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7 December 2013 Novelties in the fern genus Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) II. New records, new combinations and other new statuses for Cuba
Renier Morejón Hernández, Carlos Sánchez
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Polystichum is a nearly cosmopolitan fern genus with 31 species recognized for the Caribbean region. In Cuba, there have been from 11 to 19 taxa recorded, depending on the authors, illustrating the complexity of this group on the island. The examination of more than 2000 herbarium specimens collected in the Greater Antilles allowed the recognition of four taxa not previously recorded from Cuba: P. platyphyllum, P. rhizophorum, P. triangulum and P. woodsioides. In addition, P. deminuens is accepted as a species, P. heterolepis is reduced to the synonymy of P. viviparum, and P. polystichiforme is reduced to the synonymy of P. platyphyllum. Two new combinations are published: P. triangulum subsp. mucronatum (formerly treated as P. mucronatum) and P. submucronatum (formerly known under the illegitimate name, P. woodsioides). One name is raised from varietal to subspecific rank: P. rhizophyllum subsp. cubense.

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© 2013 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Renier Morejón Hernández and Carlos Sánchez "Novelties in the fern genus Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae) II. New records, new combinations and other new statuses for Cuba," Willdenowia 43(2), 325-330, (7 December 2013).
Published: 7 December 2013
Greater Antilles
West Indies
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