Fluoroscopic angiography evaluates the heart and vascular tree in real time and can be recorded for further diagnostic analysis and measurements. Although reports have been published of the use of fluoroscopic angiography in birds, this technique has not been evaluated in any avian species. The purpose of this study was to evaluate a fluoroscopic angiography protocol in 12 adult Hispaniolan Amazon parrots (Amazona ventralis). Under general anesthesia, the birds were positioned in right lateral (LAT) recumbency on a fluoroscopy table. A bolus of nonionic iodinated contrast agent was injected through a catheter inserted into the basilic or medial metatarsal vein during video acquisition. The same bolus was repeated to obtain the ventrodorsal (VD) view with the bird placed in dorsal recumbency. Eleven studies were performed. A total of 19 (10 VD, 9 LAT) continuous, real-time, fluoroscopic angiograms were successfully captured. The brachiocephalic trunk, aorta, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, and caudal vena cava were visualized, and selected intraluminal measurements collected. The intraobserver and interobserver variability for 3 observers was calculated. Intraobserver agreement was found to be near perfect (intraclass correlation coefficient ≥0.95), whereas interobserver agreement was moderate to substantial (intraclass correlation coefficient ≥0.52). Coefficients of variation were excellent (VD 0.99, LAT 0.99) for intraobserver assessments and moderate (VD 0.72, LAT 0.52) for interobserver assessments. For the interobserver assessments, the VD projection measurements performed better than the LAT measurements. These results suggest that although there was some variation between different observers, relatively consistent vascular measurements could be obtained. The described fluoroscopic angiography protocol is a repeatable and reliable technique that could be useful for the diagnosis and monitoring of cardiovascular diseases in birds.
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9 August 2022
Evaluation of a Fluoroscopic Angiography Protocol in Hispaniolan Amazon Parrots (Amazona ventralis)
Theresa L. Aller,
David Sanchez-Migallon Guzman,
Joshua A. Stern,
Jamie M. Douglas,
Bryce M. Golsen,
Tracy L. Drazenovich,
Joanne Paul-Murphy
Amazona ventralis
cardiovascular imaging
fluoroscopic angiography
Hispaniolan Amazon parrot