VOL. 15 · NO. 4 | December 2009

Wildlife Biology
Original articles
Justin A. Gude, Michael S. Mitchell, David E. Ausband, Carolyn A. Sime, Edward E. Bangs
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 352-369, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-057 Open Access
KEYWORDS: calibration, Canis lupus, confidence interval coverage, decision-making, discrimination, internal validation, logistic regression, northern Rocky Mountains
Bret A. Collier, Kyle B. Melton, Jason B. Hardin, Nova J. Silvy, Markus J. Peterson
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 370-379, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/09-011 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Breeding season, Edwards Plateau, Meleagris gallopavo intermedia, radio-telemetry, Rio Grande wild turkey, survival, Texas
Erik J. Blomberg, Brian C. Tefft, Erik G. Endrulat, Scott R. McWilliams
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 380-394, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-012 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Bonasa umbellus, GIS, partitioned Mahalanobis D2, Rhode Island, ruffed grouse, species distribution models
Katie M. Herman-Brunson, Kent C. Jensen, Nicholas W. Kaczor, Christopher C. Swanson, Mark A. Rumble, Robert W. Klaver
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 395-404, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/09-005 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Centrocercus urophasianus, eastern range, edge of distribution, habitat, nesting, sage-grouse
Scott Newey, Peter Allison, Simon J. Thirgood, A. Adam Smith, Isla M. Graham
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 405-411, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-083 Open Access
KEYWORDS: food supplementation, Lepus timidus, mountain hare, PIT tags, resource manipulation
Joseph Bull, Erlend B. Nilsen, Atle Mysterud, E. J. Milner-Gulland
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 412-424, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-010 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Canis lupus, cull, demography, dispersal, harvesting, Scandinavia, wolf
Petra Löttker, Anna Rummel, Miriam Traube, Anja Stache, Pavel Šustr, Jörg Müller, Marco Heurich
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 425-434, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-014 Open Access
KEYWORDS: activity, behaviour, Cervus elaphus, GPS-telemetry, red deer, spatio-temporal behaviour
Short communications
Craig J. Tambling, Lydia E. Belton
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 435-441, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/09-029 Open Access
KEYWORDS: global positioning system, kill site detection, Panthera leo, proximity tags, telemetry
Alessandro Balestrieri, Luigi Remonti, Claudio Prigioni
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 442-448, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-027 Open Access
KEYWORDS: badger, habitat selection, home range, Meles meles, Northern Italy, scent marking
Shawn M. Crimmins, Nathan M. Roberts, David A. Hamilton
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 449-453, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/08-067 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Feeding habits, frequency of occurrence, Lontra canadensis, prey size, River Otter, scat analysis
Peter Sunde, Carsten R. Olesen, Torben L. Madsen, Lars Haugaard
Wildlife Biology 15 (4), 454-460, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.2981/09-012 Open Access
KEYWORDS: activity, Cervus elaphus, disturbance, habitat use, home range, movements, spatial behaviour
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