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Traditional breeding has been widely used in forestry. However, this technique is inefficient because trees have a long and complex life cycle that is not amenable to strict control by man. Fortunately, the development of genetic engineering is offering new ways of breeding and allowing the incorporation of new traits in plant species through the introduction of foreign genes (transgenes). The introduction of selected traits can be used to increase the productivity and commercial value of trees and other plants. For example, some species have been endowed with resistance to herbicide and pathogens such as insects and fungi. Also, it has been possible to introduce genes that modify development and wood quality, and induce sexual sterility. The development of transgenic trees has required the implementation of in vitro regeneration techniques such as organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis. Release of transgenic species into the agricultural market requires a standardized biosafety regulatory frame and effective communication between the scientific community and society to dissipate the suspicions associated with transgenic products.
Transfer of genes from heterologous species provides the means of selectively introducing new traits into crop plants and expanding the gene pool beyond what has been available to traditional breeding systems. With the recent advances in genetic engineering of plants, it is now feasible to introduce into crop plants, genes that have previously been inaccessible to the conventional plant breeder, or which did not exist in the crop of interest. This holds a tremendous potential for the genetic enhancement of important food crops. However, the availability of efficient transformation methods to introduce foreign DNA can be a substantial barrier to the application of recombinant DNA methods in some crop plants. Despite significant advances over the past decades, development of efficient transformation methods can take many years of painstaking research. The major components for the development of transgenic plants include the development of reliable tissue culture regeneration systems, preparation of gene constructs and efficient transformation techniques for the introduction of genes into the crop plants, recovery and multiplication of transgenic plants, molecular and genetic characterization of transgenic plants for stable and efficient gene expression, transfer of genes to elite cultivars by conventional breeding methods if required, and the evaluation of transgenic plants for their effectiveness in alleviating the biotic and abiotic stresses without being an environmental biohazard. Amongst these, protocols for the introduction of genes, including the efficient regeneration of shoots in tissue cultures, and transformation methods can be major bottlenecks to the application of genetic transformation technology. Some of the key constraints in transformation procedures and possible solutions for safe development and deployment of transgenic plants for crop improvement are discussed.
The notion that the introduction of alien RNA into an organism can cause the silencing of endogenous genes and transgenes came to light in plants during the last decades of the 20th century. It was based on revealing virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and on the protection against pathogenic viruses by pre-infection with less pathogenic plant viruses or components of such viruses as well as on co-suppression phenomena. The breakthrough in RNA silencing research was the discovery of Mello, Fire and associates that double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) can silence specifically homologous genes in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. The discovery in C. elegans, published in 1998, immediately initiated studies in protozoa, metazoa, fungi, and plants, and similar RNA silencing mechanisms, albeit with some notable differences, were subsequently revealed in almost all eukaryotic organisms in which they were looked for. Investigators dealing with the different organisms were well aware of each others' results and a very active field of study emerged within a few years. Investigators of plant RNA silencing benefited from the findings in other organisms, especially in C. elegans, Drosophila, and mammals, where the protein complexes involved in RNA silencing, such as the Dicer complex and the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC), were studied intensively. The study of RNA silencing in plants followed two avenues. In one avenue the process of initiation of endogenous dsRNA was followed, also the fate and the impact of dsRNA that was introduced into plant cells was investigated. It was found how this dsRNA is cut into ∼21 nt fragments and the derived ssRNA of ∼21 nt may guide the RISC to cleave specific mRNA sequences. In the other avenue the formation of ‘hairpin,’ or ‘stem loop’ RNA sequences, from transcripts of genomic sequences, was investigated. The ‘maturation’ of these RNA structures into mature microRNA was studied and the possible roles of endogenously formed and introduced microRNAs in the regulation of expression of plant genes were gradually revealed. This review will update the findings in these two avenues.
Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merrill is a threatened medicinal climber distributed in the forests of northern and peninsular India. An efficient and reproducible protocol for high-frequency callus regeneration from immature leaf explants of T. indica was developed. Organogenic callus formation from immature leaf pieces was obtained by using Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 7 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 1.5 μM 6-benzyladenine. On this medium 92% explants produced callus. The optimal hormone combination for plantlet regeneration was 8 μM thidiazuron, at which shoot regeneration was obtained from 100% of the cultures, with an average of 66.7 shoots per culture. Histological studies of the regenerative callus revealed that shoot buds were originated from the outermost regions. For root formation, half-strength MS medium supplemented with 3 μM indole-3-butyric acid was used. Plants were transferred to soil, where 92% survived after 3 mo. of acclimatization.
The highest percentage of shoot regeneration of Costus speciosus was achieved using thin rhizome sections and triacontanol (TRIA). Factors affecting the rate of shoot multiplication and rooting with TRIA have been investigated. Initiation of shoot buds was observed when rhizome thin sections were cultured on B5 basal medium supplemented with 5 μg l−1 TRIA. Shoots with two to three leaves produced roots when cultured on B5 basal medium supplemented with 2 μg l−1 TRIA. The well-rooted shoots were hardened and transferred to soil where they showed normal growth and a 100% survival rate was achieved. Results of this study showed that TRIA can be used as an effective growth regulator in the micropropagation and conservation of C. speciosus.
An efficient protocol for plant regeneration from stem segments of Murraya koenigii was developed by culturing on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2.5 mg l−1 benzyladenine (BA), 25 mg l−1 adenine sulfate, 0.25 mg l−1 indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), and 3% sucrose. The frequency of shoot bud regeneration was higher on similar medium in subsequent subcultures. The regenerated shoots were rooted on half-strength basal MS medium supplemented with 0.25–0.5 mg l−1 IAA or 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) within 8–12 d of culture. The maximum percentage of rooting was obtained on MS medium supplemented with IAA and NAA, each at 0.25 mg l−1. During acclimatization, 95% of rooted plantlets survived and were grown normally under greenhouse conditions.
In vitro clonal propagation of 18–20-yr-old Holarrhena antidysenterica trees has been achieved by employing nodal explants. The tree explants showed marked seasonal variation in their morphogenic response under in vitro conditions. Maximum response was obtained from the beginning of May to the end of July, followed by a gradual decline, finally dropping to zero from October to February. The explants induced multiple shoots only on cytokinin-containing medium. Several cytokinins \[N6-benzyladenine (BA), N6-(2-isopentenyl) adenine (2ip), 6-furfuryl aminopurine (Kn), and adenine sulfate (Ads)\] were assayed. The best response was achieved with 15 μM BA in which 62.5% of cultures produced 2.75 ± 0.2 shoots per explant with 3.56 ± 0.2 cm average length. Amongst the three heavy metals assayed, silver nitrate (AgNO3) significantly improved the response. This compound enhanced both the percentage of responding cultures (86.6%) and the average shoot number (4.73 ± 0.2) at a concentration of 20 mg l−1. Further improvement in the morphogenic response occurred when explants from in vitro shoots were employed instead of mature trees. In this case, the percentage of morphogenic cultures was increased to 100% at the third subculture with an average of 11.45 ± 0.3 shoots per explant. Regenerated shoots were rooted in half-strength Murashige and Skoog medium with 10 μM indole-3-acetic acid. The plantlets were successfully acclimatized in soil.
Carbohydrate type and concentration and their interactive effects on in vitro shoot proliferation of three lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea ssp. vitis-idaea L.) cultivars (‘Regal’, ‘Splendor’, and ‘Erntedank’) and two V. vitis-idaea ssp. minus (Lodd) clones (‘NL1’ and ‘NL2’) were studied. Nodal explants were grown in vitro on medium with 2 μM zeatin and either glucose, sorbitol, or sucrose at a concentration of 0, 10, 20, or 30 g l−1. The interactive effects of carbohydrate type and concentration and genotype were important for shoot proliferation. The best response was afforded by sucrose at 20 g l−1 both in terms of explant response and shoot developing potential, although glucose supported shoot growth equally well, and in ‘NL1’ at 10 g l−1 it resulted in better in vitro growth than sucrose. Carbohydrate concentration had little effect on shoot vigor. The genotypes differed in terms of shoots per explant, length, and vigor, leaves per shoot, and callus formation at the base of explants; this was manifested with various types and concentrations of carbohydrate. Changing the positioning of explants on the medium from vertically upright to horizontal increased the shoot and callus size, but decreased shoot height and leaves per shoot. Proliferated shoots were rooted on a peat:perlite (1:1, v/v) medium and the plantlets were acclimatized and eventually established in the greenhouse.
A protocol for micropropagation of Virginia-type peanut plants, an ancient crop of the New World, is reported. This study was conducted to explore the effect of silver nitrate (AgNO3), alone or in combination with growth regulators, on multiple shoot formation from shoot tip culture. Incorporation of AgNO3 into the medium, without growth regulators, induced regeneration of the explants (which did not develop at all in the AgNO3-free medium), and stimulated the emergence of axillary shoots. When AgNO3 was added in combination with cytokinins and α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), maximum average shoot number per regenerating explant was recorded (6.3) in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium containing 33 μM 6-benzyladenine, 5.3 μM NAA, and 23.54 μM AgNO3. Moreover, AgNO3 showed a positive and marked effect on both shoot elongation and the reduction of callus proliferation from the basal ends of shoot tips. Following a period of elongation, the shoots were rooted in hormone-free MS medium, showing no residual effects due to the long-term culture in AgNO3-containing media. Acclimatization was easily obtained after plantlets were transferred to pots under greenhouse conditions, with 90% survival.
Turfgrass, like other major crop species, is recalcitrant to manipulation in vitro. To perform efficient genetic transformation of turfgrass, it is necessary to optimize tissue culture conditions. In most reports, plant tissue culture techniques have been applied to propagate a single cultivar or several cultivars in one species of turfgrass. In this experiment, four turfgrass genera were used, namely common bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon \[L.\] Pers. (California origin); red fescue, Festuca rubra L. var. rubra ‘Shadow’; perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne L. ‘Barbal’; and Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L. ‘Merion.’ Mature seeds were surface-sterilized and cultured on basal Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with 30–250 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) for callus induction. Regeneration media consisted of MS supplemented with 5–10 μM 6-benzyladenine (BA). Among the genera, Poa had the highest callus induction percentage (CIP) regardless of 2,4-D concentration, followed by Cynodon, Lolium, and Festuca, respectively. Cynodon and Lolium had the highest callus regeneration percentage (CRP) and overall regeneration rate (ORR). Festuca had a poor CIP, CRP, and ORR compared to other studied genera. Cynodon produced the highest shoot number per explant. Based on the results of the present study, MS medium supplemented with 60 μM 2,4-D (for callus induction) and 7.5 μM BA (for regeneration) can be used in multi-generic transformation studies with the genera used.
The effects of growth regulators on culture response of different pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Vis.) genotypes were investigated. In the genotype Sb/66/107, the presence of 2,4-dichorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) at 2 mg l−1 promoted growth of callus, whereas benzyladenine and 1-naphthaleneacetic acid had no effect. Callus growth was also affected by the 2,4-D concentration and genotypes. The optimal callus growth for the nine pyrethrum genotypes varied widely in response to 2,4-D, ranging from 0.5 mg l−1 for genotype Marwanga to 3.0 mg l−1 for Ks/75/336. Among the genotypes, shoots were regenerated from calluses of Sb/66/107, 4331, Marwanga, and MA/70/1013.
In wild-type Scopolia parviflora (Solanaceae) tissues, only the roots express the enzyme putrescine N-methyltransferase (PMT; EC, which is the first specific precursor of the tropane alkaloids. Moreover, the tropane alkaloid levels were the highest in the root (0.9 mg g−1 on a dry weight basis), followed by the stem and then the leaves. We metabolically engineered S. parviflora by introducing the tobacco pmt gene into its genome by a binary vector system that employs disarmed Agrobacterium rhizogenes. The kanamycin-resistant hairy root lines were shown to bear the pmt gene and to overexpress its mRNA and protein product by at least two-fold, as determined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and Northern and Western blottings, respectively. The transgenic lines also showed higher PMT activity and were morphologically aberrant in terms of slower growth and the production of lateral roots. The overexpression of pmt markedly elevated the scopolamine and hyoscyamine levels in the transgenic lines that showed the highest pmt mRNA and PMT protein levels. Thus, overexpression of the upstream regulator of the tropane alkaloid pathway enhanced the biosynthesis of the final product. These observations may be useful in establishing root culture systems that generate large yields of tropane alkaloids.
To overcome various disadvantages of conventional culture vessels for plant micropropagation, we previously developed the photoautotrophic micropropagation technique, with special mention for the first practical film culture system, the ‘Miracle Pack’ (MP), which was made of fluorocarbon polymer film (Neoflon® PFA film) and supported by a polycarbonate frame. While the PFA film has superior thermal stability, high light transmittance, and high gas permeability, making the MP system (MP-PFA) superior to conventional culture vessels for the micropropagation of various plant species, its high cost is a disadvantage. In this study, a possible alternative of lower-cost OTP® film made of TPX (4-methyl-1-pentane polymer) and CPP (a polypropylene), which possesses similar characteristics to PFA film, is evaluated to develop a novel disposable film culture vessel, termed ‘Vitron,’ for culturing Eucalyptus (urophylla × grandis) plantlets. The three film culture systems, MP-PFA, MP-OTP (MP with OTP film), and Vitron, were placed under CO2 enrichment, low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD; 45 μmol m−2 s−1), and sugar-free medium, using phenol resin foam (Oasis®) as a substrate. In vitro and ex vitro growth and development of Eucalyptus shoots from the four-leaf stage to the rooting stage were compared for all three culture systems. The effects of the duration and concentration of CO2 enrichment on in vitro growth of Eucalyptus cultured in the Vitron film system were also examined. The best growth and quality of Eucalyptus plantlets was obtained for the Vitron vessel placed in 3000 ppm CO2 enrichment for 24 hours per day at low PPFD with sugar-free liquid medium and Oasis as substrate. Results of this study suggest that the novel Vitron culture system is suitable for the photoautotrophic micropropagation of Eucalyptus.
This study investigated the role of antioxidants and amino acids on somatic embryogenesis using the vegetative shoot apices of three genotypes of mature Pinus patula trees. Apart from dithiothreitol at 0.1%, pretreatment of explants or incorporation of antioxidants in the basal nutrient medium had a negative effect on the initiation of embryogenic cultures, somatic embryo production, and plantlet recovery. Inclusion of an amino acid solution mixture, at a concentration of 10.0 mM, in the maturation medium tended to increase somatic embryo production.
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