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1 July 2009 Aedes aegypti Densonucleosis Virus Amplifies, Spreads, and Reduces Host Populations in Laboratory Cage Studies
Erica L. Suchman, Joseph Piper, Megan Wise De Valdez, Brian Kleker, Lenden Neeper, Emily Plake, William C. Black, Jonathan Carlson
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Aedes densonucleosis virus (family Parvoviridae, genus Brevidensovirus, AeDNV) is a mosquito pathogen that increases Aedes aegypti larval mortality and reduces adult life span. We conducted three laboratory population cage trials, each lasting 16–25 wk. We tested two broad hypotheses. First, Ae. aegypti raised in containers seeded with 108 AeDNV genome equivaIents/ml (geq/ml), a concentration feasible for field application, increase AeDNV to concentrations that cause significant adult and larval mortality. Second, infected female mosquitoes disperse AeDNV to uninfected larval habitats. In hypothesis 1, we addressed the rate at which infected larvae secrete virus, how AeDNV titers change in seeded containers over time, whether AeDNV decays over time, and whether AeDNV exposed populations are reduced. In hypothesis 2, we monitored AeDNV concentrations in novel containers after oviposition by infected females. Both hypotheses were supported. Larvae increased AeDNV, secreting virus at a rate of 2.14 × 106 geq/larva/d when exposed to 108 geq/ml. AeDNV titers reached an asymptote of 1010 geq/ml by week 10 in seeded containers. AeDNV decayed by 1 log every 4 d as indicated by a reduction in larval mortality. Adult population size was reduced in treated populations. Infected females dispersed AeDNV to novel containers, with titers reaching 108 geq/ml. The parameters were used in a Leslie-Lewis matrix model. This model predicted that AeDNV negatively affects Ae. aegypti densities and population structure and thus vectorial capacity.

© 2009 Entomological Society of America
Erica L. Suchman, Joseph Piper, Megan Wise De Valdez, Brian Kleker, Lenden Neeper, Emily Plake, William C. Black, and Jonathan Carlson "Aedes aegypti Densonucleosis Virus Amplifies, Spreads, and Reduces Host Populations in Laboratory Cage Studies," Journal of Medical Entomology 46(4), 909-918, (1 July 2009).
Received: 16 June 2008; Accepted: 18 March 2009; Published: 1 July 2009

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Aedes aegypti
Aedes Densonucleosis virus
population cages
virus dispersal
virus propagation
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