Zhang, L.; Yang, L.; Niu, L.; Wang, Z., and Geng, H., 2019. Dynamic response of ankle and ankle complex model under high speed impact of waves. In: Guido-Aldana, P.A. and Mulahasan, S. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources and Exploration. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 93, pp. 548–553. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
By analyzing the force relationship model of wave high speed impact on surfer ankle and ankle complex model, the design of motion complex model under high speed wave impact promotes surfer to give full play to his body function. Improve the performance of surfing events at sea. In this paper, a dynamic analysis model of surfer ankle complex model based on multi-dimensional motion feature decomposition and body structure reconstruction is proposed, and the influence of wave high speed impact on surfer ankle complex model is analyzed. Firstly, the kinematic relationship model of ankle-ankle complex model of surfer is constructed, and the muscle movement space of 7 degrees of freedom of surfer's lower extremity is reconstructed. The mechanical model of surfer ankle and ankle complex model induced by high speed wave shock is analyzed, and the dynamic response model is improved. The simulation results show that the model can accurately reflect the movement characteristics of the ankle-ankle complex model of surfers by using the model to analyze the effect of high-speed wave shock on the activities of surfer ankle-ankle complex model. The optimal arrangement of ankle and ankle joint under the high speed impact of waves can effectively improve the sports effect and performance of surfers.