This is the first of a series of miscellaneous contributions, by various authors, where hitherto unpublished data relevant to the Euro Med (or Sisyphus) Project are presented. Apart from the introductory notice that outlines the Euro Med Project and explains the abbreviations used for the geographical territories as defined for the Project's purposes, it is almost entirely devoted to the Compositae family. It includes new country and area records for Artemisia, Bellis, Calendula, Delairea, Erigeron, Gazania, Hieracium, Onopordum, Senecio, Tanacetum and Volutaria taxa, and the validation of names in the genera Carduus, Caucasalia, Centaurea, Cyanus, Erigeron, Galatella, Hieracium, Klasea, Pojarkovia, Psephellus, Rhaponticoides, Rhaponticum, Senecio, Solidago, Symphyotrichum and Tephroseris. A single entry (a new name in Omphalodes) concerns Boraginaceae.