VOL. 93 · NO. 4 | September 2013
Biological, Chemical and Physical Processes in Seasonally Frozen Soils
Barbara Cade-Menun, Ymène Fouli, Martin Chantigny
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 397-399, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2013-502
No abstract available
Neil Risk, David Snider, Claudia Wagner-Riddle
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 401-414, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-071
KEYWORDS: N2O emissions, freeze-thaw, greenhouse gas, denitrification, Nitrification, Émissions de N2O, gel-dégel, gaz à effet de serre, Dénitrification, Nitrification
David E. Pelster, Martin H. Chantigny, Philippe Rochette, Denis A. Angers, Jérôme Laganière, Bernie Zebarth, Claudia Goyer
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 415-425, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-043
KEYWORDS: freeze-thaw, nitrous oxide, greenhouse gas emissions, crop residues, gel-dégel, protoxyde d'azote, gaz à effet de serre, résidus de culture
Juergen Kreyling, Mahsa Haei, Hjalmar Laudon
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 427-433, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-025
KEYWORDS: soil frost, winter climate change, soil biotic activity, minicontainer, litter bag, freeze-thaw, gel, activité biotique du sol, gel-dégel, sac de déchets, changement climatique
Jane Elliott
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 435-443, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-050
KEYWORDS: nitrogen, phosphorus, plant residues, freeze-thaw, soil, surface water, azote, phosphore, résidus végétaux, gel-dégel, sol, eaux superficielles
Barbara J. Cade-Menun, Gordon Bell, Samar Baker-Ismail, Yméne Fouli, Kyle Hodder, Dena W. McMartin, Cesar Perez-Valdivia, Kangsheng Wu
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 445-458, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-042
KEYWORDS: Snowmelt runoff, nutrient loss, particulates, pasture, cropland, beneficial management practice, Ruissellement à la fonte, perte d'oligoéléments, particules, Pâturages, Cultures, bonnes pratiques de gestion
Linnell M. Edwards
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 459-472, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-059
KEYWORDS: Sediment mass, aggregate stability, mean weight diameter, aggregate size distribution, soil physical properties, agro-environment, freeze-thaw cycling, cold-season soil behavior, soil chemical release, ground cover, Masse des sédiments, stabilité des agrégats, diamètre et poids moyens, granulométrie, propriétés physiques du sol, agroenvironnement, cycle gel/dégel, comportement du sol en saison froide, libération de composés chimiques par le sol, Couverture du sol
Daryl F. Dagesse
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 473-483, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-046
KEYWORDS: Soil freezing, freeze-thaw, freeze dry, aggregate stability, Gel du sol, gel-dégel, cryodessication, Agrégats, stabilité
Ymène Fouli, Barbara J. Cade-Menun, Herb W. Cutforth
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 485-496, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-060
KEYWORDS: Freeze-thaw cycle, Soil freezing, soil water content, infiltration rate, soil texture, Cycle gel-dégel, Gel du sol, teneur en eau du sol, taux d'infiltration, texture du sol
Andre F. Christensen, Hailong He, Miles F. Dyck, E. Lenore Turner, David S. Chanasyk, M. Anne Naeth, Connie Nichol
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 497-510, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-048
KEYWORDS: Seasonally frozen soils, ground thermal regime, water and heat dynamics, phosphogypsum tailing, Fort Saskatchewan, snowmelt infiltration, Sols gelés saisonnièrement, régime thermique du sol, dynamique de l'eau et de la chaleur, résidus de phosphogypse, Fort Saskatchewan, infiltration de l'eau de fonte
Getachew A. Mohammed, Masaki Hayashi, Christopher R. Farrow, Yasuhide Takano
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 511-531, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-005
KEYWORDS: Soil freezing, soil frost, snowmelt, infiltration, runoff, Canadian prairies, Gel du sol, fonte des neiges, infiltration, ruissellement, Prairies canadiennes
Ioana A. Taina, Richard J. Heck, William Deen, Eddie Y. T. Ma
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (4), 533-553, (1 September 2013) https://doi.org/10.4141/CJSS2012-044
KEYWORDS: X-ray computer tomography, tillage systems, porosity analysis, 3D semivariance, Z-axis profile, platy structure, Tomodensitométrie aux rayons X, travail du sol, analyse de la porosité, semi-variance 3D, profil de l'axe Z, structure lamellaire
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