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7 December 2013 Transfer of Polianthes geminiflora into Agave (Asparagaceae): new combinations (Nomenclature of Agave II)
Rafaël Govaerts, Joachim Thiede
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To accommodate the inclusion of Polianthes into Agave, which is strongly supported by molecular phylogenetic studies, four new combinations for the transfer of Polianthes geminiflora and its infraspecific taxa are proposed. A lectotype is selected for Coetocapnia geminiflora, and a neotype for Robynsia geminiflora.

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© 2013 BGBM Berlin-Dahlem.
Rafaël Govaerts and Joachim Thiede "Transfer of Polianthes geminiflora into Agave (Asparagaceae): new combinations (Nomenclature of Agave II)," Willdenowia 43(2), 331-333, (7 December 2013).
Published: 7 December 2013
Flora of Mexico
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