Michiyo Iba, Takashi Nagao, Akihisa Urano
Zoological Science 13 (2), 213-217, (1 April 1996) https://doi.org/10.2108/zsj.13.213
Secretory activity of the corpora allata (CA) and corpora cardiaca (CC) in the pars-intercerebralis complex has been suggested to be controlled by biogenic amines, despite a lack of quantitative information. The situation is similar to the frontal ganglion (FG), a member of the same complex. Hence, the levels of biogenic amines and related substances in these organs were measured in cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, by high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. All organs examined contained considerable amounts of major biogenic amines, such as octopamine (OA), dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). They also included epinephrine. The amounts of OA and 5-HT werehigher than those of other biogenic amines whose presence was detected in the examined organs. The distributional patterns of biogenic amines were different among the CA, CC and FG, e.g., the highest content of OA in the CC. The presence of precursors and metabolites indicates that biogenic amines are synthesized and metabolized in neuronal elements in the examined organs. It is probable that they are functional and also involved in the neural control of hormone secretion in CA and CC, because their turnover rates estimated from the present analysis are comparable to those in the nervous system.