Tomonori Deguchi, Hiroshi Suwa, Masami Yoshimoto, Hisato Kondoh, Naoyuki Yamamoto
Zoological Science 22 (3), 321-332, (1 March 2005)
KEYWORDS: retinal projection, retinopetal neuron, extraocular motor neuron, brain, teleost fish, medaka, AON, accessory optic nucleus, APd, area pretectalis pars dorsalis, APv, area pretectalis pars ventralis, CC, corpus cerebelli, CR, crista cerebellaris, Dl, area dorsalis telencephali pars lateralis, DLT, nucleus dorsolateralis thalami, Dm, area dorsalis telencephali pars medialis, Dp, area dorsalis telencephali pars posterior, flm, fasciculus longitudinalis medialis, GR, corpus glomerulosum pars rotunda, H, hypophysis, HB, habenula, IQ, inferior oblique muscle, IR, inferior rectus muscle, LI, lobus inferior, LR, lateral rectus muscle, MR, medial rectus muscle, nIII, oculomotor nerve, NIII, oculomotor nucleus, nIV, trochlear nerve, NIV, trochlear nucleus, nVI, abducens nerve, NVI, abducens nucleus, NC, nucleus corticalis, NDLI, nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris, NE, nucleus entopeduncularis, NPC, nucleus of the posterior commissure, NRL, nucleus recessi lateralis, PC, posterior commissure, PRN, preoptic retinopetal nucleus, PS, nucleus pretectalis superficialis, RF, reticular formation, Rho, rhombencephalon, SAC, stratum album centrale, SC, suprachiasmatic nucleus, SFGS, stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale, SGC, stratum griseum centrale, SM, stratum marginale, SO, stratum opticum, SQ, superior oblique muscle, SPV, stratum periventriculare, SR, superior rectus muscle, TE, telencephalon, TL, torus longitudinalis, TNG, ganglion of the terminal nerve, TO, tectum opticum, tro, tractus opticus, trod, tractus opticus pars dorsomedialis, trov, tractus opticus pars ventrolateralis, TS, torus semi-circularis, VC, valvula cerebelli, Vv, area ventralis telencephali pars ventralis
Medaka (Oryzias latipes) is one of the few vertebrate experimental animals in which inbred lines have been established. It is also a species that has advanced in genetic studies in a manner comparable to zebrafish. This fish is therefore a good model for studying functional organization of the nervous system, but anatomical analysis of its nervous system has been limited to embryonic stages. In the present study, we investigated anatomy of cranial nerves in adult fish focusing on the visual function, using an inbred strain of medaka. Cranial nerves of medaka were labeled using biocytin, revealing a central distribution of retinofugal terminals, retinopetal neurons, and oculomotor, trochlear and abducens motor neurons. The optic nerve of the adult medaka was of a complete decussation type. Retinofugal terminals were located in 8 brain nuclei, the suprachiasmatic nucleus, nucleus pretectalis superficialis, nucleus dorsolateralis thalami, area pretectalis pars dorsalis (APd), area pretectalis pars ventralis (APv), nucleus of the posterior commissure (NPC), accessory optic nucleus, and the tectum opticum. Retinopetal neurons were identified in 6 brain nuclei, the ganglion of the terminal nerve, preoptic retinopetal nucleus, nucleus dorsolateralis thalami, APd, APv, and NPC. The oculomotor neurons were mostly labeled ipsilaterally and were located dorsomedially, abutting the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis in the mesencephalon. The trochlear nucleus was located contralaterally and dorsolaterally adjacent to the fasciculus longitudinalis medialis in the mesencephalon. The abducens nucleus was located ipsilaterally in a ventrolateral part of the rhombencephalic reticular formation. These results, generally similar to those in other teleosts, provide the basis for future behavioral and genetic studies in medaka.