Wei, H., 2019. Synchronization control method of information flow in coastal logistics supply chain under asymmetric information. In: Guido-Aldana, P.A. and Mulahasan, S. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources and Exploration. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 93, pp. 1087–1092. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.
Traditional methods have poor security and cannot solve the imbalance of benefit distribution caused by information flow sharing, and their overall performance is poor. Therefore, a new synchronous control method of information flow in construction supply chain under asymmetric information is proposed. According to the needs of participants in the construction supply chain for various information flows, the information in the central database is divided into blocks. Each participant and different information blocks correspond to each other. Each participant is provided with different rights. The corresponding information is obtained through user verification, and the data flow security control is realized. By calculating Shapley value, a Shapley value model of benefit distribution in information flow of construction supply chain under asymmetric information is constructed. Aiming at the disadvantage of ignoring the influence of other factors on benefit distribution under asymmetric information, this model comprehensively analyzed the four external factors of participant's benefit distribution: input proportion, risk sharing coefficient, performance degree value and participant's contribution value, completed the improvement of Shapley model, obtained benefit distribution value, and gave the process of determining risk sharing coefficient and contribution value. The experimental results show that the proposed method can guarantee the security of information flow synchronization control, and the results of benefit allocation are more balanced.