Now in its seventh year, the BioOne Ambassador Awards recognize early-career researchers who demonstrate creative approaches to communicating their specialized scientific research to the general public. By making scientific research more accessible to a wide audience, these researchers encourage greater scientific literacy and aid in the broader understanding of our natural world.
Explore the published research nominated by BioOne Complete partner publishers for the 2024 BioOne Ambassador Awards.
All articles in our 2024 BioOne Ambassador Awards Nominee Research Collection are free to read through June 30, 2024, with thanks to our participating publishers.
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Nominee: Roel Becerra
Protection Efficacy of Recombinant HVT-ND-LT and the Live Attenuated Tissue Culture Origin Vaccines Against Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus When Administered Individually or in Combination
Nominee: Irene Bueno
Nominee: Yu-Yang Tsai
Nominee: Alejandro López-García
Nominee: Claire E. Nemes
Nominee: Whitney A. Watson
Nominee: William E. Brooks
Nominee: Lukas J. Musher
Nominee: Sadie C. Ranck
Nominee: Amanda Cicchino
Nominee: Racine E. Rangel
Nominee: Yi-Kai Tea
Nominee: M. Ashton Boon
Nominee: Ariana Lucía Padin
Nominee: José Esteban Jiménez
Nominee: Nivohenintsoa Rakotonirina
Nominee: Hasina N. Rakouth
Taxonomic Studies of Diospyros (Ebenaceae) from the Malagasy Region. IX. Clarification of Species Limits between D. clusiifolia and D. fuscovelutina, and Establishment of a New Combination Based on a Name Previously Placed in Synonymy, Tetraclis baroniiNominee: Max D. Zavell
An Estimate of Carbon Storage Capabilities from Wild and Cultured Shellfish in the Northwest Atlantic and Their Potential Inclusion in a Carbon EconomyNominee: Yiselle Cano-Cobos
Check-list of the Odonata from the Guainía Department in Colombia, including fourteen new national records
Nominee: Carina Nebel
Nominee: Michael T. Stewart
Nominee: Alyssa M. Leclaire
Nominee: Riley C. Morton
Nominee: Jennifer D. Wagner
Nominee: Si-Yuan Xu
Nominee: Keshi Zhang
Nominee: Yu-Xi Zhu
Nominee: Katyuscia Araujo-Vieira
Nominee: Rodrigo B. Fontana
Nominee: Michael S. Lukubwe
Nominee: Wade K. Stanton-Jones
Nominee: Jarryd P. Streicher
Nominee: Nerea Martínez Zunzarren
Survival, Dispersal and Initial Migratory Movements of Juvenile Great Spotted Cuckoos Clamator glandariusNominee: Thalles P. Lavinscky Pereira
Discovery of snakeworm gnats in Alaska: a new species of Sciara Meigen (Diptera: Sciaridae) based on morphological, molecular, and citizen science data
Nominee: Ayano Mizukami
Nominee: Satoshi Sasaki
Nominee: Hirochika Ueda
Nominee: Elis A. Fisk
Nominee: Sarah E. Wright
Agreement Study between Total Leukocyte Count Methodologies in South American Sea Lions ( Otaria byronia) and Peruvian Fur Seals ( Arctocephalus australis)
Nominee: Mahlatse F. Mashaphu
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