Candollea 66 (1), 105-132, (1 January 2011)
KEYWORDS: Lythraceae, Euphorbiaceae, ORCHIDACEAE, Rubiaceae, SARCOLAENACEAE, SAPINDACEAE, VITACEAE, Xerochlamys, Croton, Capuronia, Euphorbia, Psychotria, Tina, Neotina, Tinopsis, Nervilia, Cissus, Madagascar, nomenclature, taxonomy, IUCN Red List, Forsyth-Major
Callmander, M. W., P. B. Phillipson & L. Gautier (ed.) (2011). Notes on the flora of Madagascar, 6–13. Candollea 66: 105–132. In English, English and French abstracts.
Ongoing research on Madagascar's flora is revealing numerous taxonomic novelties and nomenclatural inconsistencies, and providing new data on species distribution. This is the second set of notes in a series that aims to provide the botanical community working on the flora of Madagascar an opportunity to publish short communications on these topics, and comprises eight notes. — Note 6. On the correct authorship of three combinations in Xerochlamys Baker (Sarcolaenaceae), by Cynthia Hong-Wa & George E. Schatz. The correct authorship of three combinations in Xerochlamys Baker (Sarcolaenaceae) is clarified. Formerly ascribed to J. G. Baker, the combinations should be attributed to F. Gérard as Xerochlamys bojeriana (Baill.) F. Gérard, Xerochlamys diospyroidea (Baill.) F. Gérard, and Xerochlamys grandidieri (Baill.) F. Gérard, the latter considered to be a synonym of Xerochlamys bojeriana (Baill.) F. Gérard. — Note 7. Recognition of Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) as native to Madagascar, by Paul E. Berry & Benjamin van Ee. In this note the authors demonstrate that Croton multicostatus Müll. Arg., believed to be a Caribbean species, is based on a specimen from Madagascar, and establish that this name has priority over two other names that are placed in synonymy. — Note 8. Resolving the tangled identity of Croton chrysodaphne Baill. (Euphorbiaceae) in Madagascar, by Paul E. Berry, Benjamin van Ee & Elizabeth A. Haber. The authors examine the protologue and syntypes of Croton chrysodaphne Baill. in order to obtain a clear understanding of its original circumscription. They provide an emended description of the species and designate an epitype. — Note 9. An earlier name for Capuronia madagascariensis Lourteig (Lythraceae), by Paul E. Berry & Peter B. Phillipson. After careful examination of the type of Euphorbia benoistii Leandri, it proved to have lythraceous flowers, and it was eventually matched to Capuronia madagascariensis Lourteig, the only known species of the monospecific genus Capuronia Lourteig (Lythraceae). Since Euphorbia benoistii is the earlier name, the corresponding combination is made under Capuronia. An update of its distribution is also provided. — Note 10. Lectotypification of Psychotria ambohimitombensis Bremek. (Rubiaceae), by Laurent Gautier & Charlotte M. Taylor. Psychotria ambohimitombensis Bremek. was described on Forsyth Major 346, a collection that includes four different gatherings. The authors clarify the origins and identity of these gatherings, and designate a lectotype for P. ambohimitombensis. — Note 11. Nomenclatural changes in the Malagasy endemic genus Tina Schult. (Sapindaceae), by Martin W. Callmander, Sven Buerki & Peter B. Phillipson. According to a recently published molecular phylogenetic study, the three Malagasy endemic genera Neotina Capuron, Tina and Tinopsis Radlk. cannot be adequately separated on molecular or morphological grounds, and an expanded circumscription of Tina has been proposed. The aim of this note is to formally publish the nomenclature changes required with this new circumscription. In addition the authors propose some minor changes to the current classification. — Note 12. Nervilia gassneri Börge Pett. from Africa is conspecific with the Malagasy N. lilacea Jum. & H. Perrier, by Louis Nusbaumer, Phillip Cribb & Laurent Gautier. A recent collection of Nervilia from Ampasindava in North-East Madagascar led the authors to conclude that Nervilia gassneri Börge Pett. from Africa is conspecific with the Malagasy N. lilacea Jum. & H. Perrier, illustrating a further example of an orchid species shared between Africa and Madagascar. — Note 13. Cissus decaryi Wahlert & Phillipson (Vitaceae): a new name for Madagascar, by Gregory A. Wahlert & Peter B. Phillipson. Given morphological and ecological differentiation, the authors show that Cissus glossopetala f. oblongifolia Desc. deserves recognition at the rank of species. They propose the new name Cissus decaryi Wahlert & Phillipson for this plant since the combination Cissus oblongifolia Merr. already exists for a different plant.