 con seis aves por tratamiento (N = 48) que incluyó harina de pescado (FM, FM ), Eimeria (EM- EM ) y C. perfringens (CP-, CP ). En ambas partes del estudio, a los pollos machos se les dio una dieta de iniciación para todo el período de 16 días, excepto a los asignados al grupo FM , donde se sustituyó el 25% de la ración de iniciación con harina de pescado de los días 8 a 14. El desafío con Eimeria se realizó al día 9 y la inoculaci