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17 December 2020 Research on Risk Management in Ocean Transportation Enterprises Based on Game Strategy Model
Shuying Shang, Yaopei Zhao, Ze-Ming Chen
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Shang, S.; Zhao, Y., and Chen, Z.-M., 2020. Research on the innovation of risk management in ocean transportation enterprises based on game strategy model. In: Liu, X. and Zhao, L. (eds.), Today's Modern Coastal Society: Technical and Sociological Aspects of Coastal Research. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 111, pp. 268–271. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

In the current global economic recession, enterprises themselves cannot resist industry risks on their own. Therefore, shipping enterprises need to form an alliance to work together to mitigate the risks brought by the global financial crisis. Enhancing the degree of collaboration between enterprises may not only reduce the cost of enterprise operations, but it can also better diversify the risks incurred by the world economy and trade. In order to improve the degree of cooperation between shipping enterprises, this study investigated the profit distribution among shipping industry chain enterprises. Based on the idea of game theory, this study first used the Stackelberg model to solve for the profit distribution scheme under various cooperation situations of member enterprises in the shipping industry chain. Then, the theory of cooperative game was adopted, and the Shapley value method was used to solve the benefit distribution scheme. Results show that this model can improve the overall risk management ability, and this is of great significance to improve business stability and stimulate the development potential of a company.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Shuying Shang, Yaopei Zhao, and Ze-Ming Chen "Research on Risk Management in Ocean Transportation Enterprises Based on Game Strategy Model," Journal of Coastal Research 111(sp1), 268-271, (17 December 2020).
Received: 5 April 2020; Accepted: 3 August 2020; Published: 17 December 2020
benefit distribution
corporate risk
game strategy
ocean transportation
Stackelberg model
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