VOL. 27 · NO. 1 | March 2019
M. Goddard, M.P. Hill, S.D. Moore
African Entomology 27 (1), 1-9, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0001
KEYWORDS: fruit-feeding moths, Serrodes partita, Achaea lienardi, Erebidae, citrus, proboscides morphology
F. Sánchez-Piñero, J.R. Verdú, J.M. Lobo, J.L. Ruiz
African Entomology 27 (1), 10-17, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0010
KEYWORDS: plant–animal interaction, dung beetles, seed-feeding beetles, saprophagy, leaf-litter nesting
K. Djellout, J-F. Debras, F. Djellout, A. Kellouche
African Entomology 27 (1), 18-24, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0018
KEYWORDS: Euphyllura olivina, polymorphism, Olive groves, Algeria
N.N. Ndungu, A.A. Yusuf, S.K. Raina, D.K. Masiga, C.W.W. Pirk, K. Nkoba
African Entomology 27 (1), 25-35, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0025
KEYWORDS: nest entrance, comb structure, stingless bees, H. gribodoi, H. araujoi, H. ruspolii
S.B. Kandakoor, A.K. Chakravarthy, M.A. Rashmi, A. Verghese
African Entomology 27 (1), 36-42, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0036
KEYWORDS: climate change, melon fruit flies, temperature, carbon dioxide, comparative survival
S. van Noort, C.O. Azevedo
African Entomology 27 (1), 43-48, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0043
KEYWORDS: male-female association, Scleroderminae, sexual dimorphism, South Africa
C. Vásquez, J. Dlouhy, H. Castillo, B. Gómez, J. Lorbes
African Entomology 27 (1), 49-57, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0049
KEYWORDS: red palm mite, ecological studies, mite population, sampling methods
R. Kumar, A. Choudhary, S. Kumar, . Shivangi
African Entomology 27 (1), 58-65, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0058
KEYWORDS: Bt-cotton, F2 screening, resistance, Earias insulana
L. Lin, E-S. Shao, P. Shi, Z-P. Huang, X. Guan, I. Gelbic
African Entomology 27 (1), 66-74, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0066
KEYWORDS: Bacillus thuringiensis, Cry toxins, growth stunting, Helicoverpa armigera, loop replacement
G. Morland, H. Geertsema, P. Addison
African Entomology 27 (1), 75-85, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0075
KEYWORDS: Ectomyelois ceratoniae, pest status, pheromone traps, damage assessments, management
H.C. Mahot, G. Membang, R. Hanna, B.A.D. Begoude, L. Bagny Beilhe, B.C.F. Bilong
African Entomology 27 (1), 86-96, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0086
KEYWORDS: pathogenicity, entomopathogens, biocontrol, Fungi
G.F.H.v.G. Bekker, N. Baard, M.F. Addison, A. van Niekerk, P. Addison
African Entomology 27 (1), 97-113, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0097
KEYWORDS: spatial analysis, GIS, area-wide integrated pest management, Ceratitis capitata, fruit flies
H.M. Heikal, S.M. Abo-Taka
African Entomology 27 (1), 114-120, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0114
KEYWORDS: soybean varieties, susceptibility, Tetranychus urticae, Agistemus exsertus, biological aspects
K. Ghoneim, L.A. Al-Keridis
African Entomology 27 (1), 121-134, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0121
KEYWORDS: deformation, emergence, larviposition, longevity, morphogenesis, mortality, natality
F. Roets, J.D. Allison, R.J. Basson
African Entomology 27 (1), 135-145, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0135
KEYWORDS: biotic homogenisation, climate change, invasion biology, urban ecology
A. Afify, N.A. Ghezawy, M.M. Ali, T.A. El-Tayeb
African Entomology 27 (1), 146-158, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0146
KEYWORDS: Comet assay, Culex pipiens, DNA damage, innate immune response, chlorophylline, ultrastructure
G. Bizumungu, J.D. Majer
African Entomology 27 (1), 159-166, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0159
KEYWORDS: biological control agent, sun coffee, pests, pesticides, invasive species, habitat simplification
B.J. Kay, V.R. Swart, E. van der Watt
African Entomology 27 (1), 167-177, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0167
KEYWORDS: blowflies, botanical, cutaneous myiasis, Lucilia spp., phytochemical, secondary metabolic products, thin layer chromatography
M. Nasser, A. Alahmed, M. Ansari, E. Adly, M. Shobrak
African Entomology 27 (1), 178-184, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0178
KEYWORDS: Colpocephalum turbinatum Denny, 1842, Pandion haliaetus (L.), Saudi Arabia, birds of prey
E. Conti, C. Mulder, F. Lombardo, A. Marletta, G. Costa
African Entomology 27 (1), 185-200, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0185
KEYWORDS: Baltic amber, climate reconstruction, Eocene, heelwalkers, larval development, living Mantophasma, morphological traits, reproductive traits, vibrational communication, Namibia
J.L. Bissett, I.A.W. Macdonald, J.D. Mitchell
African Entomology 27 (1), 201-217, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0201
KEYWORDS: termite population fluctuations, termite activity, foraging area, grass sward
D.P. Iyaloo, S. Facknath, A. Bheecarry
African Entomology 27 (1), 218-227, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0218
KEYWORDS: Ae. albopictus, Mauritius, ovitrap positivity, ovitrap productivity, sterile insect technique
M.K. Tewfick, M.H. Abd El-Aziz, B.A. Soliman
African Entomology 27 (1), 228-237, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0228
KEYWORDS: Culex pipiens, autogeny, population structure, molecular analysis, ISSR
M.S. El-Hawagry, S.A. El-Azab, F. Gilbert
African Entomology 27 (1), 238-244, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0238
KEYWORDS: big-headed flies, Syrphoidea, distribution, Egyptian localities, dates of collection
G.T. Bara, M.D. Laing
African Entomology 27 (1), 245-253, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0245
KEYWORDS: thrips spectrum, exclusion, South Africa, avocado, fruit scarring
Short communications
T.G. Grout, P.R. Stephen
African Entomology 27 (1), 254-257, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0254
No abstract available
Gerhard L. Prinsloo, Vivienne M. Uys, Michael Lewis
African Entomology 27 (1), 261-262, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0261
No abstract available
Book review
C.W.W. Pirk
African Entomology 27 (1), 263-264, (25 April 2019) https://doi.org/10.4001/003.027.0263
No abstract available
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