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Recent epidemics of Pierce’s disease of grapevine in California vectored by Homalodisca coagulata (Say), an invasive vector species, have characteristics that differ from epidemics involving native vectors. Among these differences are the longer distances and greater speed that the disease is spread by H. coagulata. In this investigation, we used yellow sticky traps to study the seasonal dispersion activity of H. coagulata in a southern California grape-growing area in which an epidemic of Pierce’s disease has caused large losses. For 21 mo, we monitored adult H. coagulata at the edges of vineyards bordering citrus, an important crop host, natural coastal sage scrub vegetation, and natural riparian vegetation. We also monitored H. coagulata dispersion from 0 to 40 m into vineyards. Finally, we examined the vertical dispersion of H. coagulata adults into grapevines through a season. This investigation showed that H. coagulata is associated with citrus, from where it disperses deep into vineyards, and not just the vineyard edge as with Pierce’s disease vectors that are native to California. Peak dispersion into vineyards occurred in the summer. Another period of H. coagulata activity occurred in the winter in vineyards bordering citrus. Through the period of peak flight activity, 97% of all H. coagulata adults trapped between 1 and 7 m were caught at an altitude of 5 m or lower, suggesting the potential of a barrier as a management tactic to keep H. coagulata out of vineyards.
We conducted an augmentative release trial with the encyrtid parasitoid Metaphycus sp. nr flavus (Howard) against citricola scale, Coccus pseudomagniolarum (Kuwana), in three citrus orchards in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Three parasitoid release timings (14 October–13 November, 4 January–5 February, and 26 February–16 March; hereinafter “early,” “intermediate,” and “late”) were compared with a no-release check. Approximately 2,400 female parasitoids were released per central release tree. Late releases were associated with reduced scale survival on the release trees but no evidence of scale suppression was found on adjacent trees. Early and intermediate releases resulted in less pronounced scale suppression than late releases. Intermediate and late, but not early, releases were associated with an increase in the numbers of recovered female M. sp. nr flavus. Early releases, however, increased the numbers of recovered male Metaphycus spp. Thus, at the time of early releases, the scales may have been too small for the production of female parasitoids. A multiple regression model relating the degree of scale mortality in one orchard to the levels of recovered female Metaphycus helvolus (Compere), M. sp. nr flavus, or M. luteolus (Timberlake) (these latter two species are morphologically indistinguishable), and Coccophagus spp., suggested that the number of Coccophagus spp. females followed by M. helvolus females, were most strongly associated with scale mortality.
The effects of insecticides used for California citrus pest management were evaluated using larval and adult stages of vedalia beetle, Rodolia cardinalis (Mulsant). This predatory beetle is essential for control of cottony cushion scale Icerya purchasi (Williston) (Homoptera: Margarodidae) in San Joaquin Valley citrus. When adult beetles were exposed to treated citrus leaves, adult survival was significantly reduced by the foliar neonicotinoid imidacloprid and the pyrethroid cyfluthrin. Progeny production was significantly reduced by imidacloprid, cyfluthrin, fenpropathrin, and buprofezin. Buprofezin, pyriproxifen, and foliar imidacloprid also significantly reduced successful development of larvae into the adult stage. When vedalia stages were fed insecticide-treated cottony cushion scale reared on Pittosporum tobira (Thunb.) Ait, toxic effects were more severe than contact toxicity alone. Adult beetle survival was most profoundly reduced by the pyrethroids and to a lesser extent the foliar neonicotinoids acetamiprid and imidacloprid. Progeny production and larval development to adulthood were reduced by all insecticides but were most severely affected by pyriproxifen and the pyrethroids. Systemically applied neonicotinoids were toxic to vedalia larvae feeding on cottony cushion scale that had ingested these insecticides. These data demonstrate that IGRs, neonicotinoid insecticides, and pyrethroid insecticides have a significant, negative impact on vedalia beetles. Depending on the rate of insecticide used, the number and timing of applications, and the level of coverage of the tree, disruption of vedalia can be minimized. However, the situation is made difficult when pests such as citrus thrips Scirtothrips citri (Moulton) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), forktailed bush katydid Scuddaria furcata Brunner von Wattenwyl (Orthoptera: Tettigoiniidae), or glassy-winged sharpshooter Homalodisca coagulata Say (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) require these pesticide treatments during periods of vedalia beetle activity.
Plum curculio, Conotrachelus nenuphar (Herbst), is a quarantine pest of many temperate fruits, such as pomes, Malus spp.; stone fruits, Prunus spp.; and blueberries, Vaccinium spp.; in North America east of the Rocky Mountains and a small area in Utah. There are two strains, a northern univoltine one that undergoes obligate diapause as an adult and a southern multivoltine strain that usually has facultative diapause. Current quarantine treatments for shipment to areas that do not have the pest include methyl bromide fumigation and cold storage for several weeks. The cold storage treatment may not be effective against northern strain adults in diapause. The objective of this research was to develop an irradiation quarantine treatment against plum curculio. The estimated dose to kill southern strain plum curculio adults in one day is ≈4 kGy. Diapausing northern strain plum curculios were prevented from reproducing with 40 Gy. Reproduction of southern strain plum curculios was prevented with a target dose of 80 Gy, and the dose recommended as a quarantine treatment, that would prevent adults from reproducing, is 92 Gy, the maximum absorbed dose measured when a target dose of 80 Gy was sought. At that dose, oviposition may still occur for up to 1 wk and some of the eggs may hatch, but there is no development beyond the first instar. Hosts of the plum curculio would tolerate that dose well. Immature plum curculios were prevented from reproducing with lower doses.
The sterile insect technique (SIT) is used to control wild Mediterranean fruit fly introductions in California and Florida in the U.S. In the past, bait sprays containing malathion proved invaluable in treating new outbreaks or large populations before the use of SIT. Recently, a spinosad protein bait spray, GF-120, has been developed as a possible alternative to malathion, the standard insecticide in protein bait sprays. In this study, protein-deficient and protein-fed Vienna-7 (sterile, mass-reared, “male-only” strain) flies and wild males and females were evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the GF-120 protein bait containing spinosad with respect to bait attraction, feeding, and toxicology. There were no effects of diet or fly type on feeding duration in small laboratory cages. Wild flies, however, registered more feeding events than Vienna-7 males. Flies that fed longer on fresh bait died faster. Protein-deficient flies were more active and found the bait more often than protein-fed flies. Data suggest that adding protein to the diet of SIT flies may decrease their response to baits, therefore, reduce mortality, and thus, allow the concurrent use of SIT and bait sprays in a management or eradication program.
Imidacloprid, a relatively long residual neonicotinoid soil insecticide, is often applied to lawns and golf courses in spring for preventive control of root-feeding white grubs. We evaluated effects of such applications on spring parasitism of the overwintered third-instar Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica Newman, by Tiphia vernalis Rohwer, an introduced solitary ectoparasitoid. Natural rates of parasitism on a golf course rough were significantly lower in plots treated with full or one-half label rates of imidacloprid in early May compared with untreated turf. Parasitism also was reduced when female T. vernalis were exposed to imidacloprid residues on turf cores in the laboratory. Such exposures did not affect wasp mortality, longevity, survival, or developmental period of Tiphia larvae feeding on hosts in treated turf. They did, however, reduce wasps’ ability to parasitize hosts in nontreated soil for at least 1−2 wk postexposure. In Y-trail choice tests, wasps that previously had been exposed to treated turf failed to respond normally to host frass trails in the soil. Female wasps did not avoid imidacloprid residues, imidacloprid-treated host frass, or host grubs that had previously been exposed to treated soil. This study indicates that applying imidacloprid in early spring can interfere with biological control by T. vernalis, whereas postponing preventive grub treatments until June or July, after the wasps’ flight period, will help to conserve T. vernalis populations.
Crop monitoring for adult corn rootworms, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte and Diabrotica barberi Smith and Lawrence, remains the best means to assess fields at risk from this pest if replanted to corn, Zea mays (L.). Improvements in sampling methodology, including the development of a sequential sampling plan, have reduced the minimum sampling time required to make a management decision to 20 min or less per field per visit. However, many growers and crop consultants still find this time commitment a constraint to repeated scouting. A common currently used sampling method involves systematically covering most of the field following a “W” pattern. The feasibility of replacing the current sampling pattern with a simpler and less time-consuming transect (straight line) pattern was assessed. When sampling methods were compared, computer simulations demonstrated that treatment decisions based on transect sampling would have an acceptably low error rate averaging 10% over a range of realistic corn rootworm densities (0–2 adults per plant). This error rate represented a decrease in accuracy of <1% compared with systematic sampling. Field trials using transect, systematic, and random sampling in each field were used to compare the categorization of adult corn rootworm densities into “above” or “below” threshold with a sequential sampling plan. Efficiency measured in time to reach a decision, number of corn plants evaluated, and time divided by plants observed were compared between sampling methods. The three methods did not differ significantly in the number of plants evaluated or in the categorization of corn rootworm populations. Transect sampling resulted in a significantly shorter time divided by plants observed (38 s), than either systematic (78 s), or random sampling methods (166 s). Based on these results transect sampling reduces sampling time 51% compared with systematic sampling and thus could be used to reduce total sampling times substantially.
Sugarbeet, Beta vulgaris L., producers occasionally establish cereal cover crops to minimize early-season soil erosion, wind abrasion, and mechanical injury of seedlings. We evaluated the use of living oat, Avena sativa L., cover cropping as a cultural tactic to minimize feeding injury from sugarbeet root maggot, Tetanops myopaeformis (Röder), larvae at five field sites during 1996, 1998, and 1999. Sweep-net sampling yielded 4.8-, 11.2-, and 7.2-fold more flies from oat cover-cropped chlorpyrifos, terbufos, and untreated control plots, respectively, than in noncover counterparts. However, larval feeding injury in terbufos-treated plots was reduced when cover-cropped (383 seeds/m2) at St. Thomas in all years. A reduced oat seeding rate (224 seeds/m2) also enhanced root protection in terbufos-treated plots at St. Thomas in 1999. Less root injury was sustained in cover-cropped chlorpyrifos plots than in noncover counterparts at St. Thomas in 2 study yr. Oat cover cropping also frequently resulted in reduced T. myopaeformis feeding injury in the absence of a soil insecticide. Although trends toward increased yields were often evident, significant yield benefits were limited to a 6.8% root yield increase in oat cover plots when compared with noncover treatments overall at St. Thomas in 1996 and an 18.4% sucrose yield increase in terbufos-treated plots at St. Thomas in 1999. These findings suggest that beneficial interactions between planting-time soil insecticides and cereal cover crops are achievable in areas infested by T. myopaeformis. Demonstrated reductions in root feeding injury, combined with additional agronomic benefits, may warrant use of this production practice as part of an integrated management program for this key insect pest of sugarbeet.
Following the 1995–2001 crop seasons, population densities of pupae of tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), overwintering in cotton fields, Gossypium hirsutum L., in Monroe County, MS, were estimated by digging a total of 43,542 m-row. Densities of pupae varied greatly among years with the highest densities occurring in years with low rainfall in the late summer and early fall. The sex ratio of pupae was variable and significantly male-biased in some years. The total area-wide, tobacco budworm population emerging from all overwintering sites was estimated from catches in pheromone traps whose absolute efficiency is known. After the introduction of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt)-transgenic cotton in 1996 but before a several-fold increase in use of herbicide resistant (HR)-transgenic cotton cultivars in 2001, local cotton fields accounted for <2% of the total overwintered tobacco budworm population. In the pretransgenic cotton production era, it is estimated cotton fields typically accounted for <10% of the overwintered tobacco budworm population. Driving surveys of the tillage status of cotton fields and pheromone trapping to determine the timing of adult emergence in the spring indicate that—until the 2000 crop season—postseason tillage destroyed most tobacco budworm and corn earworm pupae overwintering in cotton fields. Adoption of HR-transgenic cultivars has quintupled cotton field area planted no-till, but the contribution of cotton fields to overwintered tobacco budworm populations has remained low. Preemptive tillage of cotton fields to kill overwintering tobacco budworm pupae would not appreciably suppress in-season population densities of this pest. However, the absence of such tillage might increase the rate at which the tobacco budworm develops resistance to insecticides and counteradaptation to antibiotic host plant resistance traits including the Bt-transgenic trait.
Beginning in 1992, the Slow The Spread (STS) pilot project was initiated to target gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar L.) spread rate reduction by controlling populations in the transition zone. The project uses intensive monitoring techniques, with pheromone-baited sticky moth traps, to detect low-level populations and target them for eradication. The primary objective of the pilot project was to evaluate the feasibility of using integrated pest management techniques to slow the spread of gypsy moths over a large geographical area. In this study, the cost of STS pilot project activities in 1993–1995 was investigated. A cost accounting system was developed and used as a framework to collect the cost data and to investigate cost patterns and characteristics. Total expenditures of STS activities for 1993–1995 were $7,685.2 million. Per unit cost was $49.67 per trap with the direct cost component being $35.03 per trap. Trapper labor and vehicle expense accounted for ≈90% of this direct cost. Per unit cost for treatment activities was found to average $27.86 per treated acre. In general, the STS pilot project is labor intensive, specifically the trapping component. From 1993–1995, 59% of total project expenditures were spent on trapping activities, 28% on pesticide treatments, and 13% on data management. A trapper productivity rate regression model is described.
This study evaluates the efficacy of two systemic insecticides (imidacloprid and abamectin) in an operational setting and their suitability to be incorporated into an integrated pest management program. Elm leaf beetle abundance and leaf damage were compared between treated trees and untreated control trees from 1995 through 1999. Laboratory bioassays using first-instar larvae were also used to measure the toxicity of leaves collected from treated trees at varying times after treatment. Trunk injections of abamectin and imidacloprid reduced the defoliation caused by elm leaf beetle when applied after monitoring at the peak density of elm leaf beetle eggs. Treatment in the first generation appeared to provide protection against damage in that generation as well as the second and third beetle generations. Both of these materials become active within the tree canopy very quickly and are therefore compatible with a management program that determines the need for treatment based on monitoring for egg clusters at peak density of eggs. Laboratory bioassays showed no toxicity of leaves in the year following treatment.
Laboratory bioassays and field tests were conducted to compare the effectiveness of the new insecticides, imidacloprid, indoxacarb, pyriproxyfen, spinosad, thiacloprid, and thiamethoxam, against apple maggot. The activity ranking of the compounds in reducing oviposition in laboratory bioassays was: imidacloprid, 95% reduction at 11 ppm > thiamethoxam, 91% and thiacloprid, 89% reduction at 100 ppm > spinosad, 98% reduction at 316 ppm > indoxacarb, 80% reduction at 1000 ppm > pyriproxyfen, 0% reduction at 38 ppm. In laboratory bioassays, the only insecticides that were toxic to flies at concentrations equal to or below the recommended field rates were imidacloprid, (50% of flies at 11 ppm), spinosad (90% of flies at rates >10 ppm), and thiamethoxam (≈50% of flies at 32 ppm). In field trials, thiacloprid was the only material that consistently controlled apple maggot fruit infestation that was comparable to standard treatments of organophosphate insecticides. Spinosad applied at weekly intervals, and indoxacarb applied as biweekly sprays provided adequate control of apple maggot damage when infestation levels in the field were low, but were not effective in preventing damage in small plots when apple maggot pressure was high.
The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae), which exists in all coffee producing zones, is a major pest. The seriousness of this scolytid was assessed in Togolese plots spread over five agroclimatic zones, by determining the attack rate from a sample of coffee trees. The work was carried out over 2 yr and revealed that weight losses were proportional to the attack rates. The average infestation rates were 5.64% in the first year and 6.36% in the second year, while total production losses amounted to 2.60% and 3.18%, respectively, for the same periods. Generally speaking, attack rates in the plots were low and varied considerably within a given zone. Plantations located on plateau were more severely attacked than those in the plains. A relationship was established between total losses and the cost of insecticide treatment; this relationship was used to calculate an economic damage threshold beyond which control proves to be cost effective.
A total of 53 plant essential oils were tested for their insecticidal activities against eggs, nymphs, and adults of Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, using an impregnated filter paper bioassays without allowing direct contact. Responses varied according to oil type and dose, and developmental stage of the insect. Bay, caraway seed, clove leaf, lemon eucalyptus, lime dis 5 F, pennyroyal, peppermint, rosewood, spearmint, and tea tree oils were highly effective against T. vaporariorum adults, nymphs, and eggs at 0.0023, 0.0093, and 0.0047 μl/ml air, respectively. These results indicate that the mode of delivery of these essential oils was largely a result of action in the vapor phase. Significant correlations among adulticidal, nymphicidal, and ovicidal activities of the test oils were observed. The essential oils described herein merit further study as potential fumigants for T. vaporariorum control.
In a field study in Hawaii, color-marked protein-deprived and protein-fed female melon flies, Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett, were released within canopies of unsprayed sorghum plants (a nonhost of melon flies) outside of a border area of unsprayed or bait-sprayed sorghum plants or open space that surrounded cucumbers, a favored host of melon flies. Application of bait spray to sorghum or sugarcane surrounding host plants of melon flies is a common practice for melon fly control in Hawaii. GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait spray proved very effective in preventing protein-deprived females from alighting on cucumbers (23% of released females were observed dead on bait-sprayed sorghum; 0% were observed alive on cucumbers), but proved less effective in suppressing protein-fed females (14% of released females were observed dead on bait-sprayed sorghum; 11% were observed alive on cucumbers). No females were found dead on unsprayed sorghum. Compared with open space surrounding cucumbers, the presence of unsprayed sorghum as surrounding border area neither significantly enhanced nor significantly inhibited the ability of either type of female with respect to finding cucumbers. Greenhouse cage assays revealed that compared with droplets of water, droplets of GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait spray were highly attractive to protein-deprived females within 1 h of bait spray application to sorghum, but lost about half of their attractiveness within 5 h and all of it within 24 h under the dry greenhouse conditions used for maintaining baited-sprayed sorghum plants in these assays. Laboratory cup assays showed that bait spray droplets remained highly toxic to protein-deprived females 24 h after application, but lost nearly half of their toxicity within 4 d under laboratory exposure and nearly all of it after ≈8 mm of rainfall. Combined findings suggest that application of GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait spray to nonhost plants for melon fly control either be made often enough to overcome loss of attractiveness of bait spray droplets to females or that bait spray be applied to nonhost plants that are themselves attractive to the females.
Cyromazine seed treatments were evaluated for onion maggot control in green onion crops. The more tolerant to organophosphates of two populations of onion maggots was chosen for further research, based on the results of adult assays in a Potter spray tower. In the laboratory, first-instar mortality was compared between film-coated seed treatment and soil drench treatment. The LC50 for the film-coated seed treatment was approximately one fourth that of the soil drench treatment. In choice assays, no significant difference was observed between the number of eggs deposited on seedlings grown from film-coated seeds with cyromazine and film-coated seeds without cyromazine. Field studies demonstrated that all rates of cyromazine seed treatment resulted in protection of onion plants from onion maggot damage. Green onions may not require as high a rate of cyromazine for control of onion maggots as the rate established for use in dry onions for two reasons: the seeding rate is much higher for green onions resulting in more AI/ha for a given amount of AI/kg of seed, and a given percentage of stand loss is more difficult to detect in green onions than in dry onions.
Field studies were conducted in southeastern Minnesota, 2000–2002, to assess damage potential and management options for adult Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois) in June-bearing strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa). The first study was designed to assess the efficacy of a published economic threshold for L. lineolaris nymphs compared with a plant phenology-based threshold management program, targeted at L. lineolaris adults. L. lineolaris nymphs were sampled using the standard white pan beat method; adults were sampled using yellow sticky traps. In the second study, during 2001–2002, caged strawberries were artificially infested with adult L. lineolaris at specific plant growth stages (i.e., vegetative, green bud, white bud, first blossom, peak blossom, first green fruit, and first ripe fruit) to determine the most susceptible growth stages of strawberry. The phenology-based thresholds proved to be more effective in managing L. lineolaris than the current economic threshold based on nymphs. Results from the infestation timing study indicate that early-growth stages (i.e., green and white bud) are most susceptible to adult L. lineolaris feeding damage. During the early-growth stages, only L. lineolaris adults were present; infestations of nymphs occurred primarily from first blossom to green berry. Results from both studies indicate that (1) management of adult L. lineolaris during the early strawberry growth stages is recommended for maximizing marketable yield and (2) the use of plant phenology-based thresholds, when adults are present, will significantly improve insecticide spray timing, and thus minimize the number of insecticide sprays.
Onion (Allium cepa L.) seed production has long been plagued with yield problems because of lack of pollination by the honey bee, Apis mellifera L. To attempt to attract more pollinators to the onion seed production field, honey bees were conditioned to associate onion floral odor components with a reward. Isolated nucleus hives of honey bees were fed 30% sucrose solutions scented with a 0.2% solution of onion floral odor compounds. After feeding on these solutions for 6 wk, bees were not found to prefer onion flowers to two competing food sources, carrot and alfalfa flowers, at the 5% significance level. However, there was an overall trend indicating a change in honey bee behavior, with fewer “trained” bees visiting alfalfa and carrot and more visiting onion. Thus, it may be possible to alter honey bee behavior with preconditioning but probably not to a degree that would be economically significant.
Because of morphological ambiguity, traditional identification of Reticulitermes Holmgren termites has always been difficult and unreliable. A molecular diagnostic method is presented for differentiating Reticulitermes species occurring in the south central United States, which are economically important urban pests. A 379-bp region of the mtDNA COII gene and a 415-bp region of the mtDNA 16S rRNA gene were amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced from Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), Reticulitermes virginicus (Banks), Reticulitermes hageni Banks, and Reticulitermes tibialis (Banks). Applying DNA sequence data, the PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis of two restriction enzymes each for the COII amplicon and the 16S amplicon, were diagnostic for all of the Reticulitermes species analyzed. Based on putative mutation rates, >87% and 97% of the samples should be successfully identified to species with PCR-RFLP of COII and 16S, respectively. To verify the accuracy of our predictions, we examined unclassified Reticultermes populations from Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, and Virginia using PCR-RFLP. Applying PCR-RFLP, 97 samples were correctly classified to species. This technique allows the use of field-collected specimens preserved in alcohol and can identify termite specimens regardless of caste. PCR-RFLP, resolved with agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, provided an efficient method for identification of Reticulitermes species from the south central United States for diagnostic purposes.
A major challenge to termite baiting in soil habitats is the prolonged time that it may take for subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) to infest stations. The objective of this research study was to determine whether the location of food sources (Sentricon in-ground monitoring stations and wooden monitors) influences the likelihood of infestation by termites. In field trials conducted at 15 structures in central Ohio, standard placement of stations at 3–4.5 m intervals was compared with targeted placements based on evidence of termite activity indoors and outdoors as well as conducive moisture conditions. Termites infested significantly more targeted placements (70/374) than standard placements (35/372) around structures. At the targeted placement sites, termites infested more wooden monitors than Sentricon stations, but this was not statistically significant. This implies that placement, rather than cellulose composition, was the more important factor. Termites first infested stations/monitors an average of 38 d sooner at targeted sites than standard placement sites. This research indicates that evidence of termite activity indoors and outdoors should be a prime consideration when placing in-ground stations.
Three foam board types, one untreated control, one containing 2,000 ppm disodium octaborate tetrahydrate (DOT), and one containing 1,000 ppm deltamethrin, were exposed to field populations of the eastern subterranean termite, Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar), and the Formosan subterranean termite, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki. There was no significant difference in termite damage between foam boards treated with 2,000 ppm DOT and the untreated control. Form boards containing 1,000 ppm deltamethrin were not damaged by R. flavipes, whereas only minor damage occurred after exposure to C. formosanus.
A stochastic spatially explicit computer model is described that simulates the adaptation by western corn rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, to rootworm-resistance traits in maize. The model reflects the ecology of the rootworm in much of the corn belt of the United States. It includes functions for crop development, egg and larval mortality, adult emergence, mating, egg laying, mortality and dispersal, and alternative methods of rootworm control, to simulate the population dynamics of the rootworm. Adaptation to the resistance trait is assumed to be controlled by a monogenic diallelic locus, whereby the allele for adaptation varies from incompletely recessive to incompletely dominant, depending on the efficacy of the resistance trait. The model was used to compare the rate at which the adaptation allele spread through the population under different nonresistant maize refuge deployment scenarios, and under different levels of crop resistance. For a given refuge size, the model indicated that placing the nonresistant refuge in a block within a rootworm-resistant field would be likely to delay rootworm adaptation rather longer than planting the refuge in separate fields in varying locations. If a portion of the refuge were to be planted in the same fields or in-field blocks each year, rootworm adaptation would be delayed substantially. Rootworm adaptation rates are also predicted to be greatly affected by the level of crop resistance, because of the expectation of dependence of functional dominance on dose. If the dose of the insecticidal protein in the maize is sufficiently high to kill >90% of heterozygotes and ≈100% of susceptible homozygotes, the trait is predicted to be much more durable than if the dose is lower. A partial sensitivity analysis showed that parameters relating to adult dispersal affected the rate of pest adaptation. Partial validation of the model was achieved by comparing output of the model with field data on population dynamics, and with field data documenting rootworm adaptation to cyclodienes and organophosphates.
Fipronil, a phenylpyrazole insecticide, was made available in 1999 in bait formulations for use against the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.). We have investigated resistance to fipronil in the descendants of cockroaches collected just before, or contemporaneously with, the introduction of fipronil baits. Cockroaches were obtained in two types of settings: homes that either had or had not been serviced by a pest management professional while occupied by their current residents. Thorough inspections by us turned up no evidence that fipronil had been used in any of the homes, and in addition, no residents claimed to have used baits containing fipronil. Resistance to fipronil was detected by topically dosing adult males with the LC99 of fipronil, the value of which was determined in a dose-response assay with males of an insecticide-susceptible strain. Fewer than 99 of 100 males of all field-collected strains died within 72 h of being treated. Moreover, substantial numbers of males survived doses three and 10-fold greater than the LC99. Regression analysis showed that 67% of the variation in the percentage of males that died after being treated with fipronil was explained by a linear relationship with the percentage that died after being treated with dieldrin. Therefore, it appears that resistance to fipronil in German cockroaches—whose ancestors had never been exposed to it—is attributable to enduring resistance to the cyclodienes, which were formerly used for cockroach control and have a similar mode of action as fipronil. Lastly, we found that insects resistant to topically administered fipronil were likewise resistant, and to a similar degree, to ingested fipronil.
The toxicity of boric acid solutions to adult Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say, Culex nigripalpus Theobald, and Aedes albopictus Skuse was evaluated in the laboratory. Median lethal concentrations (LC50 in %) at 24-h exposure for male and female An. quadrimaculatus were 0.317 and 0.885, respectively; for Cx. nigripalpus, 0.273 and 0.560, respectively; and for Ae. albopictus, 0.174 and 0.527, respectively. The LC50 values at 48-h exposure for male and female An. quadrimaculatus were 0.101 and 0.395, respectively; for Cx. nigripalpus, 0.098 and 0.255, respectively; and for Ae. albopictus, 0.078 and 0.244, respectively. In laboratory tests, access for 48 h to sucrose (10%) water containing 1% boric acid (boric acid bait) resulted in 98% mortality in blood fed, gravid, and parous Ae. albopictus. When offered a choice between boric acid bait and sucrose water, 52% of male and 33% of female Ae. albopictus ingested sufficient boric acid bait in 24 h to cause death; after 48 h, respective percent mortalities were 88 and 58%. In outdoor tests, in a walk-in screened cage (156 m3) containing 1,250 female Ae. albopictus, mosquito biting rates on the exposed forearm of a human subject in 3-min exposure were reduced ≥78% for the boric acid bait treatment, compared with a sucrose water control.
The pink stem borer, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre), is one of the most important insect pests of maize (Zea mays L.) in northwestern Spain. The objectives of this work were to evaluate, at different times during the growth of maize, structural traits related to the entry point and tissues on which larvae feed and to determine the relationship between these structural traits and the stem borer resistance. Six inbred lines with different levels of stem resistance to S. nonagrioides were evaluated in several trials. Potential structural resistance factors included rind and pith puncture resistance (RPR and PPR), rind thickness, length of the meristematic area (LMA), and pith parenchyma interlumen thickness (PPIT). Surprisingly, the inbred lines that showed the strongest stalks, EP42 and EP47, were not stem resistant to pink stem borer attack, while the stem resistant inbreds A509, CM151, and PB130 were among the least resistant to rind puncture. There were no significant differences among resistant and susceptible inbreds for the rind thickness. However, the susceptible inbred EP42 had the softest internode pith, and the resistant inbred PB130 showed the hardest, as was expected. Susceptible inbred lines in general showed higher values for the LMA, while the PPIT was important for individual inbreds. The results suggest that the usefulness of these characters as estimators of pink stem borer resistance is limited to some genotypes. Besides, even among those genotypes, other mechanisms of resistance that do not involve stalk strength could be present. Among the traits considered, the LMA was the most promising as an indicator of resistance to pink stem borer, although further experimentation is necessary.
The greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), is a major pest of wheat in North America, reducing U.S. wheat production by $60 to $100 million each year. In this research, 149 wheat lines containing genes from Aegilops tauschii (Coss.) Schmal. were evaluated for resistance to greenbug biotype I. More than 50% of the lines sustained moderate foliar chlorosis from greenbug feeding, and approximately one third of all the lines were highly resistant. All lines with chlorosis scores similar to the resistant control ‘Largo’ expressed high levels of antibiosis, producing greenbug populations with mean weights ranging from 0.05 to 11.8 mg. There was no significant difference between greenbug weights on these lines and those reared on ‘Largo’, but the mean weight of individuals reared on the susceptible control ‘Thunderbird’ was significantly greater than those reared on ‘Largo’ or any of the test lines. The mean population size of greenbugs produced on plants of each line was significantly correlated with mean greenbug weight. Tolerance was not evident in any of the lines examined, but was unexpectedly apparent in ‘Thunderbird’ at a level similar to that in the tolerant control cultivar ‘Largo’.
Antixenosis and antibiosis in the resistance of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to the melon thrips, Thrips palmi Karny, were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Experiments were conducted for four moderately resistant genotypes (‘Brunca’, BH-130, EMP 486, and FEB 115) in comparison with one susceptible genotype (APN 18). Multiple-choice tests recorded most thrips on EMP 486 and least on FEB 115. Dual-choice tests conducted in both laboratory and field confirmed the antixenotic effect of FEB 115 and the attractant effect of EMP 486 on thrips. These results demonstrate the significance of antixenosis in the resistance of common beans to T. palmi. Life-table studies showed significant differences in egg duration, immature and adult survivorship, female body length and longevity, daily oviposition rate, and total fecundity among the bean genotypes. The intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) and its associated population parameters varied significantly with the bean genotype on which T. palmi cohorts were reared. Based on mean rm values, the five bean genotypes can be divided into two groups, with BH-130 and ‘Brunca’ being less favorable for the population growth of thrips than EMP 486 and FEB 115; the latter were comparable to the susceptible genotype APN 18. These life-table results indicate the role of antibiosis in enhancing the resistance of common beans to T. palmi.
The numbers of greenbugs, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and bird cherry-oat aphids, Rhopalosiphum padi L., per wheat tiller (stem) were estimated in 189 production winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) fields located throughout Oklahoma. Taylor’s power law regressions were calculated from these data and used to construct fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species. An evaluation data set was constructed from 240 samples taken during three growing seasons from winter wheat fields at four locations in Oklahoma. Wheat cultivar and growth stage were recorded for each field on the day of sampling. Taylor’s power law parameters for evaluation fields differed significantly for both species among growing seasons, locations, and plant growth stages. Median precision achieved using the fixed precision sequential sampling schemes for each species departed <20% from expected precision over the range population intensity in the evaluation data. For the 10% of samples with greatest deviation between observed and expected precision, observed precision was 13.8–81.8% greater than that expected precision depending on aphid species and population intensity. For the greenbug, the distribution of the percentage deviation between observed and expected precision was positively skewed, so that the sampling scheme tended to over-predict precision. For the bird cherry-oat aphid, the distribution was more symmetric. Even though precision observed using the sampling schemes frequently varied from expected precision, because of the inevitable consequence of sampling error and environmental variation, the sampling schemes yielded median observed precision levels close to expected precision levels over a broad range of population intensity.
The rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L., adults were highly susceptible by contact to l-carvone, d-carvone, and dihydrocarvone when compared with the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica F., adults and red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst.). Adults of R. dominica were more susceptible than the other species to fumigant vapors of l-carvone, d-carvone, and dihydrocarvone. The three larval stages (14-, 16-, and 18-d-old) of T. castaneum progressively became more susceptible with age toward contact toxicity of three test compounds but in fumigant toxicity, 16-d-old larvae of T. castaneum were more susceptible to the three compounds. Comparison of contact and fumigant toxicity of the test compounds indicates that l-carvone and d-carvone possess 24 times more fumigant toxicity toward adults of R. dominica than its contact toxicity. Overall order of toxicity was l-carvone > d-carvone > dihydrocarvone. Egg hatching and subsequent larval and adult survival of T. castaneum were significantly reduced when the eggs of T. castaneum were treated with l-carvone, d-carvone, and dihydrocarvone. l-Carvone completely suppressed egg hatching at the concentration of 7.72 mg/cm2. Data on feeding-deterrent indices indicate the high potency of l-carvone as feeding-deterrent in order of S. oryzae adults > T. castaneum adults > R. dominica adults > T. castaneum larvae.
Initial screening of 12 Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin isolates against larvae of the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus [Panzer]) resulted in the selection of two isolates, GHA and 707, for further testing under field conditions. Three formulations of each strain were prepared: an EC, a ground corn granular formulation, and waste product of fungal propagation containing spent media, mycelia, and unharvested conidia (“residue” formulation). Two field trials were conducted in commercial caged-layer houses in Georgia with 5–6 mo of manure accumulation and established populations of A. diaperinus and hide beetles (Dermestes maculatus DeGeer). In the first trial field, B. bassiana was applied a single time to the manure surface at either 109 (EC and granular cornmeal bait formulations) or 108 (residue formulation) fungal spores per square meter. In the second trial, two successive weekly treatments were applied, using a total of 6X the rate of application used in the first trial, Significant treatment effects were short-lived and only detected 2 wk after treatment in both trials. The granular formulations of both strains and the residue formulation of the GHA strain provided the greatest degree of suppression (60–90%) of beetle larvae. A laboratory bioassay confirmed that the granular bait was the most effective formulation. More frequent applications made earlier in the manure accumulation cycle may be necessary to achieve satisfactory control of these beetles.
The concentration of ivermectin in the serum of Hereford heifers treated with a single Ivomec SR bolus reached a maximum of 8.8 ± 0.9 ppb at 2 wk post-treatment. The single bolus treatment resulted in <10% mortality of adult horn flies feeding on the blood of the treated animals over the 21-wk trial. Bioassays of the manure from treated cattle showed complete inhibition of development of immature horn flies through week 19 post-treatment. When the trial was repeated using two Ivomec SR boluses/heifer, the concentration of ivermectin in the serum of the treated cattle reached a maximum level of 31.2 ± 3.9 ppb at week 13 post-treatment. During the first 17 wk of treatment, the use of two boluses/heifer resulted in 96.2 and 81.2% mortality of adult male and female horn flies feeding on the blood of treated animals, respectively. From these studies, we conclude that a single Ivomec SR bolus used as an anthelmintic treatment can be expected to provide significant control of immature horn flies developing in the manure, but not of adults feeding on the treated cattle.
The influence of horn fly control with commercially available ear tags was studied on beef replacement heifers (n = 670) for growth and reproductive performance. The study was conducted at five sites in Louisiana over 3 yr. Heifers used were yearling replacement females that were exposed to fertile bulls during a limited spring breeding season that coincided with the horn fly season. In mid to late May of each year, heifers were randomly assigned to one of two horn fly treatments: untreated and treated for horn fly control. The trial continued each year until September or October at the end of fly season. Pregnancy status was determined by rectal palpation. Horn fly populations were controlled on the treated heifers at moderate levels (84%). Total weight gain of treated heifers was 14% greater than for untreated heifers. Horn fly treatment had no effect on pregnancy rate (78% and 75% for untreated and treated heifers, respectively). Treatment differences for weight gain were of greater magnitude for heifers failing to conceive than for heifers that became pregnant. Weight gains of nonpregnant treated heifers were 33% greater than for nonpregnant untreated heifers, whereas weight gains of pregnant treated heifers were 8% greater than for pregnant untreated heifers. In conclusion, horn fly control on yearling beef replacement heifers improved weight gain but had no effect on first exposure reproduction.
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