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Discover research from BioOne Complete and BioOne eBooks, featuring 200+ full-text journals and 360+ eBook titles from our publishing partners.

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Biology of Reproduction

Biology of Reproduction, published since 1969 by the Society for the Study of Reproduction, contains original scientific research on a broad range of topics in the field of reproductive biology, as well as minireviews on topics of current importance or controversy.


BIOS is the journal of the Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, and began publication in 1930. This journal is focused on topics of general interest to biologists, and emphasizes publication of undergraduate papers.


BioScience publishes topical overviews and articles covering current research and issues in biology, written by experts for a broad variety of audiences. The journal includes content dedicated to policy, education, and professional development. BioScience is available in BioOne Complete through the 2013 volume.

The Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation Logo


BIOTROPICA publishes original research and communications specific to the ecology, conservation, and management of all tropical ecosystems, and on the evolution, behavior, and population biology of tropical organisms. BIOTROPICA is available in BioOne Complete through the 2004 volume.

The New York Botanical Garden Logo

The Botanical Review

The Botanical Review publishes articles on a broad spectrum of botanical fields, such as systematics, phytogeography, cladistics, evolution, physiology, ecology, morphology, paleobotany, and anatomy. The Botanical Review is available in BioOne Complete through the 2007 volume.


Bradleya is the yearbook of the British Cactus and Succulent Society, and has been in publication since 1983. It presents a variety of specialized and technical articles regarding the biology of cacti and succulents.


Breviora contains short papers on systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, and other aspects of organismal and comparative biology, specifically based on specimens held in the Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology’s collections.

The New York Botanical Garden Logo


Brittonia, published since 1931, contains work in systematic botany, including anatomy, botanical history, chemotaxonomy, morphology, paleobotany, phylogenetic systematics, taxonomy, and phytogeography. Brittonia is available in BioOne Complete through the 2007 volume.

The Bryologist

The Bryologist began publication in 1898, and includes articles on all aspects of the biology of mosses, hornworts, liverworts and lichens; lists of current literature with world-wide coverage; and book reviews.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History Logo

Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History publishes monographs and collections of papers from symposia related to the Museum's collections, Powdermill Nature Reserve, or to Carnegie personnel. Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History been inactive since 2009.

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History has been published continuously since 1881. It contains new discoveries in the field of natural sciences relating to zoology, paleontology, and geology.

Biological Society of Washington Logo

Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington

Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington contained larger biological studies that bear on systematics in the biological sciences, symposia proceedings, and special collections of studies. Bulletin of the Biological Society of Washington ceased publication in 2009.

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club
Open Access

Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club has been in publication since the club’s founding in 1892. It contains research on all major aspects of ornithology, particularly on new species, or regions whose avifauna are incompletely known.

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology

Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology contains longer papers on systematics, evolutionary biology, ecology, and other aspects of organismal and comparative biology, specifically based on specimens held in the Museum's collections.

Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, which has been in publication since 1925, contains original research on a variety of topics in the natural sciences based on the collections of the Peabody Museum at Yale University.

The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature

The Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature is the official periodical of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature, and publishes applications to the Commission from zoologists requiring rulings on the nomenclature of animal names.

Bulletin, Southern California Academy of Sciences

Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences publishes original research from all fields of science relevant to Baja and southern California.

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