VOL. 48 · NO. 1 | March 2014
Robert A. Miller
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 1-12, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/0892-1016-48.1.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: northern goshawk, Accipiter gentilis, alternative prey, breeding ecology, diet, Idaho
Brian A. Millsap
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 13-23, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-00005.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos, bird banding, dispersal, natal dispersal, sex-biased dispersal
F. Helena Aguiar-Silva
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 24-35, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-00017.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Harpy Eagle, Harpia harpyja, AMAZON, Canopy, conservation, diet, mammals, nest, rainforest
George F. Barrowclough, Jeff G. Groth, Jonas E. Lai, Susan M. Tsang
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 36-43, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-33.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Erythrotriorchis, Hamirostra, Harpyopsis, Henicopernis, Lophoictinia, Megatriorchis, phylogeny
Douglas A. Bell
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 44-53, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-12-12.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, taita falcon, Falco fasciinucha, cytochrome b, genetic variation, dispersal
Kenneth E. Etzel
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 54-60, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-00008.1
KEYWORDS: Common Black-Hawk, Buteogallus anthracinus, crayfish, diet, exotic, Orconectes, prey
Short Communications
Joseph B. Buchanan
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 61-67, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-25.1
KEYWORDS: Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, Northern California, tree-nesting, western Washington
Short Communication
Joshua M. Hull
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 68-77, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-35.1
KEYWORDS: great gray owl, Strix nebulosa, California, owl, phylogenetic, Sierra Nevada, subspecies
Arnaud Lenoble
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 78-81, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-28.1
KEYWORDS: American kestrel, Falco sparverius, lesser naked-backed bat, Pteronotus davyi, diet, predation
José Tomás Ibarra, Tomás A. Altamirano, Kathy Martin, F. Hernán Vargas, Cristián Bonacic
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 82-85, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-00037.1
KEYWORDS: Austral Pygmy–Owl, Glaucidium nana, biological legacies, breeding, cavity–nesting, Chile, habitat, nesting, Patagonia, temperate rainforests
No abstract available
Richard O. Bierregaard
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 86-88, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-00016.1
KEYWORDS: osprey, Pandion haliaetus, telemetry harness
No abstract available
Bryce Robinson
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 88-89, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-47.1
KEYWORDS: great horned owl, Bubo virginianus, roost, Utah
No abstract available
Wade L. Eakle, Joseph J. Lishka, Monte N. Kirven, John Hawley
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 89-91, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/JRR-13-45.1
KEYWORDS: Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, osprey, Pandion haliaetus, cooperative hunting, kleptoparasitism
No abstract available
Journal of Raptor Research 48 (1), 92, (1 March 2014) https://doi.org/10.3356/0892-1016-48.1.92
No abstract available
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